Chapter Twelve-- Panic! At The Lighthouse

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I'm in our school band and we took a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio to play a concert, which is about 8 hours from where we are now. We stayed the night, so I didn't get to update that night. Thank you for your patience!!

Also, what are you guys being for Halloween? I'm being a Death Eater from Harry Potter <3

I winced as the wight shot. I looked away, but only to immediately turn back once I heard the scream. I ran as far to the railing as the rope would let me. I could see Millard, wading through the water, with a hole through his left shoulder.

He suddenly fell down, landing I'm the shallow water. He started coughing, giving the others a pointer on where he was other than the amounts of blood seeping into the water.

"BRONWYN HELP HIM--" the wight cut me off, putting his grimy hand over my mouth. I shrieked, snacking his hand of of my mouth. He gave me a dirty look and shoved me into Gerard, who caught me and flipped off the wight.

I went back to looking at my peculiar friends. Enoch was glancing at Millard through the bushes, as if he wanted to help, but he didn't run out into the open. Bronwyn had made a shield from a piece of metal, so she and the others could make their way over to him with little worries.

Despite his injury, Millard stood up, and from here it looked like he was assuring them that he was alright, just a flesh wound. The continued walking through the water, just avoiding the bullets and using their shield.

The wight growled, and he turned towards Gerard and I. "No. Funny. Business. Or else." He stomped down the stairs, reloading his gun along the way. Once he made it to ground, I looked back over the railing to see him facing the four peculiars. Enoch was still in the bushes, looking out to them from his hiding spot.

"Just give us the bird and the girl, and we'll be on our way." Emma spat. She looked pretty intimidating, her hands were smoking, and blue flames licked her hands and up her arms.

The wight didn't shoot, though. He ran back towards the lighthouse, climbing the stairs. Jacob ran after him first, then Enoch, then everyone else, including Bronwyn with Millard.

The wight made it up to the balcony where we were first, and he picked me up, pointing the gun to my head. Once the others made it to the tøp, he spoke.

Enoch's POV

"One wrong move, and she gets it. Yes, we could use her, but she is not necessary. Her life is in my hands now, you should be thankful that I haven't killed her yet." That wight said. I saw that Aspen wasn't struggling, so she must know this guy was serious.

"Your the one who should be thankful. Thankful to you mom for not putting you out of your misery the moment you were born!" I spat, and Aspen sent me a dirty look.
(A/N horrible comeback I know)

The wight sighed, almost disappointed. "I was hoping for one of you to run up and save the princess, so I could kill her. But that wasn't exactly a wrong move, and you are right. But I still want to do this."

The wight moved his gunpoint to Aspen's stomach, and pulled the trigger. She gasped, and he dropped her to the ground. Emma ran forward, her hands on fire. The wight only grabbed her outstretched arms and flung her over the railing. Luckily, Emma was hanging from the ledge, and Jacob ran forward.

He punched the wight in the face, causing him to loose his gun. It skidded across the floor, and Jacob was left in a fist fight with the wight. The others went to help him and Emma, so I ran over to Aspen.

The boy, no man, from before was helping her sit up. I quickly took her from him, and whispered thank you. He nodded, and started working on untying the knot around us hands.  I turned around, Aspen in my arms, to see the dangling Miss Peregrine over the water. Jacob had the rifle in his hand, ready to shoot.

"Put her down!" Jacob told the wight, but he shook his head. "Never." And he dropped Miss Peregrine over the edge. Bronwyn lunged at the wight, and they started to fistfight.

I quickly got out of the way and took Aspen to the hallway, hoping that it really wasn't all that bad.

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