Chapter Six- Doomed from the Start.

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Later that day, we were sitting in the living area. Hugh and Fiona were sitting next to me and Enoch, holding hands and talking quietly. Bronwyn was trying to teach Claire and Olive how to play cards, but they weren't listening to her, they were throwing cards at each other and acting like it was dodgeball. Other than the incident this morning, today was a good day.

Enoch and I were just sitting on the couch, waiting for dinner to be ready. He was playing with one of his clay dolls, breaking off and reshaping the limbs every once an a while. I sat there watching him, watching the poor mouse's soul that went with the heart he was using. I had told Bronwyn about her brother, and she broke down into tears and thanked me. I was glad that Victor had forgiven me; it was a little less guilt that I had to live with.

As I watched the mouse bounce around, I began to feel nauseous. I wiped my forehead, only to find that I was sweating profoundly. I grabbed Enoch's hand as I began to sway, and he immediately threw down his doll and grabbed my shoulders. His brown eyes looked panicked, but he knew what was happening. I began seeing black spots dancing around my vision, and Enoch turned around to tell Bronwyn to get out.

I was sweating even more now, I couldn't stand it anymore. So as soon as Enoch turned back towards me, I let myself go.

Enoch's POV

As soon as I turned back to Aspen, I saw her eyes go black. Her hand loosened in mine, but I still held it. She was sweating a lot, so I yelled for Emma. About thirty seconds later, she came into the room, looking annoyed. As soon as she saw Aspen's eyes, she looked at me and headed into the kitchen, no doubt getting a wet towel.

Aspen was just sitting there, probably observing something in her vision. She looked a little confused, but at least she wasn't getting beat up. Emma came back with the towel, then she went back to the door and mouthed to me, "I'll leave you two alone." And left.

I took the cloth and dabbed it on her forehead. She gasped, and her hands flew to her mouth, covering it in shock. My heart clenched. A tear dripped down her cheek, and I wiped it away with my thumb.

She shouldn't have to go through this, she was too sweet. I would do almost anything to be in her place right now, so that she wouldn't have to suffer. She was the only person who could really get to me, and was the pretty much the only person I actually cared for here. I felt so helpless watching her, it was almost painful.

She shook her head, another tear rolling down her face. "Never" She whispered, and the her grip on my hand tightened as she came back into reality.

Aspen's POV (during the vision)

I was jerked from the sitting room to a dark, gloomy place. I could hear the ocean in the distance, and thunder and lightning clattered overhead. There was a figure in front of me, and it came closer.

I soon saw that it was a boy, he looked around my age. He had hazel eyes and black hair, and he just stood there, staring at me. I looked around and realized that I was on the deck of the lighthouse near the orphanage. I looked back at the boy, who gave me a depressed smile and disappeared.

I was really confused, what does this mean? I felt a hand around my neck, but I didn't react because was jolted into a different vision. I was watching myself run through the forest, chasing Jacob. I cornered him in the cave, and talked to him. He shook his head and left me alone in the dark.

Then I was standing in the foyer, watching Miss Peregrine open the door. A familiar man with white pupils was looking at her, and he had Jacob in a headlock, a gun to his head.

The last vision was the worst. I was standing in the yard, looking at my friends. They were lying in a circle around me. I went up to Horace, only to find a horrifying look on his face. He was missing his eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek, he was such a sweet boy.

I ran over to Enoch, who was lying next to Emma. I keeled next to him. I felt so bad, this was all my fault. I was about to cry out when a voice startled me.

"Stupid boy."

I turned around to see the man from the vision before this standing in front of me. His pupils were white, and I could see his hollowgast companion stalking behind him. He kicked Jacob's body lightly, and I flinched. "This is all his fault, you know. Without him, I wouldn't be here." He said. "But you could prevent this." He mentioned, gesturing to my friend's and Enoch's bodies around us.

"You could just come with me, dear girl, and none of your friends would get hurt." I shook my head. Wights loved to lie, to play with your feelings like a rag doll. And I was having none of it.

He nodded. "Understandable." He sighed. " I guess I'll have to take you by force, then."

"Never" I whispered, and then I was conscious again.

Enoch's POV

She sat there and stared at me, then broke out into a grateful smile and lunged at me. "Oh my god, Enoch. Your alive, Enoch." She was sobbing now, and I rubbed her back trying to calm her down. She pulled out of my embrace and stared at me, her eyes red. She looked genuinely scared, and I just wanted to hug her, to comfort her, to tell her that everything was going to be alright.

She hugged me again, this time with so much force that we fell off the sofa, now on the ground. I sat up, her still in my embrace. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight to me. I was afraid that if I let go, she would break down and cry.

"We were doomed from the start, Enoch. If only Jacob hadn't come, we'd still be alright. But we're not." She whispered. I kissed her forehead, rocking her back and forward slightly.

We were alright now, and that's all that mattered to me.

A/N that was so fun to write....

Thank you guys for reading, you all are so amazing. I want to know if there's anything that you are looking to happen in this book, I need some small plot events to come into play where I don't have anything planned. (No smut, sorry)

Also, special thanks to Happy2Isabel for being an awesome human being and being super nice and voting/commenting on both of my stories. Go follow her for more of her awesomeness!

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