Doll Face [36]

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~ch 36
     Another man~

Unknown POV

"Tch Wendy is so impatient." I nodded my head in agreement looking at the same monitor.

"But she is your mother is she not?" I asked sparing a glance at the person sitting in the chair.

"Yeah but what does it matter that moron of a girl and her father have no idea." I lowered my gaze as their icy cold glare met mine. "Besides she's a whore, not (y/n) but Wendy. To think she would sleep with another man."

"But she's helping is she not?"

"She is..."

"Than what is the-."

"Listen runt shut the fuck up. You don't know jack shit about my family." I nodded and looked back at the monitor, afraid to look at their face.

"Lets just hope this little bitch gets along with Wes and I can finally have him as mine."

Your POV

I awkwardly tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear avoid eye contact with Wes. He was actually a nice boy who was dragged into this by Wendy with the same "I'll ruin your life and your loved one's life bullcrap." Currently I was sitting on my bed as he sat on the floor looking out the window. Oddly enough he had a stunning resemblance to Shownu. Not only by  appearance but by personality.

"I'm sorry this happened all so suddenly ." Wes said breaking the silence.

"It's alright not like it could have been helped."

"I mean not to come off strong but your a pretty girl and it must suck to be under a witch's spell." I could help but laugh at Wes joke. A small smile tugging at the males lip.

"What does having to be pretty have to do with anything?" I teased.

"What I'm trying to make a friends here a little compliment would hurt right? Besides isn't it the pretty princes that is captured by her ugly step mother who if forced to marry someone else besides her beloved?" (Did you see that shade I threw at my own story ^^''' I just exposed how basic this story is TT^TT it just occurred to me BUT IM GLAD YALL LIKE IT❤️)

"Damn it Wes we just met and you're already outsmarting me." This time Wes looked at me slight worry on his face before it quickly disappeared, seeing the smile on my face.

"You truly are cruel. You had me worried that I offended you."

"Why thank you my good sir." I took a glance at the clock and got up. "I'm making dinner wanna come?"

"Do I get to eat it?"

"No you eat the dog food." I deadpanned walking out of the room. Maybe making friends with Wes wouldn't be bad....


"WES!" I yelled before sighing, this dummy. "That is clearly more than a fricken tablespoon of salt damn it."

"Salty much?"

"This is no time for puns." I glared. "Maybe I should let you eat the dog food.

"But there's no dog here..."

"I'm looking right at it."

"Wha-H-hey! Meanie." I smiled and continued cooking, he was the pure definition of a kid in an older body. Well maybe Minhyuk fit that description more. The feel of Wes arms wrapping around my waist made me tense almost instantly.

"W-Wes what the he-"

"Shh." He placed his chin on my shoulder and I soon understood the motives of his actions.

"My my look at you two getting along quicker than I thought...You truly are a whore (y/n)" Wendy mumbled the last part almost inaudible, but I caught it and I guess Wes did too by his sudden change of tightness of his grip. "Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone now." At the sound of the kitchen door closing Wes removed his grip on me making sure to be careful.

"Pardon my French but talk about bitch alert." I laughed slightly and glanced at the kitchen door.

"You could say that."

"Hey you wanna head out after we eat? I need to uhmm get some clothes." Wes asked, sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Let me guess she blackmailed you and you had no chance to get packed?"

"How'd you know?" Wes tilted his head playfully, leaning onto the table.

"I'll alright alright Mr. Sassy we'll go to the mall afterwards."

"Thank you~" I hummed in reply and continued to cook with some help from Wes. After dinner I got dressed and headed out with Wes to the nearest mall.

"Alright Missy wanna help me pick out some clothes? I mean guessing that you have a pretty good fashion sense?"

"Hmmm... I'm willing to make a hole in my wallet if you buy me ice cream."

"Alright, so then we got a deal." He ruffled my hair earning a grunt of disapproval from me. I walked towards some shops and began to help Wes pick out some clothes for him.

"So... Do you mind telling me how Wendy managed to blackmail you." I asked slowly afraid to hit a wrong chord with him.

"Well she proposed to my mom about an arranged 'marriage' and of course she disapproved, but Wendy began to threaten to ruin her business... My mom's been working on her business for a while to keep me and my little sister alive so I stepped forward and accepted it."

"Damn... She really is a one of a kind bitch."

"Literally." I nodded and paid for the clothes before exiting the store. "Well I guess it's time for your ice cream don't you think?" Wes asked brightening up the mood.

Kihyun's POV

"Let me sleep." I grunted glaring at Minhyuk.

"I'm trying to help you out here."

"You can help me by letting me sleep."

"No I'm going to help you by helping you not look like a fricken carpet."

"I do not look like a carpet." I said pulling my jacket closer to my body.

"Right you look like a moron." I hit the taller male and glared at him. It wasn't my fault I wanted to dress in an oversized jacket and sweatpants. It's fricken comfortable and I want to be comfortable not fashionable.

"Don't get mad I'm stating facts." Minhyuk teased playfully. I rolled my eyes and looked around the mall my eyes falling on a familiar figure.

"Hey I'll be back."

"Alright." Minhyuk replied before sighing. Ignoring his annoyed tone I walked to the familiar female, with confidence. No way was she pushing me away this time.

"(y/n)!" I smiled locking eyes with her.

"K-Kihyun!" A warm feeling built in my chest at the hopeful sound in her voice. Her face was so innocent almost carrying the look of joy a child would have. But that look quickly disappeared once she was hit with realization, her face twisting in concern. Why (y/n)? Why do you look at me as if I hurt you so badly? Didn't we make up that day?

"H-Hey." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering but held my head high.


"Come one (y/n)." I stood there shocked my eyes trailing up the hand that dared lay on her waist. The male not sparing me a glance as he pulled her closer, leading her off somewhere. She looked back at me with a face of sympathy before disappearing somewhere with him. Clicking my tongue in defeat and disappointment I spun on the heel of my shoe and walked back to Minhyuk.

So then why do you keep hurting me? Was there always another guy?


Okay so I'm not sure if this chapter makes a lot of sense but it will later(?) at least that's the hope ^^'''' anywayssss I hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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