A night at Bill's

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Chapter 8:

Mabel POV
I'm floating around bored and confused out of my mind. The  bubble me and Pacifica are trapped in looks and feels very familiar, my mind keeps drifting back to Bill Cipher and all his weirdmeggdon bull he pulled but that's impossible, he doesn't exist anymore. Although we don't say it we can tell that we're both scared out of our wits; we have know idea what this guys looks like let alone what he's capable of. I can hear muffled chatter, the guy seemed really worried about whoever was screaming then again these people probably do live together so its not unusual. I can make out some of the words: "prom...ie...me....ok" I strain to here more. "heh...I...ise...Tie" Its silent know save for our breathing. "Bel does...does this seem familiar to you 'cause I'm getting the strangest sense of deja vu." Pacifica asks her accent slipping through a bit. "Hmm...I got the same feeling earlier and I had a...thought but its impossible." I say thinking aloud. "What?" I could tell she was internally panicking about our situation her masks weren't fooling me. "Well I thought...well it reminded me of...Bill but like I said that's impossible." I said a bit too quickly. "Hunny my middle name is Impossible~" A voice rang out. "Huh B-Bill?!" I shouted, now frantically banging on this cursed bubble. "How...w-what are you doing here!?" Pacifica demanded now visibly shaking in fear and fury. "Not much ya' know just visiting good ol' Pine tree and...stuff" He said nonchalantly.

Bill POV
I shrugged. I know that sounded sketchy as hell but I didn't care I've got have some fun right? "What did you do to Dipper!" She shouted her struggling becoming more frantic and urgent. I might of said the wrong thing. "Er...well...erm...I just put him to rest for a...while" i said sweat dropping. Shit god damn guilt...gnawing me up inside ugh this is no fun I thought. I looked at both girls. Shooting Star looked pissed beyond belief and Lama looked scared. "What. Did. You. Do.!" Shooting Star shouted. "Talk you stupid triangle!" Lama demanded. "Well technically I'm no longer a triangle." I said smugly, I can't wait to see their reactions. The flames went out replaced with a blinding bright light. After my eyes adjusted I summoned my top hat and cane. "Tadaa~!" I sang. Their jaws practically dropped while i just laughed. "What poor soul did you posses this time Bill?" Was Lama's reaction. "I am offended Lama, this...right here is all me...I guess you could say homemade!" I said with mock offence. "Ugh enough games Bill what are you doing here?" Shooting Star said her usual happy, goofy demeanour completely gone. "I should be asking you that!" I say. "You are the ones after all who broke into my house while I was sleeping and broke one of my vases!" I had every right to be angry with them but I couldn't find it in myself, with all the guilt plus my worry for Dipper i just didn't have it in me. "I...er...well." Shooting Star said nervously, it was their turn to sweat drop. "Ugh you are impossible!" Lama shouted frustrated. "Actually I'm Bill." I said. I thought they knew my name. "Ugh!" Lama looked like she was about to tear her hair out. I decided to tap into Shooting Star's thoughts. Bill said he was visiting Dipper. Does he know about Dipper? What if Dipper survived and Bill killed him!
What if that person screaming was Dipper!?

I was getting a headache just listening to her. "If you're done with your game of 'what if' then I might just explain myself." That girl is going to explode on day. "You better explain you've caused Mabel and I so much pain, you owe us an explanation!" Lama shouted. "You're sooo lucky you can guilt trip me girl." I said threateningly. "You...guilty...ha don't make me laugh!" Lama said. "She's right you know...you being guilty...biggest joke of century!" Shooting Star said coldly. She's still harbouring resentment for me but I really can't blame her. "How long...will you hate me?" I asked. "Do we even need to answer that." Lama said confused. I sighed and decided to tap into my Pine Tree's dream. It was chaos, red flames everywhere, i looked around for Dipper but all I saw was a purple square laughing maniacally. I practically threw myself back into reality and  bolted upstairs leaving the girls once again confused. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn't do anything to stop them other than lock the door behind me. They were pounding against the door but I didn't care not right now. "H-hey Pine Tree can you wake up now?" My voiced hitched at the end. He didn't even stir. "h-hey now come on y-you promised!" I said shakily, stroking the side of his face watching his chest rise and fall repeatedly. Until it didn't. "Pine Tree?" I was scared now. "Pine Tree?!" I was shaking him now. "Dipper?!" I shouted. He suddenly shot up breathing heavily sweat covering his forehead. "Are you okay?" I asked, I noticed that we were both still shirtless with a snap of my finger quickly changed that. "T-Tad..." Was all he said. I hugged him and rubbed the side of his arm lovingly. "I know...I know...I saw...your safe now." I whispered. "I'm scared...he killed everyone....and said that if I didn't leave you that...he'd make it come true...I told him I wouldn't leave you because you don't do that when you love someone...and...and he said I was fool and that to...expect to see him in hell soon." This was very unlike Pine Tree. Even when he was scared he was always determined but this isn't anything I had ever seen from him before. He was shivering and his voice was horse he just looked like, for the first time, a scared child. This worried me the most. "Dipper what...else did he say...I know you're not telling me everything." I said gently. "Before...before he left...he turned into Ford and said that he would make sure it will be painful but I don't think he was talking about killing everyone...I think he was talking about...you know." He said quietly and hung his head. "Don't worry if he touches you ever I'LL STRING HIM BY HIS GUTS!" I threatened. "Bill...please...no matter what he does don't hurt him ok...Mabel and Gruncle Stan still need him." I freeze and sigh. " Oh yeah talking about Shooting Star she's outside...and she thinks your dead." I said changing the subject. "What!" He shouts "What did you tell her!?" "I didn't say anything she though you were dead before she and Lama came here." I said. "Lama?" He looked perplexed. "She came here...with a lama?" He said dumbfounded. "UGH...no she came here with Lama!" I said "Lama..Lama...Lama...Oh you mean Pacifica?" He says finally getting it. "yes!" I say exasperated. 

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