Please Read-- Problems with my book

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So I've noticed that I have been getting some things, small details, wrong in my story that make a big difference. I have certain things and events planned out in the future of the book that will resolve why I put some of these details the way they are, for example: the Wights and hollowgast were not created until 1904. How could they attack Aspen all the way back in the 1600's? I did this on purpose for the sake of the plot line, you will see what I mean farther on in the book.

There are some things that I cannot fix in the plot, such as the kids' grammar. In the book, they used the improper, informal grammar like Hallo, Hi, and some old slang from when they were born. I forgot all about it, as I hadn't read the books in a while and the movie isn't exactly accurate. I plan on finishing the fic, and then going back and editing it the way it should be. I'm almost finished with the first book, so once I start writing about Hollow City I will be able to get some of the grammar right bc of still have my copy of the book.
Btw with the way I'm planning the sequel, I will just keep writing it in this same book, just as a Part Two[Hollow City]

Also, I've noticed that Enoch is a little OOC, he's not as harsh as he was in the books. I did this on purpose, he wouldn't do that around Aspen and this is a fan fiction, I can do whatever I want.

If any of you find any plot holes, mistakes or something like that, please notify me. I would appreciate if you didn't do it in the comments though, message me personally please! I would love it if you guys helped me with pointing these out!!

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