(The Real) Finale part 3

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A/N: Welp it's been fun the gif above should sum this up.

Chapter 24:

General POV(that's how you know the real shit is happening)

Bill still smiling tossed the small bubble in the air before catching it again. "This'll hurt Pine Cone promise~" He laughed winking.
Dipper's POV/ Thoughts
Pine Cone? Bill's never called me Pine Cone. What does it mean?
General POV(again)
Bill threw the bubble at Dipper. Dipper watched the bubble fly straight at him before it hit him and he crumpled to the floor immediately mumbling things that were deaf to even the demons ears.
Dipper's POV/ Thoughts
What is this?! It hurts...
General POV
Dipper started writhing in pain as he screamed. "Hehe~ see look at that going insane as we speak." Bill said gleefully. Ford raised an eyebrow while Tad clapped happily. "Bravo Bravo welcome back Billy~!" Bill bowed smirking. "Don't encourage him." Ford said sighing. "So what now?" "What now?" Tad echoed sounding confused. "Well it'll be harder to break him now he doesn't care so what do you propose Strange?" Ford said matter-of-factly. "Break me?" Bill asked growling slightly. "Well yes did you forget the deal between me and Tad already?" Ford asked. "Ahh right you were gonna break me by using the meatsack..." Bill said thoughtfully. "I suppose it worked since my heart must of died or something since I just don't care anymore." Bill shrugged. "Your heart didn't die silly Billy it was a spell from a witch, a witches spell can't last forever." Tad rolled his eyes. "Huh. I guess so." Bill replied.
Bill's POV
"So what's next?" I asked asked. "I mean I'm free the kid's occupied and we're standing here doing nothing." "Well what did you have in mind?" Ford asked unamused. "A game?" I replied tentively already anticipating Ford's answer replied. "Yes." "No." Ford and Tad said together. Just what I expected, I suppose I can't win 'em all "Two against one we win!" I  shouted knowing the childish act will please Tad but piss off Ford. Ford sighed a long regretful sigh. "Fine if Ol' Sixer is being such a downer then we can do it just me and you." I suggested smirking. "Sure!" Tad cheered. "Then follow me~" I said as I hit Tad. "Inter-dimensional Tag!" I shouted. "You're it!" And then jumped into a portal. "You're on!" Tad shouted and jumped in after me the portal closing behind him. He chased after me as I lead him to where I wanted. I suddenly stopped. "Hey Bill what's-" He jumped out the way dodging the ball of flames that almost him but I expected that. "What are you doing?!" Tad shouted. "Did you honestly expect me to turn that easily?!" I shouted back. I snapped me fingers and Tad was chained to the ground. "Did you honestly think that I couldn't get out of my chains?!" My whole body turning red as I grew larger. "Did you honestly think I would let you get away with what you did to my Pine Tree?!" Two spears made out of teeth impaled Tad's arms. Tad growled and struggled trying to get out of the chains. "Don't bother it won't work I conserved enough energy to make these impossible." I snarled. "Fuck you Cipher!" Tad yelled. "I'm going to enjoy this~" I laughed as I set his body aflame it wouldn't kill him but it'll hurt him. It'll hurt him a lot.
Tad's burnt, broken and bleeding near-corpse stared at Bill with empty eyes. "And next time you think about coming after me or my Pine Tree remember this." I sneered as I opened a portal a few hundred yards away from Dipper and Ford. (A/N: I feel like this chapter is all over the place so feel free to skip to the next part)
Ford's POV
Bill and Tad are taking a while. The damn demons have no perception of time. I hate the fact I have to work with them...I don't trust Bill for a second. No one would switch sides that easily not even Bill. Something else is going on here and I'm gonna find out what. I pop the bubble encasing my great nephew's--er son's? Head. "Wake up bitch." I snarl. Hmm nothing. Guess Bill really did a number on him. "I said wake up!" Kicking him. Hard. He flinched but didn't stir. I growled. "WAKE UP YOU BASTARD!" I went to kick him again but before my foot could even touch him I'm upside down wrapped in a...bag...of...flesh?
General POV
"Don't. Touch. Him." Bill warns Ford's stalking towards threateningly. "I knew it was an act!" I yell struggling, trying to wiggle out of the bag. Blue flames circle the ground beneath Ford with a click of Bill's fingers. "I'd be careful if I were you, they don't act like Rin's flame." Bill said smiling. "Rin?" Ford half grunted half asked. "Oh yeah a got buddy of mine from another dimension man his show is great although having people like that after you I don't pity him." Bill says nonchalantly rambling a bit. "Show?" Ford asked the confusion and 'done-ness' in his voice evident. Bill rolls his eyes "Don't worry about it IQ." For continues to wiggle desperately trying to get free. Bill watches for a bit before growing visibly annoyed and stretching his arm ( Think like Mr.Fantastic from the fantastic four) and poking a hole (Yes a hole) through Ford's abdomen. (You know I don't understand why I narrate this I hate this, it's shitty and all of the place I'd much rather being narrating a good book and-) "Oi Narrator quit yapping and complain and get back to work unless you want to die buddy." Bill glared into the sky. (Sorry...sorry) Bill poked many 'holes' into Ford; each the size of bullet wound but yeah hurting like 50 of them. Ford screamed and gritted his teeth in pain. "So...?" Bill asked in a sing song voice full of glee. "How's it feel to get tortured?" "Fuck you Cipher." Ford glowered. "You know funny enough Tad said the. Exact. Same. Thing." Bill grew twice his size becoming a deep red his voice become deeper and demonic. "Whatever you're gonna do to me Bill do it." Ford glared. "Kill me go on I dare you." "As much as I would love to...I think he should." Bill said smiling. "What?" Ford said confused. "Now!!" Bill shouted and Ford glanced down (or up in this case) at his chest blood already forming, Dipper standing behind home with the gun still raised. Bill let Ford fall to the ground as Dipper walked up to his Gruncle.
Dipper's POV
"H-How?" Ford chocked out. "Well..."
What is this?! It hurts...but...I feel fine?
It's not gonna last long so listen up Dipper!
In 60 seconds you'll be flooded with images you'll need to pretend that it's driving you insane ok? The most it will actually do is give you a migrane.
You mean this isn't a bubble of madness?
No do you think I'm insane....actually don't answer that but I needed to get them to trust me. Can you trust me?
"You good for nothing scheming brat!" Ford shouted or tried to but it came out as more of a strained gurgle. "I'm not gonna have any memory of this Ford so I suppose I don't have to feel bad...not that wod anyway." I said coldly as I raised the gun and shot him in the head.
~Timeskip (YOU CAN COME BACK NOW!!!)~
Ford lay there dead on the ground the surrounding area of the forest was a charred mess and in the middle of it all were the two of us. Bill and I. Me and Bill. "So...you want to use the memory gun?" Bill asked suddenly quiet. "Yes...who wouldn't." I stare at the floor avoiding his eyes. "So you'll go back to hating me?" Bill said sadly. "No...I'll go back trying to convince myself I do...wait for me Bill...I...I don't think I'm read for a relationship but I'm ready to try with you." I said hesitantly scared of Bill's response. "But what about what Tad said...he was right the spell won't last...it probably won't last..." Bill sad even sade now. "Bill you haven't had a heart...since October." I said now.lookinh straight at Bill. He looked shocked. Unsurprisingly. "I didn't have the heart to tell you...you seemed so happy I didn't want you creating a false mindset that you didn't have feelings anymore. "But Pine Tree October was months ago." Bill said in disbelief. "I know." "How did I not notice?!" He asks though I'm not sure of he's asking me or himself. "I don't know...I guess you were just used to feelings." I said shrugging. Bill sighs and I do too. "I'll do it but only if I get to do it on myself...I want to start again Dipper." Bill explains. "But we start again you won't have feelings and-" Bill cuts me off. "I want to start again as me and not as a witches curse." Bill says determined. I nod...slowly. "I...I understand...but what about Mabel and Gruncle Stan...what about school?" I ask tentively. "Well after Fez finds out I think it's safe to say moving back to Piedmont would be acceptable you can even live in your old house and-" This time I'm the one who stops him. "But my parents still live there...they don't want me...or Mabel." Old memories re-surface and I can't help but feel sad. "You mean...they didn't tell you?" Bill said confused but softly. "Tell me what?" I ask cautious scared of the answer. "Dipper your parents died in car crash Stan and Ford were given legal custody over you." I can't stop the tears. "You said are names...you said they're dead...you aren't joking..." I'm trying to process it but I can't. "Hey hey shhhh it's okay come one let's head back and I'll et you sleep." Bill grabbed my hand and we were back in my room faster than I can blink. I lay down to numb to argue. I close my eyes knowing what's coming next. I hear Bill looking around for it before making a triumphant hum and walking over to me. As he sets in the memories I say one last thing "I love you." Then the world went white.


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