Doll Face [39]

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Quick recap with relationships because I'm a terrible author-nim ^-^'''

The reader's friends: Gia, Eyunbul, Kyungri, Eunwoo

The reader's love interest: Kihyun

Who loves the readers in this story: Kihyun (No duh author nim this tots is a Changkyun fic)

Parents: Biological father, Biological mother, Wendy (I should really give the mom and dad names ^^''')

Siblings: Taewoo, Jungho, 

Okay that's it I hope you enjoy reading and I'll see at the end :P

Kihyun's POV

"Hyung just what do you plan on doing?"

"I don't know, Changkyun, I just don't know."

I took another sip of the coffee, before rubbing my temple in frustration. All the event leading up to now, scrambled my brain into an aching migraine. Kyungri being blackmailed into doing this, a so called friend being behind all of it, that guy that's with (y/n) just so happens to blackmailed too, it was just so difficult to get my head wrapped around. You've gotta be pretty damn dedicated on ruining someone's life to do all this.

"Hey." I jumped at the sound of Shownu's voice but instantly easier once his hand made contact with my shoulder in a comforting manner.


"You've been thinking for a while, let your brain rest. They guys and I are going out to the mall wanna go with us?" I looked at his face and gave up. He's right I guess I'll just rest for now, maybe then I'll be able to think properly.

"Alright." I drank the rest of my coffee before getting up and setting it into the sink. "But don't expect me to dress nice." I left the kitchen and walked to my room.

I took off my clothes from yesterday, considering some part of it was still wet from the rain. I put on my usual sweatpants, undershirt and hoodie on before exiting out of my room, joining the rest of my members.

Once out of the apartment I pulled up my hood and covered my face. There was no real reason to it besides to hide my tired face. I walked along side Shownu using him as a guide so that I wouldn't bump into anyone or anything, or get lost.

"Yah! Jooheon-ah!" I grunted as the boys began to bicker, well more like play fight. Either way it hurt my head more, making the pounded headache get worse. Slightly tilting up my head I looked around from some quiet place I could hang around before something caught my eye.

"Hey Kih-"

"Guys I'm gonna head over there." I quickly left the group, feeling slightly bad for leaving them confused. But I guess leaving them dumbfounded would be alright, I mean after all I did say where I was going. Plus this was the perfect change and I could just let it slide.

I quickened my pass and walk toward her, thank god that Wes guys wasn't with her. I pulled her arm lightly just enough that she would stumble toward me.

"H-hey!" She yelped before I hold her in my arms. "E-Excuse me? Do I know you? S-si" she finally looked at me and all concerned washed away from her face.

"Kihyun." Was all she could manage.

"Hello to you too."

"Let me go." She struggled against me but I only held her tighter in my arms.

"Please just let me talk to you." There was a moment of hesitation before she finally gave up against me.


"Thank you." My voice came out as just above a whisper and I loosened my grip around her. My hand hand fell to hers and I held it, squeezing lightly. She didn't respond however and kept her hand limp in mine.

Smiling sadly I brought her to a more secluded area and stood in front her, just in case.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" She stood there with her arms crossed.

"It's about the rumors."

"What about them?"

"I know who's been taking the photos."

"Yeah okay but how is this going to benefit anything? Listen Kihyun I told you I don't love you a more so please just give up."

I'd admit those words stung more than they were supposed to but I was going to give up. Not now while I had this chance.

"Please hear me out (y/n) I know you're lying. I know you still love me like I love you." She stood there shocked. This was my chance to convince her!

"Alright... I'll admit I still love you. But what the point of fixing this? It's only gonna bring pain and more gossip. I don't want to love that way and I don't want you to either" (I'm making this into a cheesy drama because I already ruined this story [jk no I won't ])

"Pain is only being of love, (y/n). I'm willing to fight through all of this just to be able to have you and start things off right. I want that don't you?" (No, okay author-nim will stop bothering your reading)

"You're so full of yourself." Her voice was laced with sarcasm but I could honest careless. "Can't we pretend none of this happened? Our 'love story' ended a while ago did it not?"

"There's no taking back what we started."I paused seeing if she'd say anything but allowed me to continue. "I know this might sound crazy (y/n) but I need you to listen."

She uncrossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"Yesterday when I went home I caught somebody at our apartment. I her name is K-"

"Kihyun!" I stumbled slightly as a sudden force ran into me, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi cutie! How are you?"

"K-kyungri? What are you-"

"Oppa I missed you." She turned her head towards (y/n) and a pout pursed on her lips. "I thought you said you were over (y/n)?"


"Ahh what a cute couple I'm sorry to disturb you I'll be on my way." (Y/n) pushed off the wall and pushed passed me to leave. "You serious haven't changed at all Yoo Kihyun." Was all she said before leaving

I pushed Kyungri off me and glared at her.

"What the hell was that about?!"

"What you were about to do Kihyun is dangerous. If she saw you here telling her everything, we all would have been done for."

"And acting like my girlfriend is what you that was going to help!"

"Look I'm sorry about that moment I ruined with you, but this isn't just about your love life anymore Kihyun.... Here's my number I'll send you the photos and any information you need to know."

I took the piece of paper, before looking at Kyungri.

"Just don't do anything stupid Kihyun." She left too and pulled my hood back over my head, slouching over as I walked . Since when did you have the wits Kyungri?

"Hey Kihyun! Where did you go?" Wonho said running up to me

"I went to the cafe but it was disappointing so I went to venture without you guys."

"Ouch we'll come on we don't wanna lose you again, ya dummy."



I feel like I rushed this story and didn't take enough time to let the story characters develop but oh whale, this was my second book published I'll learn from my mistakes ^-^ but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

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