The Author who writes in blood

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Chapter 1:

Dipper (POV)
As Mable flipped through the pages of her summer scrapbook, I saw my Grucle Ford sneak off to the lab, thinking nothing of it I continued to watch as Gruncle Stan regained his memories; occasionally laughing as Mabel explained some of our adventures. After a few minutes of reminiscing Gruncle Ford peeked his head round the vending machine and motioned for me to follow him, I did so immediately unfortunately Mable noticed. " Hey dip 'n' dot where ya going" she said in a sing-song tone. "Ford needs me down in lab." I said my voice just a little too high. It seemed Mable mistook my slip up for excitement. "Well have fun bro bro!" she smiled brightly. I forced a smile, closed the door and then ran down the stairs to the basment knowing I was probably going to get punished for making Ford wait.
(Warning the following content contains abuse and offensive language if you don't like that type of thing skip the next passage!)
Genral POV
" Dipper!" "where the fuck were you boy, you dare to waste MY time I was waiting for five fucking minutes I thought you knew better than to waste my time!" Ford practicality screamed.
" Mable was ask-" Ford cut Dipper off. "You dare talk back to me, a worthless little shit like you!". Dipper shrank back in fear as Ford shouted at him. He new what was coming yet the first hit still surprised him "This' ll teach you boy!" Ford yelled as he grabbed Dipper's arm and punched him in the face.
Fords POV:
I grabbed the boys arm hard making sure it would leave bruises, the boy whimpered, and punched him in the face and the little brat hit the floor. "Your smart Dipper tell me how many ribs do you think I'll break if I keep kicking like this!" I laughed as a kicked him repeatedly in the ribs till he coughed up blood; his face showing he was in obvious agony. After one last kick I picked him up by his hair and spat in his face the boy just cried, his annoying sniffiling was getting on my nerves, I grabbed him by the neck and threw the boy at the wall.
Dippers POV:
Ford threw me at the wall and I heard a sickening crack as my head collided with it. As I sat slumped against the wall as the blury figure of Ford walked towards me. "You know dipper if you weren't such a screw up then the end of the world would of never happened you got distracted and Mable got the rift!" He sneered " You can't do anything right, because of you weirdmeggdon happened and the rest of us had to fix your mistakes Again!" I was barely conscious now but the words he whispered in my ear as a faded into black still swam around my head and pierced my heart. "You should just die, nobody would miss you we'd all be better off without you, everyone hates you anyway, especially Mable."
A/N: Hey guys this is my first Gravity Falls Fanfiction! So I know everyone's favourite dorito Bill wasn't in this chapter but I needed to introduce what was going on with Dipper first before he is introduced but don't worry he will be in the next chapter! *You are filled with determination*

P.S tell me if I did good or if you think its crap and please no flames.

Bloodied hands and brusied bodies (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now