(AU) Hide and Seek

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Hi Guys! So this chapter is something that I kind of wanted to include in my story, but I didn't know where to fit it in with the story line. So It's an Alternate Universe (AU) chapter. It's going to be before all of this stuff happened, back when Abe and Victor were still around.

Also, thank you so much for 5k views, it means a lot!

Aspen's POV

I ran through the garden, trying to find a good hiding spot. Me and and the boys were playing hide and seek before tonight, when we were supposed to go trick or treating in the village. Even though there's a war going on, Carinholm still loves to have a good time on Halloween. (A/N I know that it's not Halloween in the loop, let's just say it is, it's an AU anyway)

I quickly climbed a tree, hiding in the branches way up at the top. "READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" I could hear Enoch yell from behind the house.

A few minutes later, I heard a crunch. I looked down to see Enoch walking below me, his hair blowing in the crisp, fall air. I quietly cursed as I realized that my bare feet were easily noticeable, peeking out between the brightly coloured leaves.

I shifted my position on the branch, slowly moving farther away from the tree trunk. Enoch had stopped wandering, and he's was now standing beneath my tree. I was only about six or seven feet above him, so I did my best not to move.

For a second, it looked like he was about to walk away, so I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.


Bad mistake. The tree branch that I was sitting on broke under my weight, and I tumbled through the air. I braced myself, waiting to hit the ground, but it never came. Instead, I opened my eyes to see Enoch, smiling softly and shaking his head.

"I guess you enjoy our little tradition, don't you?" He chuckled, and he put me down. We sat down on the multicolored leaves littering the ground. He was right, this was becoming a tradition. It seemed that every time I fell down, or tripped, or stumbled, he was always there to catch me.

One time, Hugh and I were racing down the steps to see who would get to dinner first. Hugh, being a playful little boy, pushed me as we were heading down from the second story. I had tumbled over the railing, waiting to feel the cool wooden floor on my face. Instead, I had fallen onto my best friend, using him as a pillow.

This tradition was also how we had met, back in our old loop. I had been sulking, as I had just been brought from Miss Albatross's loop, and had just watched my best friend Jessica's grueling death. I was walking around the garden, when I tripped over a root that I hadn't seen. Enoch just seemed to pop on just in time to grab my wrist to keep me from falling in the mud.

Now, sitting beneath this tree, I smiled to myself. I though of all of the good times I have had in my life, most of them involving my close friends Jessica, Enoch, and Victor. My head was resting on the dead-riser's chest, and I could hear the soft thump thump of his heartbeat.

We had sat there for a few minutes, until we heard Victor calling us.

"Enoch! Aspen! Dinner's ready!"

I moved to get up, but Enoch pulled me back down. "Stay here, it's quite comfortable. I haven't had this much quiet in years." I obliged, and I moved so that I was lying on the soft, orange leaves. The wind was swaying the trees, causing little red and yellow leaves to flutter down lightly around me.

Everything was peaceful, and I could myself dosing off. I shivered, the wind was picking up and I forgot a jacket. Just as I fell asleep, I felt an arm go around my waist, bringing me closer to Enoch's surprisingly warm body.

Then I fell asleep to the soft rustling of the trees, only to be plagued by visions of the future.

Yea, so that's what I wanted to do. Did you like it?

I'm thinking of doing a part two, or more AU chapters later on in the book. If you want another or have a certain request, please tell me so I can work on it right away!

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