Let's begin

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A/N: *IMPORTANT PLEASE READ DON'T SKIP IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY* Hey guys so from now on things in the story will be different. I am aware that there are some plot holes in the atory such as Bill's cabin, wendy and soos the whole adoption thing, Bill's intrest in Dipper, how Mabel and Pacifica got together. For the sake of this story I am planning to fix that here are the solutions:
•I will make lore and keep it cannon
• I will have more mabcifica chapters
•I will be doing a fillers for the next few chapters (probably more than a few and in different POV)
•After the next few chapter *spoilers ahead* there will be no more school for Dipper or Bill.
There will be more abusive scenes
• There will more than a few chapters that will undoubtedly make you feel uncomfortable or tugged because of the subjects.
These changes are for reason that will be discloses in the lore of this story. One thing I will disclose though is the reason while the school Ark will end soon is because it messes up the lore of tye story quite a bit and it makes it difficult for things to transpire. The ark will not end immediately but it will end in say the next 5-10 chapters. Ok that's all to the story!! That doesn't mean you still can't submit OC's you can still do that if you want.
Chapter 15

Bill's POV
"I should kill him!" I shouted punching the bathroom wall. "You should have left it!" Dipper shouted back. "He was hurting you!" I shouted still angry. "He was making it worse than it already was, he was making you hurt more than you already did!" I growled and punch the bathroom wall leaving another hole in the tiled wall. "His punches ment nothing, they were nothing compared to Ford nothing compared to what I go through what you cover up!" Dipper shouted I could feel the anger coming off him in waves. "Why are you angry at me for I tried to help you, I tried to stop him from hurting you, from making you go back!" I shouted back tears treating to spill but I will never let it. "So what if he was hurting me, so what if I went back?! I doesn't matter!!" He was really angry. "It doesn't mean you risk everything on your first fucking day, or do you want everyone to know you're a demon." Dipper hissed the last part. "Do you want everyone to know that you're being abused by your great uncle?!" We glared at eachother neither of us backing down. "What would you have done if you had a panic attack or flashback or something?!" I yelled not caring who heard. "What would you have done if you lost your cool and killed him huh what would you have done if snapped and when you came back there was just blood and entrails, what would you have done, what would we have done?!" Dipper shouted obviously with same mindset of carelessness. "Then we would of left." I replied coldly. "And what about Mabel huh?!" He had a point but I have a better one. "What about Mabel...what about Mabel?!" I shouted. "What about Mabel if she found out one of her beloved Gruncles was abusing her twin brother! What about Mabel have you considered....what happens when she's too scared to go home because she thinks that maybe Ford would hurt her to?! What about that Dipper?!" I knew I hit a nerve, I should stop, I should care, but I don't. "Do you really think that she be able to go home, do you really think she'd want you to hurt, you wouldn't stop her so why stop me, she has the capacity to kill all humans do, do think she's so innocent that she won't feel pain that she won't want revenge?!" I'm out breath now I see the look on his face and I know I should stop but still I don't. "Don't be so blind Dipper, you can't expect me to sit idly by and watch you get beat and do nothing!" "That's rich considering Ford is still breathing, still beating me!" Dipper shouted. "And who's fault is that Dipper, yours as always!" As soon as I said I immediately regretted it the look of pure defeat and shock on his face. "Dipper I-" He cut me off. "I knew it....deep down I knew that you thought I was weak and I deserved it I just didn't want to believe it but now..." He trailed off. "Dipper I didn't-" "Enough Bill you've done enough." He started to leave. "Dipper! Dipper wait!" He ignored me and kept walking. "Dipper!" I said desperately but he still ignored me. "Mason!" He froze. "Please." He kept walking. Out of the bathroom and out of head. Letting out a howl of fustration I burned the bathroom down and walked out ignoring the stares from the few people who populated the corridor.
??? POV
How interesting. It seems Cipher's mate walked away before he could claim him. How lucky for me. I followed the boy. He escaped from me last time but this time he won't be so lucky.
~Timeskip 3 hours later~
Blast it the kid keeps surrounding himself with people. Hmmm. Ahh at last finally!
Dipper's POV
I walked down the path that headed towards the forest. I was supposed to be in advanced calculus but I'm not in the mood for equations. "I should apologise." I said to no one in particular. "I know he didn't mean but-" A hand brushed across my shoulder. I turned around but no one was there. I continued walking. Bill? I thought cautiously. Dipper?! Dipper thank God I've been trying to contact you for ages I was worried! Bill seemed off but I let slide knowing it's just because of the argument. Dipper where are you please...I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I was just angry and- He was rambling again. I know Bill I know. I sighed in relief that we had finally cleared everything up. Pine Tree can you meet me by the cabin? Bill asked. Sure I'll head there now. I replied happy to see Bill again.
~Another Timeskip cause why the fuck not I'm lazy~
"BILL?!" I shouted he wasn't inside the cabin. Bill where are you? I reached out. I thought that you hated me... Bill replied. Hate you? We just made up remember you asked me to meet you by the cabin. I said thought slightly confused. Dipper....I never asked you to me by the cabin....Bill replied slowly. What?! Then who- Bill cut me off. It doesn't matter get outta there, whoever that was wanted you to- then silence. Bill? Bill?! BILL?! No reply. I sated to back up slowly only to bump into someone. I looked up to see Ford glaring back down at me then the next thing I knew I'm on the floor. "Oooo it's been a while since I gave you a good beating I can tell I'm going to enjoy this!" Ford grinned as he kicked me in the stomach. "It seems though someone's already beat me to it." Ford said as he grabbed me by the neck and slammed my head into a tree. "So you've finally accepted that you deserve this then huh?" Ford said still smiling as he bashed my head into the tree once more then threw me against the floor. "I don't deserve it." I mumbled. "What was that?!" Ford shouted as beat me. "I SAID I DON'T DESERVE IT!" I shouted. "I'll change that." Ford sneered. He picked me up choked me. "Ahhh let me go!" I wheezed. "So vocal it's seems Cipher undid all my hard work." He punched me in th gut. "Next time think twice before calling for help when you getting beaten." He said. Then he kicked me the back of head. Black dots swarmed my vision. So that is what this was about I called for Bill the yesterday and he got me our of there I should've know better. I tried to get up but Ford kicked me back down. I knew I was gonna pass out I had lost a lot of blood from the mutiple head wounds Ford had given me. I didn't have much strength left but I mustered up what I could. BILL! The echoed around the inky blackness that started to consume me almost mocking me. It was that last thing I heard.
Ford's POV
"You can have your fun now" I said nodding my head in his direction.
Bill's POV
I doesn't matter get outta there, whoever that was wanted you to- the connection was cut something was interfering with my powers. "I've got to get to Dipper." I tried to teleport but whatever was messing with my powers was strong enough to cut me off completely. Only someone with a high level of magical ability could do that but....there's no one with magic nearby. "Looks like I'm gonna have to get there on foot" I growled then ran in the direction of the forest shoving whoever was in my way. I ran and ran but no matter how much I pushed I couldn't go any faster. "Curse this *pant pant* useless body!" I screamed as I ran. After a few more minutes of running I could see the distant shape of the cabin. Just then like a surge of electricity I felt my powers return and my relief was almost overwhelming. But it didn't last long because as soon as they returned my connection with Dipper came back and I heard the most desperate wail I had ever heard come from him: BILL! It broke my heart. I gathered up my energy and  immediately teleported to him to find my Pine Tree on floor bleeding, burned and passed out. Wait burned? I inspected the burns. Third degree at best. Did Ol' Sixer get a flame thrower? No because then the terrain would've been burnt. The burns are fresh unlike the rest of the wounds. His bruises are already changing colour and his blood is dried so this would've just happened. I looked around warily before scooping Dipper up shielding him against my body and teleported back to the shack.
~Timeskip to after Bill cleaned Dipper up~
Dipper still hasn't woken up yet. "Pine Tree come on Pine Tree, you're not still mad at me are you, come on Pine Tree if this is some sort of revenge prank then it's working I'm sorry just please wake up...." Nothing. Not even a groan. This is bad. I don't understand Ford has done much worse and Dipper has woken up sooner than this. Whatever caused those burns must of really hurt him. I stroked Dipper's forehead and sighed Mabel will be back soon with Pacifica in tow and this will be hard to explain if he doesn't wake up....

A/N: That's it. Is it good? Bad? I dunno but it's there!


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