Doll Face [13]

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~ch 13


Your POV

A month and a half later....


"OMFG JUNGHO WOULD YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I yelled. I've been trying to get a good night's rest ever since that day but I couldn't, and I hate to admit it that thoughts been bugging me for a while.

"Listen eyebags I don't wanna hear your complaining, mom wants you up because today's your last day here?"

"How does she know?" I asked sitting up.

"You told her before you went to bed yesterday." Jungho gave me that 'are you dumb' look before continuing his sentence. "Mom also wants to make sure you don't miss your train back home."

"Or is it you wanna eat breakfast." I shot sarcastically, obviously not in a good mood.

"Both now get up sassy mcgee."

"Sure bossy." I swung my legs off the side of my bed and got out of my room.

"Sweetie eat up." My mom handed me a bowl filled with food as if I hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Umma this is too much." I whined.

"I'll have it!" Jungho said eagerly, which in return my mother glared at him before handing him a less fuller bowl. I handed him my bowl anyways not really in the mood to eat. Well actually I haven't been up to doing anything ever since that day so what am I saying. But I of course just told me mom something along the lines of modeling and keeping my body in shape and stuff like that.

Taking Jungho's original bowl I ate quickly before excusing myself to go get packed. As much as I didn't wanna face Kihyun, I seriously was so ready to go back to that apartment. It wasn't that my mom had been treating me badly it was more of a I'm an adult there for I want to go back to my apartment, (that technically wasn't mine) After I quickly packed my bag, I sat on the living room couch while randomly flipping channels.

"Why haven't you been all giddy this week."

"I don't know." I said not sparing a glance at Jungho.

"Did you get into a fight with your boyfriend or something?"

"He's busy and he's not my boyfriend." Stressing on the not.

"So you broke up?"

"No." I flatly replied.

"Sure, what's got you PMSing?" I hit Jungho annoyed as hell, Screw boys and their pryingness

"Yah!" Jungho snapped glaring at me.

"That's what you get."

"Umma!" Jungho yelled.

"Aish! Enough fighting you two! You two better be ready by the time I'm done helping Taewoo dress up! Especially you (y/n)! I'm not about to drive you to the train and then drive all the way back here to pick up something you forgot." Rolling my eyes I pushed off the couch and checked my room once more before plopping back onto the couch. By the time I had come back Jungho was busy playing overwatch.

After a little waiting my mom came out with Taewoo and off we went to the train that would take me back to Seoul.

"Goodbye sweetie. Remember to text me when you reach your apartment and to visit more often."

"I will umma." I hugged her goodbye before leaning down to Taewoo's level to say goodbye. I kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly before I awkwardly hugged Jungho. "Bye you two, remember to good to Umma. She works hard for you two little rascals." Taewoo giggled with amusement as Jungho rolled his eyes. Ugh teenagers.

I waved goodbye once more before heading into the train. The 3 hours going back were faster than going to but I wasn't complaining. Stepping off the train I stretched slightly before grabbing a bus back to the apartment. Once I unlocked the door I sighed in content finally being alone for a little while. Placing my bag on the bed I laid down, and close my eyes since a nap seemed really nice right now.

By the time I woke I noticed it was close to the time the boys would be home and I decided to make them dinner since it would be their first night back in Korea. I made their favorites and set them neatly on the table.

"MONSTA X IN THE BUILDING!" Jooheon.... I shook my head as Shownu scolded them. Well nice to know they're energetic, well at least Jooheon was.

"Hey do you wonder if (y/n)'s back?" awww Minhyuk I hope you didn't just ask that because you want me to do your laundry.

"She should be I saw our apartment lights open."

"Maybe she's in the kitchen."

"Or her natural habitat, her room" The kitchen door opened and suddenly their jaws dropped.

"Suprise." I couldn't help but smile at how surprised they were.

"YOU'RE THE BEST!" they ran to me hugging me tightly as a thanks before they sat down and shoved food in their mouth. Is this what it feels like to be a mother watching her children eat well? I took a glance at Kihyun and smiled slightly even though I kinda felt awkward around him.

After they ate I proceeded to clean the dishes. Someone's arms wrapped around my waist and at this point I didn't jump.

"Hey." Kihyun's husky voice called trying to catch my attention. "Why haven't you been talking to me?" To be fair you haven't tried to talk to me either.

"I was busy with my family." I said getting myself out of his grip to put the dried plates into the cabinets. I stood on my tippy toes struggling to do so till someone grabbed it.

"Here let me do it." It wasn't Kihyun it was Hyungwon who had taken the plate. He patted my head, a smile on his lip.

"T-thanks." He nodded simply before walking out.

"Back to what I was saying." Kihyun said followed me out of the kitchen before he pulled me back to wrap me in his embrace. Can't boys take hints!? He nipped at my neck and I tried to pull back.

"I'm not in the mood today. I'm tired."

"Oh come one baby we haven't done it since I left."

"I don't want to." I snarled trying to keep from his grip.

"Aigoo don't play hard to g-"

"She said she didn't want to." I sighed once again Hyungwon was here to save me. Thank the lord for him right? He pulled me from Kihyun's grips and escorted me to my room.

"Thanks... Again." I laughed slightly at myself.

"You said you were tired so I thought I'd help by talking you away." See the thing was I wasn't tired.

"Well thanks again."

"Goodnight (y/n)"

"Goodnight." I closed my door and mentally smiled as butterflies danced in my tummy.

Kihyun's POV

I tilted my head slightly. Did I do something wrong? Why was she so close to Hyungwon all of a sudden? You can't be serious that she was ignoring me because she was busy messing with Hyungwon? I shook my head and tried to sleep but I couldn't. Something just seemed different about her.


I'm actually proud I'm writing and updating more often I'm scared these chapters might not be as good as the other ones that took me more time to think of TT^TT  

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