Doll Face [6]

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~Ch 6

Your POV

    The morning was busier than usual the boys seemed to be rushing so they could leave. I let out a sigh and started to wash the messy dishes.

"You seemed distressed." I jumped slightly dropping the dish into the sink. "If that broke your paying for it just so you know."

"It'd be nice if you made your presents clearer instead of scaring the living crap out of me." I shot back picking up the dish in the process.

"If you know me I'll never be nice to you doll face. Oh and while you're at it could you clean the game room too?"

"Why can't you do it? Also why the hell are you still here?!"

"They decided to pull the same thing they did during the MAMA's"

"What did they do?"

"We left Wonho behind in Hong Kong and no one even noticed till later."

"And you laughed for 30 minutes."

"Oh yeah! That was fun- Wait how did you know?"

"I saw it on twitter and instagram when I looked up monsta x."

"You actually looked us up?"

"Yea I mean I was bound to do it some time when you guys keep saying we're monsta x and plus Minhyuk kept promoting Monsta x to me to the point I got curious and decided to look it up."  I said as I set the last dish in the drying rack.

"Weirdo... Anyways have fun cleaning the game room. Okay bye~"

"I didn't even agr-"

"Too bad you're the maid and it's your job now stop being so bratty."

"M-" I sighed as he walked out the kitchen door. Calling me bratty, oh I'll show you bratty, I walked out of the kitchen and into their game room. Starting with the game boards I placed the pieces into their boxes before putting them onto the ledge where they belonged. I placed the controls onto the small coffee table and started to dust away at the dust on the tables and cabinets. Afterwards I threw away the trash and then began the laundry.

"Hey miss I hope you know the washing machine is broken so have fun cleaning with your hands."

"How did it break?"

"I don't know just clean and stop complaining." He threw his pile of clothes at me and processed to walk away. Mentally groaning I filled the tub with water and poured detergent in it before I started to scrub and clean at the clothes. Maybe after an hour or two I was done by then and I could finally toss the clothes in the drier since magically the washing machine was the only one broken.

"Hey (y/n)!"


"Can you clean the game room?"

"Su-Wait what?! I just cleaned that room!"

"Oops." I pushed passed him opening the door and sighed at the mess he had made. Picking up a controller I began to clean the room again.

"Have fun!"

"Shut up." I threw a controller straight at him, which coincidentally hit him so yea know plus one for me.

"Yah! Stop being bratty and clean the room."

"Actually I won't." I dropped the other controllers and walked up to him. "Have fun cleaning."

"This is your job you do it."

"Sorry sweet cheeks only work for real men"

"WHAT?!" I shrugged and continued out the room going to the couch to finally rest. To be quite honest I didn't know what or why I said real men I guess it's cause he's like a child.

"Im not cleaning that room."

"Yea you will because I'm not." I propped my feet on the coffee table keeping up my bratty attitude to mock him.

"It's not my job."

"It's not my problem."

"Get your lazy ass up."

"Funny you're saying that."

"UGH! Your so annoying!" he left and I knew I won, now it's time to figure out what else I could do to annoy him / teach him a lesson.

"Hey Kihyun after your done can you make me something to eat!"

"Sure why the fuck not." He said sarcastically while walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you!"

"Welcome!" He said mocking me. I smiled slightly in delight knowing he's finally getting a taste of his own medicine. What goes around comes  around.

As more minutes passed I got border and  I wondered if Kihyun hadn't just left the house because I was annoying him. Well technically I didn't annoying him that bad.

"(y/n)!" Never mind than... pushing off the couch I walked to the kitchen and sat down watching him place the food down. "Enjoy lazy."

"Thanks." I shot back sarcastically before I tried it. "Ew too salty. What the hell did you do?!"

"You don't like it?"

"Does it look like it. Go clean up this mess and stop putting your saltness into the food."

"Aish you're so annoying." Your so annoying he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Only then did I realize I was in deep shit.

Sorry I haven't been able to upload a lot I've been super busy late I hope you understand ^^''''

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