Mortal Frenemies

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Chapter 4:

Dipper POV
"so what do ya say Pine Tree can you help me?" Bill squeaked out. This caught me by surprise as I looked closer I saw Bill fiddling with his bow tie and he wouldn't look at me, oh god he wasn't lying! Well that's a first!  I thought. "No need to be rude I don't always lie just very often!" Bill said rolling his eye. I laughed. "Pssh yeah right!" "Look will you help me or not?" Bill huffed obviously annoyed. "Er...sure but I don't really get how I'm supposed to help you." I replied awkwardly scratching the back of my head, heh whats new I've always been awkward. "I know of four emtions Anger, obviously when you get really mad and feel like you want to punch a person or rip out their intestines and string it on your wall!" He said laughing distantly probably imagining doing that to some poor soul. I gulped at the thought. "Happiness; I think thats  when you get a bubbly sensation in your chest and your face contorts into a 'smile' its really weird even though I 'smile' I still find it weird." He said going off topic. "Anyway thats what 'happiness' is right?" He questioned looking down at me. "Uh yeah." I said deeply regreting agreeing to this. "Worry, I've only felt it a few times because of a certain *ahem* Pine Tree but its when you feel scared or panicked about someone's safety right?" He said looking really ashamed of himself, then again if your where an all powerful all knowing omnipotent being and had to turn to a mortal for help because you can't 'deal with these emotions' I would be ashamed and embarrassed myself. "Well kinda, you can also be worried about your safety or about certain situations." I said hoping to be of some use. "O...k well the only other one I know of is sadness, its like you get this urge to cry and mope around and be consoled its kinda weird." "Yeah tell me about, but you know what's weirder that friggin Weirdmagdon crap (hes thirteen now its fine) you pulled yesterday!" I said still salty. I expected him to sneer at me or tease me or something but what I didn't expect was for him to breakdown crying. " I-I know sob a-and wh-when ever I sob think about it I-I get t-this sort o-of sob stabbing sensation i-in my chest a-and it h-hurts and n-normally pain is hilarious but...but sob this pain isn't, why i-isn't it hilarious?!" He sobbed obviously distraught. Oh crap! I thought. "H-hey now its ok it's alright what your feeling is guilt, guilt is very common when you done something bad or hurt someone badly, its ok when someone is guilty it usally weighs on their mind a lot but if they're forgiven it usally makes them feel better...and I don't know about my family but I forgive you!" I said trying to comfort him. "R-really?!" He looked up at me from my lap tears streaming out of his eye he was blue now I guess that means he's sad. "Yeah I can see that you've changed, when I came here you didn't try to kill me, when I was having a panic attack you helped me and you've saved and healed me twice, you've obviously changed!" I said smiling try to cheer him up. "So there's no use feeling blue!"I said I couldn't help it. (A/N I'm sorry if you don't like puns but I love them and I feel like Dipper would like them too once he relaxed which he is with Bill) "You didn't, oh my god you did!" He said angrily. "I'm crying my new heart out and you make a PUN!" "Hey I mean it worked your no longer crying!" I said defensively. "Heh...heh...hahahaha I guess your right!" He said his eye turning upwards indicating he was smiling. "So Bill this is the Mindscape huh." I sated causally. "Yeah." He replied "It's nice." I said.
~Time skip 2 days later~
I woke up going over the conversation I had with Bill he's been visiting a lot recently. I shrugged I know it sounded crazy but I really like hanging out with its never boring and talking with him makes me happy. I'm not the only one who noticed that I'm noticeably happier Mabel, Gruncle Stan and even Gruncle Ford have noticed. Though Ford had beaten me a lot lately for being happy saying that I was 'too cocky' but he just likes beating me. I don't tell anyone not even Bill and I'm lucky I found out any physical injuries I sustain in reality doesn't show in the Mindscape.
I walk downstairs and see Gruncle Ford sitting on the couch. "Get dressed we're going out I found something interesting." He said gruffly without looking at me. "R-right ok!" I said scurring off. Mable was still asleep so I had to change in the bathroom. The brusies still hadn't faded from yesterday's beating and the giant gnash across my stomch needed new bandages. As I redressed the wound I heard Ford call me name "I'll be there in a minute!" I shouted down I finished getting dressed, grabbed my journal and my signature pine tree hat and raced down the stairs being careful not reopen my wound. I saw Ford at the door and walked over trying not limp. When Bill had healed me in the Mindscape he healed my previous wound, so my head wound and ribs were healed but yesterday Ford had almost broke my leg and it still hurt.
~Time skip to woods (writing the trek there would be boring for both of us)~
"We're here!" Ford announced as he pushed me forward.  I fell face first into the dirt but I picked myself up without complaining and followed him towards some sort of ore. He inspected it and then threw a hammer and chisle at me narrowly missing my head.  I got to work straight away while Ford scouted out the area. I hated how he treated me like his slave but I couldn't do anything about it if I told anyone it'd just make thing worse for me. As I worked on getting the ore out of the ground I heard a low growl from behind me, I turned around to see a rabid bear behind me (I don't know if bears can get rabies but this is Gravity Falls so hey who cares) I got up and ran barely  dodging the paw aimed at my head. I ran screaming and saw Ford and led the bear to him hoping that Ford would help me. The bear saw Ford and tried to attack him. Big mistake. Ford killed the bear with one shot from his repulsers (not sure what to call it so I'm going with what Marvel called iron mans blasters) he turned to me livid and blasted me in the chest, luckily he it put back on a low setting. I groaned and sat up suddenly the ground started to shake, it turns that bear was only a baby and that thing charging towards us is its very pissed mother. I got up and started to run Ford following suit. It was so big it was causing an eartgquake, the ground shook making it hard to keep balanced.
After half an hour of running we finaly lost it but the earthquake didn't stop and it was getting worse the ground was cracking and falling away like sand left in the rain. We approached a waterfall the ground cracking under the weight of both of us, we were going to fall. "It going to break!" I shouted fearfully. "Not if have anything to say about it, I guess this is how it ends for you Dipper goodbye!" Ford shouted as he pushed me off the edge of the waterfalls. As I fell I saw him run off. I heard someone screaming, their scream ringing in my ears it took me a minute to realise it was me screaming. I hit the water and sank like a rock my clothes dragging me down, the raging current guiding me to my death.
~Time skip 10 mins later~
I felt air being pumped into me a voice calling my name trying to rouse me into consciousness but I didn't want to go back, its quite here peaceful. I wished for whoever it was to go away but they didn't and to my horror I resurfaced into reality the pain hitting me like truck. I gasped and coughed up what seemed like a river of water. "Oh thank god I thought a lost you!" A trembling but relived voice said. I looked up to see a blonde boy with a black triangle eyepatch over his left eye looming over me crying; he seemed to by my age. "Don't ever leave me again Pine Tree!" The boy said fiercely hugging me like my life depended on it. Pine Tree? Why would this stranger call me Pine Tree? Only one person calls me by that nickname,  but it can't be right?! I thought.
A/N: Hey guys just wanted to thank you to all those who read/voted on this fanfiction hope you enjoyed this chapter! Prepare for a very injured Dipper next chapter!


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