Let's do a bunch of random shit to incovience Dipper and Bill

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A/N: Yes that is what this chapter will be. Chapter about the first day of high school with a bunch of twists and turns. This will be fun~ Also thanks to GalexyXD23 for our new character.

Chapter 14

Dipper POV
"Okay class so does anybody know any basic Latin?" My teacher Mr.Dibly asked. During my time of mystery hunting I've dabbled in a bit of Latin so I raised my hand. Unurprisingly Bill raised his hand. "Ahh good Non potest vere dicere?" He asked. "Non possum dicere quod sic aliquantulus" I replied smiling at his expression. "Bene, et tibi?" He said nodding his head in Bill's direction. "Ita Im 'profluens in omnibus linguis" Bill replied smugly. Mr.Dibly raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So class it seems we have a expert would you like to come up and show the class your supposed bilingual talent?" Mr.Dibly said smiling thinking he caught Bill out. Raising my hand I said "Sir that would be a bad idea." "And why would that be Ma-Dipper" He said catching himself. "Because it would backfire in your face." I replied. "He's right you know....but if you're that desperate to see my skills then I will oblige." Bill said his expression impossibly more smug. "Bow Tie...." I warned hoping that he'd get the message. "Nope sorry Pine Tree!" Bill laughed as he strutted to the front of the class. "Salve me Bill puto youll 'reperio me magister et multo melius quam Eric non sciunt aliquid de stercore." Bill said pouncing everything perfectly. I stared at him in disbelief. You can't say that about our teacher!! I yelled at him in my mind. Well I just did. Bill replied and I could just feel the pride radiating off him. I looked over to Mr.Dibly who surprisingly wasn't angry. "Bene autem quod infensus fui generationi malum." He said smiling.

~Le Timeskip because I'm lazy and there's gonna be too much shit in this chapter~

Dipper POV
Apart from the start if lesson the class was rather uneventful. The rest of the class were extremely confused because they didn't speak a lick of Latin. We had a free period right now so we're heading to the courtyard. As we turned the corner I gawked and froze. Right there....standing right there was a guy. A guy who was undeniably fit. Who had black hair, dark brown eyes and wore ripped jeans, gray t-shirt, leather jacket, grey converse which isn't even remotely the school uniform. A guy who for the past five years bullied me relentlessly. I turned around swiftly grabbed Bill's bag and dragged be back the way we came. "Hey where are we going the courtyard is that way!" Bill protested as I stopped dragging him. "Doesn't matter....he's there." I said vaguely. "Dipper don't make me search your mind who is "he"!" Bill said as a semi-serious threat. "Almor Schelziser."I said looking away from Bill. "Oh yeah I totally know who Almor Schelziser is...not!" Bill shouted exasperated. "He was a guy who bullied me and Mabel in grade school it wouldn't be a big deal if...." I trailed off. "If?" Bill asked impatiently. "If I hadn't sort of maybe electrocuted him on the last day of grade school...." I mumbled. "Heh never knew you had it in ya." Bill said patting me on the back. "Its not a good thing! It was an accident....he had somehow got himself covered in water and I was trying to wire the invention I was making for the science fair (do they do them in America? They don't do them in Britain. Also is it called grade school?) and I had turned around as he was walking past and I accidentally electrocuted him." I said embarrassed. "Hahahaha that's hilarious hahaha body spasms hahaha" Bill laughed as past the 3G. "It wasn't funny he said if he saw me again he'd make my life hell!" I shouted. "Hey don't worry Pine Tree I can literally make his life hell." Bill said softly. "You make my life hell!" I shouted then sighed. "But seriously though you make life hard." I said smiling. "He's right." Said the backpack. "What did I say!" Bill whisper yelled. "Sorry but he's right" The backpack argued in his ever so monotone voice. "Just shut up I'm a demon, a demon of chaos at that I'm supposed to make life unbareable and crazy and drive you to insanity." He said shrugging although he was still obviously peeved. "*sigh* I know I know." I sighed again. "Come on we'll be late for PE." "OK Pine Tree right behind you." Bill saluted as me trudged off the the gym.
~Timeskip to the changing rooms~
General POV (so you shits gonna go down)
The changing room was packed with boys of all sizes, beefy kids, scrawny kids, average-I-don't-give-a-fuck kids. Dipper was nervous about changing in front of strangers because even though he knew Bill's magic had covered them he still didn't feel comfortable with his scars. He remembered the times when he and Ford had come home from a beating and he would have to blame them on mythical creatures or experiments. Now with Bill's magic he can cover it physically but emotionally and mentally the scars are as clear as day. He still flinches when someone raises their voice and whimpers if he grabbed suddenly. Bill sensing the distress from his Pine Tree pulled him aside. "Hey Pine Tree you okay?" Bill asked concerned. "Y-yeah I just...." He trailed off rubbing his arm. "You're still worried?" Bill said slightly surprised. "Worried?! Bill I'm scared for myself what if people see what if people are disgusted or laugh?!" Dipper shouted. "Hey hey hey its okay Dipper I won't let anyone see." Bill said hugging him reassuringly. "Really?" Dipper said hating how pathetic he sounded. "Really....now come let's go get changed." Bill said as he steered them into the changing room. As Dipper and Bill started to change Dipper noticed something and immediately froze. It was Almor. Staring directly at him. If looks could kill then Dipper would already be six feet under. "What's wrong?" Bill asked. Almor. Dipper replied. He's here?! Bill said shocked. And he's staring directly at me. Dipper confirmed. At that Bill looked around until he caught Almor's eye. Bill narrowed his eyes. Is that Mason? Damn it is I'm going to kill that little runt for what he did to me! What is his friend's problem does he wanna go?! "What a primative mind." Bill said to Dipper. "Bill be careful someone might hear you." Dipper whispered. "Right sorry." The two were silent after that each changing and lost in their own thoughts. "ALRIGHT BOYS GET YOUR SCRAWNY HIDES OUT HERE NOW!!" Coach Reinhardt shouted in the most typical redneck accent Dipper had ever heard. Even though Dipper knew it was not Ford, even though Dipper knew he wasn't gonna get a beating he still froze and he still trembled and still let an almost inaudible whimper. Almost inaudible because Bill still heard it. Feeling it was the right thing to do he stepped in front of Dipper and grabbed the young teens hand. It's okay I'm here. Bill thought. I-I.......I Dipper's thoughts were a mess. I'm right here you'll be fine. This was the first time he'd seen Dipper act this way before and although he hated to admit it; it scared him. It scared him how vulnerable and terrified the teen was. Thank you Bill. Dipper thought after a while as he squeezed Bill's hand to let him know it was ok. The two walked out into the Gym and lined up with rest of the boys. "RIGHT SO TODAY BOYS WE WILL BE GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER!" Reinhardt shouted. Although the yelling terrified Dipper he was glad that today's lesson was going to be easy. "SO FOR TODAY'S ACTIVITY WE WILL BE PLAYING....DODGE BALL!" Reinhardt shouted an evil like grin on his face. Dipper paled. Bill what am I supposed to do?! Dipper panicked. Pine Tree you dodge stuff all the time! You dodged all of the eye bats and they were blasting lazers you'll be fine! Bill reassured smiling at the "fond" memory. Yeah....Yeah you're right! This will be easy! Dipper thought confidently. All the boys were separated into opposite groups fifteen to each side. Crap....Dipper we're on different teams. Bill thought worriedly. It'll be fine as long as you don't use magic. Dipper replied as confidently as he could. But Dipper Almor... Bill stopped his train of thought when he saw Dipper's face. He knew the risks and were fully prepared. Hey this is easy I defeated you didn't I? Dipper smiled in Bill's direction and they both nodded. "RIGHT YOU SHANKS 3....2.....1 BEGIN!" Coach Reinhardt yelled. Most of the boys, including Bill, ran for the balls but some like Dipper didn't bother knowing they'd only be emlinated faster. Dipper ducked as ball was thrown straight for his face. "You reminded me....You owe me a rematch!" Bill shouted as smiled playfully. Dipper dodged another ball thrown from Bill. "Bring it!" Dipper shouted back. So the two fought dodging eachothers and others attacks. The score was 5-3 with Bill's team in the lead. Dipper caught a ball heading straight for one of his teammates Zebedee. The two nodded and attacked at the same time bringing the score down to 4-3. Almor aimed his ball for Dipper. He was angry. Angry at how much fun the runt was having. Angry he had dodged all his attempts. He threw the ball. Hard. Bill watched as the ball headed straight for Dipper. What is he doing if he doesn't move then he'll be out and have one hell of a bruise. Bill thought confused. The ball got closer and closer and time seemed to slow down, or in Bill's case be present, just before the ball hit him Dipper did three things at once. He ducked, dropped into a commando roll and caught the ball. Almor stared at him in anger and disbelief as he clenched his fits while Bill smiled. Almor distracted by his anger didn't see the ball that Dipper threw heading straight for him. The ball hit him straight in the chest the impact surprised him so much that he took two steps back. And with two words Almor lost it. "You're out." That was it he was through with Mason Pines, was the last through he had before he charged and jumped on Dipper. Dipper was caught off gaurd by the attack and before he realised it he was pinned beneath Almor and getting punch in the face. It didn't hurt as much he thought it would but that didn't mean that didn't hurt at all. Almor continued to repeatedly beat down on Dipper. Bill realising what was going ran over to Dipper and Almor. Almor grabbed Dipper and in blind rage started to choke him. Bill pushed Almor off Dipper and stood in protectively in front if Dipper. Almor started to charge at Bill until he stopped mid way and took a step back in fear. Bill had an insane look on his face and an even more insane grin. (Think yandere mode after they've killed someone type of look) "Hey.....kid.....how about I repay you for everything you did.....and since I'm feeling generous I'll repay you tenfold." Bill treated as he took a step closer to Almor. "Bill....walk away....I'm fine." Dipper said grabbing Bill's arm. "But he hurt you" Bill said still glaring insanely at Almor. Coach Reinhardt in the mean time had dismissed the class and had gone to get the principal. "Bill....Ford." Dipper said looking down. "I....you're right I should be focusing on Ford not him." Bill said apologising. "Come let's go get changed." Dipper said dragging Bill away from the gym and into the changing room.
Almor POV
It seems I'll have to get Mason while his body gaurd isn't around. I best not let his body gaurd Bill or whatever his name was though maybe I can catch Mabel. Almor thought as walked away.

A/N: That's it! It's random but it's there hope you enjoyed!


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