New Collab Account/ sequel information

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Hey everybody, thank you so much for reading Souls! I'm afraid that this story is coming to an end, only about two chapters are left in this book before I start the sequel, which will be called The Void. I am planning to get the next two chapters out within the next three weeks, but the next two things I'm going to talk about may cause that to be delayed.

1: NEW ACCOUNT!! Me and my best friend fruitygalaxies have started a collab account called colorcodedgalaxies
Follow this account to get updates on our books, rants and contests, and the occasional short stories that we might come up with. It would be a big help!!

2. I am thinking about doing one shots.
I have a few already written out, and I plan on publishing books that will each be a one shot  from Harry Potter, MPHFPC, Star Wars, etc and I've spent a lot of time already writing the few that I have.

I have promised myself that I will not publish any of them before I finish this story, so that should be motivation for me to write a new chapter.

Again, thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting on Souls! If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism I would be glad to take it!!

Souls// Enoch O'Connor {1}•••Where stories live. Discover now