I wish you remembered me.

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A/N: Hey sorry I was gone so long guys. I had a bit of writing block plus the stress if school (whch is still ongoing) and I needed a little down time. But here is the first 'filler' story.

Chapter 16

Mabel's POV
"Your oh so beloved Gruncle Ford has been...Has been abusing Dipper." Bill snarled. "W-what?" I froze in shock I couldn't comprehend what Bill just said. "D-Dipper....please tell me this isn't true." I looked up at Dipper with hopeful eyes begging, praying that Bill said was a lie. "I wish I could." He said wincing. My entire world came crashing down. "M-Mabel?" I could see Pacifica's mouth moving but all I could hear was static. The world goes dark for a bit...but then I'm blind by a bright light and deafened by concerned shouts. "Mabel?" That was Dipper. "I-I'm ok..." I say eventually. I see Dipper wince and stumble back. "Are you okay?" Bill asked. "Still feeling the after affects..." Dipper said carefully sitting back down on the bed. "Pine Tree please just lay down you need to rest, the head wound, although not as bad as other times, was still serious and those burns are gonna hurt even with my healing." "But Bill!"Dipper protested. "Dipper...please do as he says." I begged. "Please Pine Tree you need to rest and let those burns heal before your alergies flare up and you have rash as well as the burns." Bill said. "How did you know that?" I asked. "Know what?" He replied. "Know that Dipper is alergies to burnt flesh?" I asked. "Well duh don't you remember when he was three and your mum cooked sausages but they got burned and Dipper had an alergies reaction? Or the time Dipper burned himself and the smell caused an alergic reaction." Bill said matter of factly. "Bill how do you know that about me? " Dipper asked confused. "Er....I-I know everything kid remember?" Bill said a little too quickly but the answer seemed to satisfy Dipper. "Oh...right ok." He layed down and closed his eyes after a few short minutes of silence Dipper's breathing evened out and he went to sleep. "So Cipher tell me how you really knew that." Pacifica demanded. "Hmmm.... no." Bill said rudely. "Do you really think we're gonna buy that?" I said now angry, not particularly at Bill just angry at everything. Angry at Bill for keeping it a secret, angry at Dipper for not trusting me enough to tell me, angry at Ford for hurting my twin and angry at myself for not noticing it sooner. "No but that doesn't mean I'm gonna tell ya shooting star it concerns me and Dipper not you" Bill said smirking "Hmm that reminds me hey Bill how come it's you and Dipper? Why'd you like him in the first place?" Pacifica asked. "Why did you meatsacks make up the concept of time?" Bill said rolling his eyes. "I could do this allllll day lama so bring it!" "Ugh you are infuriating!" Pacifica said. "Wow I'm surprised you gave in so easily." I said laughing. "He's Bill and that's the most infuriating thing about him" Pacifica said stomping her foot stubbornly. "Aww thanks lama I hate you too." Bill said sweetly. "Bill, Dipper is burned and broken and going through hell I think you owe us explanations!" I shouted. Dipper stirred and I immediately went silent. "I said no Shooting Star!" Bill yelled back. "Guys...." Dipper said wearily. Bill sat near Dipper. "Sorry Pine Tree I didn't mean to wake you....you need to sleep...I can already see a rash on your arms." Bill said quietly. Dipper nodded and hugged Bill. "Can y-you not shout?" Dipper asked. Bill hummed a reply. "Mabel Pacifica you need to leave." Bill said glaring at us. "What why he's my brother!" I said angrily. "That's rich, you haven't been acting like his sister lately." Bill snapped. "I..." He's right...I haven't. I thought. I nodded. "OK let's go Pacifica." I dragged Pacifica out of the room. "You're really gonna let him talk to you like that?!" Pacifica asked, pointing at the now closed door. "We should he in there not him." I sighed. "But he's right Pacifica...I haven't been there for him....I used to think I knew everything about mu twin but I couldn't even tell he was in pain and now looking back it was all clear as day." I said tearing up. "Oh Bel...." Pacifica hugged me as I cried in the hallway I eventually started to panic and breath heavily. "Mabel what's wrong are you okay?!" Pacifica sounded worried but for the second time today static rung in my ears. "This....is.....a-all.....my....f-falut." I wheezed out. "No no don't think that.....It's not your fault." Pacifica reassured hugging me close rubbing soothing circles on my back.
Bill's POV
I gently stroked the side of Dipper's face. "Bow Tie..." I froze. "I...thought you were asleep." I said embarrassed. "Can you tell me how you know about my allergy?" He asked in raspy voice the rash was now spreading at an alarming rate. "Let me heal you first." "Bill..." Dipper whined. "Pine Tree please." I said the rash worrying me more than it probably should. "Before it spreads to your neck." I said pleadingly. "OK...ok." He replied sympathetically. Nodding I slowly ran my hands up his arms and kissed him gently. I watched as the rash disappeared and I felt Dipper relax into my touch. "There." I said pulling away. "Please Bow Tie. Tell me." He begged. "OK so when you was a kid around 2 years old...
~Flashback (written in bold italic for all flashbacks)~
I watched as the squirrel ran around in circles desperately trying to put out the flame that was steadily engulfing it's body. "Hahaha pain is hilarious" I said laughing manically. I walked around Piedmont woods looking for more animals to torture. The whole woods had fallen silent and not even the trees made a sound. I kept walking humming a familiar tune and set random things on fire and summoning grotesque creatures to reek havoc on the near by town. ~Pause Flashback~
"How come you could summon creatures like that, you've never been able to do that here." Dipper asked. "I had the power to do what I wanted since ol fordsie hadn't trapped me in this run down state of Oregon." I replied wistfully. "you mean Ford trapped you here?" Dipper said shocked. "well yeah he closed the portal....after that I couldn't- wait why am I telling you this sigh back to the flashbacks...
~Resume Flashback~
"Tonight it's gonna get-" I was cut off by the sound of bubbling laughter.  I was annoyed, who the hell was brave or stupid enough to laugh admits this chaos, anyone here should be screaming in pure terror. I floated over towards the sound of the laughter. It was human child probably no older than 2 earth years it was...playing with one of the creatures I summoned....a screaming head, the child apparently thought it was hilarious and fun to play with. As i came closer the kid looked up and smiled; disgusted by its happines i shooed the head away but still kid kept smiling. "What the hell is wrong with you most kids would of recognised me by now!" I said huffing. The kid held out its arms towards me and started to, what looked like, grabbing at air. "Up, Up!" The kid said still beaming. "You.....want me to lift you up?" I said hesitantly this was enough to weird even me out normally kids would recognise me as the guy from their nightmares but this kid either didn't know me or didn't care. The kid nodded. A blue hue engulfed the kid as I made him start floating up towards me. The kid smiled and laughed. "Weee!" The kid yelled as he he was moved around in the air. "You like this?" I asked I was somewhat aware that I was having a conversation with a human baby but it wasn't at the forefront of my mind. The kid once again nodded and kept laughing so I decided to experiment. I quickly moved my glowing hand to the side and the kid went with it, then i moved my hand up and down and to the right and the kid went flying in those directions. I repeated he movements again but still the kid just kept laughing, the speed nor the height seemed to bother it. I floated up towards the kid. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" I asked not really expecting a reply. "Decause yous is nice yous have fun fings to play wif!" The kid said STILL laughing. "My creatures of chaos are fun?" I asked confused. What the hell is wrong with this kid? I thought. The kid nodded giggling. "Well kid I- what are you doing?" The kids tiny fat hands were grabbing for my hat. "Hat hat!" I sighed and put my top hat on his head it was way to big for him and it looked funny but the kid seemed to like it. "What name?" The kid asked pointing at me. "William Cipher." I said proudly. "Wi....Wial.....Wi. " The kid looked like he was having a hard time saying my name. "But you can call me Bill." I said sighing. "Dill!" The kid said happily. "No Bill!" I said faceplaming. "Dill Dill!" The kid said cheerily. "Can you not say B?" I asked. He shook his head. I shrugged. "OK Dill it is." "So kid what's-" I was cut off by a worried shout. "MASON! MASON WHERE ARE YOU?!" It sounded like a woman. I looked at the kid. "Are you Mason?" I asked. The kid nodded. I put the kid down. "Stay here." I said quietly. "W-Will Dill ome dack?" Mason asked. "Errr..... sure....kid." I patted his head and disappeared. A woman appeared. "Oh Mason thank God we found you!" She said scooping the kid. "Mumwy I made a new fwend he is Dill." Mason said happily. "Oh that's sweet where is he?" She asked looking around. "He swed he ome dack." Mason said looking around as well. "Dill?" For some reason I felt the need to go to the kid so I did. "Dill!" The kid said excitedly. "Thish is my Mumwy." The woman in question looked around "I can't see him dear." She said confused. "Why can she notsh sees yous?" Mason asked. "Because I don't want her to." I replied smiling. "Dill says he doeshn't want yous to sees him." Mason said to his mum. "Oh!" The woman said smiling. ((Underline for thoughts)) So he's an imaginary friend. She thought. I smiled wider. Yeah I can be a imaginary friend. I thought grinning.
~End Flashback~
"So then from then on I was your imaginary friend until you reached the age of four, that's when Ford closed the portal. Eventually you forgot about me and I guess I did too for a bit." I explained. "So I knew you when I was young?!" Dipper asked shocked. "Yeah....That's why I 'targeted' you a lot....I wanted you to remember because if I told you you wouldn't of believed me." I said sighing. "Should be forgiving or more upset now that I've learnt that's why you targeted me?" He said laughing. "Heh get some sleep kid." I said smiling. "I'm not kid." Dipper said as he slowly started fall asleep under my power. "Sure you're not." I said laughing quietly.

A/N: That's it ya'll! 2000 words XD. Sorry for being gone so long I don't have an excuse since I haven't updated since April. I feel bad. I'll try update more ok? It was half-term this week so I really don't have an exuse. Hope you enjoyed!


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