Chapter Sixteen-- Safe and Sound

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(Bold words added on January 7, 2017)

Suddenly, something clicked, like a button switching on inside my brain. I looked up at the surface of the waves, where I could make out the silhouette of our birdcage floating above me.

I tried to move my arms, and with great struggle pushed the crate off of me. I swam up to towards Miss Peregrine. Once my head broke the surface, I was gasping for breath. It felt like I hadn't breathed in millennia.

Grabbing onto a loose plank, I floated on the waves, praying for God to restore my right to see straight. I heard a screech, and I looked around for Miss Peregrine. Her cage had been washed farther out to sea, farther out of my vision. I had to make sure they didn't get her, or we would all end up dead.

I switched my peculiarity on. I could faintly see a blue Miss Peregrine floating in the waves about twenty meters from me. The sound of water rushing made me turn my head, and other could see a huge wave coming from the side of the toppling boat.

Now or never.

I took a deep breath and dove once again beneath the waves, keeping my sight on the falcon in the floating cage. The wave was closing in on me, so I swam as fast as I could.

The cage was in arms length of me now, and I grasped the metal handle as I was swept beneath the sea.


All I could see was darkness. A bright light clouded my vision, and I could see a scene laid out before me.

An older me, around twenty five, was sitting on a crisp lawn, which I did not recognise. A man was sitting next to older me, and I almost died of happiness when I realized that this was Enoch and I.

Older Enoch laughed as little girl with bright green hair hobbled towards us. Enoch caught the girl in his arms and hugged her tight. The little girl waved at older me. "Hi Mommy!"

My vision faded back to darkness.


The next thing I knew, I was being dragged onto land. I was lying on my back, and when I opened my eyes, all I could see was grey skies. I can't breathe.

I turned onto my stomach, coughing up saltwater. Bronwyn was lying next to me, soaking wet and breathing heavily.

A hand patted my back, and I turned to see Enoch. I blushed a little, thinking of my vision. He pulled me into a hug, causing me to release the tight grip that I had on the cage.

I was still breathing heavily, he just rocked me back and forward, not bothering to notice that I was soaking wet. Horace came over and handed Enoch a towel.

"Thank you." He told Horace sincerely, and Horace tipped his hat and nodded. "My pleasure."

Enoch wrapped me in the towel. I was still shaking, so Enoch squeezed me tighter and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry. We're safe and sound."

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