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Chapter 9:

Stan POV
I'm seriously starting to worry. Mabel has been gone for hours, its 3am and I'm fearing for her life. She was an emotional wreck before she left the house, with her brother dead she's unstable and vunerbale, I don't know if she can cope with his death and I don't want to acknowledge the possibility of my Mabel committing an act if suicide. It breaks my heart thinking about it, I'd practically lost it when Ford told me what had happened to Dipper. We've been searching these woods for hours, Soos and Wendy had come to help. Of course they asked about Dipper...
"Stan you called, has Mabel really gone missing?" Wendy asked. I nodded gravely. "Dude we gotta go find them!" Soos said worriedly. "Wait where's Dipper shouldn't he be coming with us it is his twin sister after all." Wendy said confused. I flinched at his name as did Ford. "That's why we are so worried about Mabel going missing; this, unfortunately, isn't under normal circumstances." Ford began to explain. "Dipper......Dipper died several hours ago and with all the emotional stress and impact it had on Mabel..." He trailed off. "We're scared she attempted to.....join him." I finished trying to put it as lightly as I could
~End Flashback~
The pure look of horror and sadness is something I'll never forget. "MABEL!" I shouted. The desperation in my voice was so clear that it didn't sound like me at all.
Time Skip 7am
We trudge back, dejected and silent. After searching for four hours straight with no sleep, we came back unsuccessful.
As soon as we're inside I crash in the arm chair, ignoring the world until it turned black.
Dipper POV
I awoke with small gasp, the injuries from the fall were now making their presence know, in probably the most painful way known to man it hurt to even blink. Not only that but there was some sort of weight across my chest. Everything was blury, partly due to pain and the unshed tears threating to spill but I could make out the distorted figure of Bill lying on top of me. I shook him gently hoping to wake him up but it seems a tired demon unaccustomed to the human body sleeps like a body at the bottom of the ocean. I gave up trying and with a frustrated huff threw my head back onto the pillow.
Mabel POV
I woke up to see Pacifica curled up next to me, I laughed quietly and decided to wake her up. I put my face as close to her's as I could without touching her, knowing she was a light sleeper, and poked her nose "Boop!" I said with a grin. She woke up and practically lept back. "M-Mabel what the heck!" She shouted I laughed at her, "You're adorable when you pout!" I said not thinking. Just then we heard shouting from the other room. "UGH BILL SERIOUSLY I'VE HAD ENOUGH GET OFF ME!" Sounds like Dip'n'Dot is in a predicament. "Huh wha-what's going on!" Was the only reply Dipper got. I laughed and got out of bed, Pacifica following suit.
~Time Skip breakfast~
Bill POV
With Dipper's now on some seriously strong painkillers and the rest of wounds taken care of with my healing we started to get breakfast ready. "I still don't like the fact that you healed me, we don't know what could of happened I mean what if there's side effects." Dipper said while cracking some eggs for the bater. "Well there wasn't so all's well if it ends well as they say." I said shrugging. "Yeah yeah..." He said. "Hey Pine Tree what are we making anyway?" I asked. "Pancakes." He replied. "What's a pancake?" I said even more confused. He just stared at me in disbelief. "MABEL I NEED HELP!" Pine Tree shouted up the stairs "COMING!" Shooting Star shouted back as she raced down stairs. "What's up bro bro?" Shooting Star said her quirk now back. "Bill over there doesn't know what a pancake is." Pine Tree said with false concern. "Bill you seriously don't know what pancakes are?" Shooting Star asked. "Tch if knew that it would cause this much fuss I wouldn't of said anything." I said rolling my eyes. "I guess you'll just have to be amazed by bro bro's pancakes then!" Mabel said beaming. "I guess so." I said ending that conversation. "Hey Mabel did you tell Gruncle Stand and Ford where you were going at all because if not they might think you've run away and with everyone thinking I'm dead, that is not good thing." Pine Tree said stiring the batter. "Ok so we should probaly go back to the right in now in I totally forgot to tell Gruncle Stan and Ford now!" Mabel said sweat dropping. "No your not taking Pine Tree anywhere I will NOT allow him to go back to that house not while that misrable piece of-" "Bow Tie!" Pine Tree cut me off he seemed angry. "Bow Tie I have to go back, we both know that sigh tell ya what why don't you come back with us!" Pine Tree exclaimed. "Oh yeah 'cos they are sooo going to let me through their door." I said sarcasticly. "Well you saved Dipper so they do kinda owe you." Shooting Star said in "deep thought". "I guess that is true...ok go get Lama we will eat some 'pancakes' the set off for the shack!" I said with a new found determination.
~Time skip after breakfast~
Mabel POV
"Time to set off~" I sang out walking in the direction of the shack with Dipper and company in tow. "Mabel are you sure you know where you going?" Dipper said being his usual Dipper. "Yes mum!" I said sticking my tounge out at him. He rolled his eyes and laughed as we continued to walk. "Hey Bill why do have an eyepatch?" Pacifica asked. "Well Lama, I need to hide my right eye and I would look strange wearing sunglasses indoors in autumn don't ya think?" I replied. "I always thought you'd be a right eyed man Bill guess I was wrong." I said. "Why do you call me 'Lama' I am obviously human." Pacifica said annoyed. "Its my nickname for you Lama~" Bill teased. "Its your sign on the Cipher wheel." Dipper said once again rolling his eyes. "Oh..." Pacifica trailed off as an uncomfortable silence came upon us. "Welp this just got awkward anyone wanna take a short cut?" Bill asked his left eye glowing blue. "Uh what?" I asked. "Oh right wrong universe (I really gotta pay that stupid smiley trashbag a vist)" Bill said mumbling the last part under his breath. "What was that last part?" Dipper said suspicious. "Nothing~!" Bill said brushing off the question. "Now do you wanna get home or not?" Bill asked. "Well no duh thats where we're heading!" I said getting annoyed. "I so hoped you would say that!" Bill said a evil grin forming on his face.
A/N: Hey guys so sorry for no updates recently I've been really ill lately but I've recovered and now I'm back! If you couldn't tell by the hints in the last few chapters the wining scenario has been decided by you guys but you'll have to wait until the finale. Oh and if you got the reference I love you!


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