Doll Face [4]

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Your POV

"So how was the day with Kihyun?" I blinked absentmindedly staring at the text from the

unknown number

Delivered: 7:35 PM
This is?

Received: 7:35 PM
Ah sorry it's Changkyun

Delivered: 7:36PM
I pressed contacts and changed unknown to "kyunnie" since I thought it would a cute nickname for him
Received: 7:39 PM
But how was your day

Delivered: 7:39 PM
Terrible he keeps messing things up! Like dropping things, pushing things over and the list goes on

Received: 7:40 PM
We'll be home soon just 2 ish more hours. So I'll pray for you ^^'''

Delivered: 7:40 Pm

I tossed my phone onto the couch and walked into the kitchen to start making them dinner.

It would be my easiest task to do since Kihyun probably won't mess around considering he probably wanted a meal not loaded with sodium.

I got out the ingredients and started making a desired meal until Kihyun waked into the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?"

"Kimchi stew." Kihyun made a slight 'tch' noise before he placed his hands over mine.

"You have to use more pepper paste you idiot." He spat putting a spoonful of pepper paste into the bowl.

"Yah! I just started, leave me alone you asshat."

"Ass hat." Kihyun let out a laugh and pulled away. "Such a creative nickname you got there."

"Better than doll face."

"Naw it suits you. Matter of fact I bet you ten bucks that'll be your new pet name."

"So we're making pet names now?"

"Why not." Kihyun shrugged and continued to watch me.

"Listen troll can you not watch me cook I feel pressured."

"Sorry I can't. I'm trying to make sure you don't try to kill me with sodium." I rolled my eyes and pointed the spoon at him.

"Listen here I only did that because you were being an asshole."

"So you're punishing me with sodium??? I'm starving because of you!" Kihyun yelled pointing a finger at me

"Not my problem." I said continuing to make the kimchi stew.

"You cruel woman." Kihyun glared while rubbing his tummy. I admit he was being kinda cute and I did feel bad for ruining two of his meals.

"Listen I won't tamper with your dinner alright."

"Alright." Kihyun leaned against the counter and watched as I continued to make the food. I had caught him staring every so often and even bite his lip.

"You know it's impolite to stare."

"Who said I was staring?" He stood up straight and crossed his arms with a pink tint growing across his cheeks. "The food just looks good and I'm starving."

"No need to get so defensive." I teased and he grunted before going back to leaning on the counter. "But's what's up with the blush someone falling for me?"

"In your dreams. That food is sexier than you."


"You may be pretty but being pretty won't get you far in a relationship.

"Awww you just called me pretty." To be completely honest I was surprised he said what he did. It just seemed so out of place and just not him to say that. I shook my head lightly and cleared my thoughts before I went back to cooking.

"Don't get cocky now dollface."

"Stop calling me that or I'll make sure you starve."

"Alright alright."

By the time I was done cooking Kihyun had left to go somewhere. Most likely to play video games, read a book, or chill and watch tv. It was around 8 and the boys would be back in about in about 1 ish hours. I honestly didn't know what time they would be back but they would be back soon.

"Hey Kihyun!" I sat on the counter watching the food making sure it wouldn't go too cold.


"Are you hungry?"

"Uh yeaa..."

"Do you wanna eat now or later?"

"Later I guess."

"Alright." I was expecting him to leave but nope he just stayed right there his gaze on me. It lingering for an uncomfortable amount of time and I myself was starting to get uncomfortable, because there's a clear difference between the casual gaze and the I'm thinking about doing something with you gaze.

"Soo... uh how's life." I winced at how awkward that was and if I could I would slap myself so hard right now.

"It was much better before you came."

"You don't gotta be rude wit-" I stopped mid sentence and blinked, just realizing how close he had gotten. I was really starting to think this boy had no idea what personal space was at all.

"I'm not being rude if I'm telling the truth."

"Do yo-"

"Expected me to be nice to you dollface?"

"Actually yeah I was." My voice got cocky and I stared into his eyes this time instead of dodging his gaze.

"Psh think you can come in here and demand respect?"

"Are you hiding feelings, because last time I checked I caught you staring."

"Daring today aren't we?" Kihyun's finger traced my jaw before it reached my chin where he tilted my  face upwards.

"Yeah got a problem?" I couldn't help but bite my lip slightly. I mean could you blame me he was just hot when he was like this! Our faces were so close too.

"Yeah I do."

"Whatcha gonna do about that?"

"Why don't I-"

"We're home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I internally whined as Kihyun pulled back with a smirk before walking to the door.

"We're in here hurry up I'm hungry!" I started heating up the food and putting it in bowls, a little distracted because I don't know something about Kihyun was just suspicious. It wasn't a hatred that would go away. It was more of a type of hate hidden behind a certain intention or feeling.


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