Dollface [3]

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~Ch 3
Why me~

Your POV

"(y/n)!" I groaned and threw myself off the couch. Going from a queen size bed to small couch wasn't a very nice transition. Literally my body was aching since I practically couldn't find a comfortable spot on that couch.  I'd believe the floor could be more comfortable then the couch.


"I'm coming!" Jesus talk about impatient. I groaned and pushed off the floor before dragging my feet to the sound of the little tro- I mean Kihyun. "You called?"

"Can you put these away from me?"

"Are you serious?" I glared at the lazy little- Kihyun who was still on his iPad on his bed.

"Yea I'm serious. Chop chop." I picked up his backpack and shoved it in his closet.

"Anything else you need your highness?"

"Make us breakfast."

"What's the magic word."

"Pshhh I'm not saying please."

"Rude." I said starting to walk out.

"Make sure to make it at least edible!"

"Shut up!" I walked out of the room and stomped my way to the kitchen. Damn troll. Who the hell does he think he is?! Note to self put extra salt in his breakfast. I got a pan and got out the ingredients. I had decided to make them pancakes and bacon since it was something simple and I could easily tamper with Kihyun food.

"Yah! Guy come here breakfast is ready!" I yelled and purposely waited for them to sit before I had set down the plates of food. I could help but smirk as kihyun took a bite of food. He gave me a look and smiled sarcastically which I kindly replied back with an innocent smile.

"Can I please have water?"

"Sure." He snatched the glass of water from my hand and chugged half of it down.

"So uh.. (y/n) did you do anything before you became a maid?"

"I modeled." Minhyuk spat out his food and looked at me bewildered.

"Look I know the food is disgusting but keep it in your mouth dang it." Kihyun snapped.

"Be quite. You modeled?! Since when?!"

"Since I was 15..." I looked at them weirdly, not really understanding they're confusion.

"How old are you now?!"


"What was your name again?" I glanced at Hyungwon who by the way was giving me a suspicious look that made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Son (y/n)"

"That's why you looked familiar! I worked with you before I went to starship!"

"What the hell is starship?"

"Our company moron." Kihyun shot back.

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you."

"Savage." Jooheon chimed in trying not to laugh.

"Shut your mouth piglet."

"Alright alright quit the fighting it's just morning." Shownu said trying to being the table back to a decently normal state

"Screw morning if I wanna act like it got a stick up my ass I will." Kihyun spat back.

"Jesus what did my dad sign me up to." I mumbled and face palmed before talking out my phone. Changkyun got up and put his plate into the sink before poking my side.

"Not gonna eat?"

"Kinda lost my appetite with what kihyun said and with what Minhyuk did when I said I was a model." I said sheepishly.

"Ahhh you'll get used to it my hyungs are crazy."

"I could tell." Changkyun laughed and dismissed himself along with his other member and soon it was just me and kihyun in the room.

"You think it's funny to put salt in my breakfast."

"What's wrong too salty this time?"

"Don't act innocent." He dumbed his breakfast into the trash and glared at me. "Id watch it if I were you."

"I dare you to hurt me only gets me out of here faster." He got up all in my face and I'd admit he was kinda hot looking.... okay wowwww I'm shallow but clearly he didn't know what personal space was. His hand tilted my face up and he smirked before leaving me. Okay talk about weird... But i mean he's hot so it's ok... OMG SON (y/n) GET A GRIP DAMN IT STOP BEING SO DAMN SHALLOW. I grunted and turned around to wash the dishes. I walked out of the kitchen and continued my normal maid activities before I noticed they were clearly leaving.

"Where are you guys going?"

"The company called us."

"Where's kihyun?"

"Aw how cute you missed me."

"No I was worried you'd stay."

"Well looks like your in luck cause it's just me and you doll face." I cringed at the nickname and pushed him away.

"No it's not, your going with them."

"Actually they called everyone but Kihyun sorry about that." Why just why

"But you guys can still take him right?"

"Actually we can't sorry company orders."

"Kill me."

"Aw don't be like that it's gonna be a blast."

"Aish Kihyun please don't kill her you know the rules." Shownu said as thought if he was almost tired of our bullshit, and by ours I mean Kihyun's. "Plus you'll ruin our reputation dang it."

"Oh I know the rules." Kihyun's voice came off creepy as he watched them get ready to leave.

"You better or else your getting kicked out of this apartment and possibly this group." Shownu shot back zipping up his coat, eyes still on Kihyun.

'You wouldn't, you need me to clean all of your messes and make you food. I'm practically the mom of the group!"

"Don't forget to add the uptight."

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"Wait then why the hell I'm I here?!" I said interrupting their conversation, since my question was more important than they're damn fight.

"I don't know ask our manager." They said in unison while shrugging

'I will then." I replied back crossing my arms wondering if the manager really asked for me.

'Anyways you two have fun!" Jooheon slammed the door shut and it was official I was stuck with annoying midget.

'Oops." The sound of a pot breaking filled the room and instantly my eyes were on Kihyun.

"Oh you flipping bastard.'

'Aren't you going to clean it?" He smiled innocently and walked into his room. I was really starting to question why it just had to be me.


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