Doll face [1]

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~Chapter one
         One big change~

Your POV

I grunted at the sight of the sunlight that came from the big window of my room. Pushing off the bed I rubbed my eyes and walked to the window pushing open the curtains.

"Thank god it's saturday." I sighed and walked out of my room and down into kitchen. I placed a pan on the stove and started to make my breakfast. I scrolled through my instagram and smiled at the nice comments my 1.5 million followers left on my photos. Oh the joys of being popular... Even though it come with it's down sides. I finished my breakfast and placed the empty plate in the sink before I went back into my room to change into my calvin klein sweatpants, and cropped sweater.

Ding Dong

I ran down the stairs and  opened the door and smiled seeing my bestfriend.

"Hey gurl!!!"

"Sup Gia."

"How's my baby girl doing?" I rolled my eyes and hugged her before closing the door.

"Please explain to me why you call me baby girl again?"

"Because I'm like an older sister to you, therefore your my "baby sister" and therefore your my baby girl."

"I would ask you to repeat but that kinda hurt my brain."

"Don't worry bout it." She winked and made herself comfortable on the couch. "Where's max?"

"In my room."

"Aw I miss that little cutie."

"More than me?"

"Naw Max doesn't have that sisterly connection."

"I-" Our conversation was cut short when we heard the jingles of keys come from the front door. Now the only person to have keys to my house was my mom and dad but they rarely just invited themselves in...  The door opened revealing my dad and my ste- his new wife.

"Dad!" I walked towards him and gave him a tight hug. I turned to Wendy and offered her a smile which she returned.

"Hi pumpkin. Hello Gia." My dad waved towards Gia before he turned his attention back to me.

"So what are you guys here for?" I tilted my head curiously. Usually dad would come with mom and not Wendy...

"(y/n), sweetie promise not to get mad when I say this..."

"Why would I get mad?"

"Because... Your mother had just about enough of me spoiling you and she wants you to get the taste of what it feels like to work and fend on your own." My face dropped and I looked at Wendy. Which mom was he talking about?! Mom loved me and she knew I worked hard, and deserved this life. I swear if this Wendy was the reason why I was losing my own house that my dad helped me get, I'm no longer considering her family.


"Because you see sweetie Wendy believe's I've been spoiling you too much."

"What the hell you mean spoiling me too much? I work hard too!"

"Sweetie being a model isn't hard work." Wendy butted in.

"Like you know the harsh business." I said glaring at her.

"(y/n) enough. It's just for a year."

"A year!?"

"(y/n)." My father raised his voice and gave me the most coldest face he's ever given me. "You're going to live with 7 boys okay. They need a maid."

"Oh hell no I'm not about to go from model to working for 7 boys I don't know."

"It's just a year (y/n) and I really do think this will help you learn that you can't just have things in life."


"I don't want to hear it (y/n) you're moving out tomorrow."

"Okay so you're going to sell the house you helped me pay for, force me to work as a maid for 7 guys, who I by the way no know nothing about. All because this woman told you I was too spoiled?!"

"(y/n)! You do not talk to your mother like that."

"She's not my mother she's a woman that destroyed a perfect relationship and is now destroying the life I- we worked hard for."

"I don't what has gotten into (y/n). I'm starting to think I did pamper you too much." My dad shook his head and looked at Gia. "Help her pack her stuff please, Gia." He turned around and started to walk out with that witch.

"That... Was... uncalled for..."

"Tell me about it."

"Do you want a place to stay?"

"I'll see. If those boys are horny bastard, I'm not doing this stupid maid thing." I turned around and headed up to my room.  Great now I have to live with 7 new people and be their maid. Lord please don't let them be complete assholes...

~Prince Minhyuk~

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