Doll Face [34]

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~ch 34


Kihyun's POV

I already knew where Hyungwon was going and I wasn't going to bother to stop him. I wanted to see what exactly his motives were this time. That sneaky motherfucker thinks he slick, well I'll show him slick when I roast his meme lookin ass....breath Kihyun just breath... I took a seat on the couch and sat there like the angry parent I was. I mean I wasn't called monstax's umma for no reason. As soon as the door opened I glared at the much taller male that came in thru the doors.

"So why are you here so late?"

"I had to talk to a friend."

"A friend or a girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." I gave him the "do you think I'm fucking dumb?" look and Hyungwon just continued on his jolly way. Like what was that sir? I don't know what your talking about, not like I KISS YOUR GIRLFRIEND, son of a motherf-

"You know who I'm talking about right?"

"Sorry but when was Son (y/n) my girlfriend? Matter of fact when was she officially with any of us?"I blinked taken aback from his sudden comment. What went up his ass.

"She was with me before you, forced yourself into our relationship."

"What relationship Kihyun?! In case you haven't noticed a relationship is filled with love, care, and passion not just lust.  I know this is your first fucking relationship and you absolutely suck at displaying your emotions, but don't just blame this one me. It's not my fault I could see her pain and decided I wanted to be the one that protect her, if you weren't going to see her pain." I flinched at his words and looked him dead in the eyes.

"What the hell do you mean she was in pain? If she didn't like something she would have told me, don't try making me the bad guy."

"Ever thought of the idea of being afraid of heartbreak? She loved you Kihyun more than you could ever love her. Hell even more than I could even love her."

"Okay but how is that my fault?! Everyone's afraid of heartbreak how does that add up to her..c-che -leaving me for you?!"

"Because my love for her offered something your's didn't. Mine wasn't based off sex, I actually showed her I cared about her and I made sure every single day that I had with her, she would feel loved. Also Kihyun get this thru your fucking skull, she fell for you because she loved you. She was afraid of heartbreak because she didn't wanna face the truth she fell for a guy that only used her as friends with benefits."

"What do you mean friends with benefits?! I treated her right." I couldn't help but glare as he began to laugh mockingly.

"What do I mean? Do you even know what friends with benefits are? That so called relationship you both had was practically the definition of what friends with benefits are. Kihyun you barely showed love and if you did was because you wanted 'something'. There was no real commitment shown on your part."

"....If she truly was afraid, she would have asked me, not just move on to the next one."

"You know that never made sense to me either but, it doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to weasel my way into your guys relationship. Because I know the mistakes I've made and I'm not about to hurt her again. She's all yours and if you really love her, I wish you the best." I watched as Hyungwon walked passed me as I finally took a breather and thought about exactly what he said.

Was I really that dumb that I never noticed how she felt? But she seemed so happy, how could I have missed it? Without realizing it myself I had already rushed to put on my shoes and was rushing to get out of the apartment. I stopped for a split second asking myself was I really going to do this....

Hyungwon's POV

I walked into my room slamming the door shut before walking towards my bed and falling onto it. I looked up at the ceiling breathing lightly, trying to calm myself down. God damnit Kihyun if you'd just told her you loved her, we wouldn't be in this mess. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, before my eyes snapped open when I heard the door open.

"Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?" I asked a tad sarcastically while looking at Changkyun.

"Man I never thought love could tear friends apart so badly."

"Yeah same here."

"But you know you broke the bro code."

"I know..."

"Anyways do you know where Kihyun-hyung is?"

"Isn't he in his room."

"No he's not anywhere around in the apartment."

"Probably at the bar being irresponsible because he can't take the truth. But why you asking?"

"I found something and I wanna show him."

"Oh, well you're gonna have to wait buddy." I closed my eyes again hearing Changkyun get off the bed and walk off somewhere. Actually I kinda wonder what he was going to show to Kihyun. Shrugging my shoulder I stayed in bed not willing to get up.

Kihyun's POV

I stared at the wooden door, breathing heavily. God damn Kihyun your one crazy motherfucker... I tried to slow my breathing as I knocked on the door. It didn't actually take too long before the door opened. I could help but smile a little upon seeing her but my smile soon disappeared.


"I can't talk right now." She attempted to close the door but I quickly pushed it back.

"What's wrong. Don't tell me Hyungwon told you something and you trust what he says."

"I'm sorry I can't talk right now." She tried harder to push the door close. She never even dared to make eye contact at all.

"Talk to me! Did you tell Hyungwon something you're too afraid to tell me again?! Why don't you tell me this time!"

"I...I c-can't... none of this as any affiliation with Hyungwon...Just leave." Like her voice cracked a little and I swear I couldn't breath for a split second.

"B-but why?"

"Because I don't love you anymore Kihyun." She lowered her head no longer trying to push the door close.

"O-oh... I see how it is... I hope you're happy." With that I turned around and slowly began to cry with each step I took. If she loved me so much than why the sudden change... Why is she hurting, she's not the heartbroken one... this isn't real...


Damn it's been ages since I last updated but I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ I had some really bad writer's block and tried not to make this chapter cheesy typical love story drama but it came out just like that but oh whale. I mean it's not like Kihyuns gonna go out of the apartment get hit by a car and then be in a coma and then readers just take care of him and then Kihyun's gonna wake up not remembering her. HA lol you thought. Well actually who knows I'm unpredictable~ I could have just gave you an entire spoiler.... (update: Sh*t you guys are fast XD I never thought you guys would be waiting/so excited that I updated I'm so happy TT^TT thank you guys I love you<333)

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