Home is where the pain is

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A/ N: Hey guys I'm back I got back on Sunday but I needed rest but now I'm back and ready to write! Enjoy!

Chapter 10:

Dipper POV

What did Bill mean by he hoped we were going to say that, the whole point of us being out here is to get to the shack. But whatever Bill's planning from the way he's grinning it's obvious we're not going to like it.

General POV

The confusion on the party's face was evident. Bill just smiled and lit his hand with blue flames. Suddenly in flash of blue and whirl of dust the group was engulfed in blue flames as the were dragged by Bill at the full speed of a demon. In a matter of moments the group found themselves just outside the woods, covered in dirt and filth and struck by fear. "N-never ever do that again!" Pacifca said trembling. "That was fun can we do it again?!" Mabel squealed. "Mabel look at us we're filthy!" Dipper shouted exasperated. "Oh don't worry babe I can fix that~" Bill said teasingly. "Uh- s-shut up and get us changed Bow Tie!" Dipper said pouting. "Sure thing~" Bill said. With a click of his chaotic fingers Bill swapped out there clothes for new ones, Mabel was now in a shooting star sweater-dress and Pacifica was now wearing blue skinny jeans and a one shoulder strapped tee with a purple lama on it and Dipper...well Dipper was now wearing a dress. ( Until I state otherwise in the story his scars are covered by Bill's magic) "BILL WHAT. THE. HELL!" Dipper shouted. "Hellooo... dream demon.... powers of chaos and weirdness over here...plus you look cute in a dress!" Bill said laughing. "I'm warning you Bow Tie change my clothes!" Dipper said. "And what are you going to do huh?" Bill said threateningly. "Your human now...with emotions I could simply hurt you in a non physical way." Dipper said smugly. "You're just lucky I feel." Bill said mumbling under his breath "(Stupid Dipper and my emotions...fucking stupid emotions)" "I heard that!" Dipper said. "Asshole!" Bill shouted back. Bill reluctantly clicked his fingers changing Dippers clothes to a clean version of what he usually wears.

(Bill looks like he does in the pic above only there is an eyepatch under the fringe) "Better

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(Bill looks like he does in the pic above only there is an eyepatch under the fringe) "Better." Dipper said gaining some of his dignity back. "Come Bro Bro lets go see Grucle Stan and Ford they'll be so happy to see you!" "Yeah...so happy..." Dipper said smiling weakly. "Dipper you ok, whats wrong do you not wanna go back?" Mabel asked worried. "No its nothing I just had a dizzy spell." Dipper said. Mabel was seemed unconvinced but she let it drop and started to walk towards he shack. Dipper followed behind her reaching the porch just as she did, he looked behind him to see Pacifica and Bill standing awkwardly behind him.

Ford POV

Its quiet now down in lab without the screams of the boy, I must admit I do quite miss torturing the lad, he is quite fun to break. "Hmm I'm never going to get at work done at this rate besides Mabel is still missing and its...OH SHIT its 9:00 am...Stan is going to KILL me we were supposed to leave two hours ago!" Ford yelled. I ran up the stairs two steps at a time. I barged through the door an apology already on my tongue only to find him passed out in his armchair, a bottle of whisky in his hand. I shook my head, it is just like stan to resort to alcohol when things go bad. "Stan...Stan wake up...come on Stan." I said gently shaking him. "Uh wha-...Oh Ford h-hey." Stan said groggily. "Damn my heads pounding." Stan said as he stood on unsteady feet. "Lee...come on lets go get you some aspirin." I said putting my hand on his back. "You...you haven't called me that...in years." Stan said turing around to look at me. I just stared silently past him guiding towards the diplidated stairs. Truth is I let slip...there's a reason I haven't called him that in years...after what I found out from that bastard of demon...I don't have the right to call him that and it's all that damn brats fault.
After relieving Stan of his hangover we went down and started to discuss our next move towards finding Mabel. "We've searched along the westside of the forest I think it'd be best to search along the south by the waterfall." I suggested "As much I don't like it...I think it would be-" I was cut of by a knock on the door.
General POV
Stan and Ford walked over to the old wooden door. Stan getting there first opened the door, only to stumble back in suprise. "Your seeing this too right Ford...I'm not still drunk right?" Stan asked as he stared at what was in front of him. "N-no you're not drunk, t-this is real." Ford stuttered. Stan let out a sob as he ran towards his niece and nephew and engulfed him in a hug. "M-Mabel we w-were so worried...Dipper sob oh my lord Dipper...I thought you were sob...you h-have no idea...I-we are so glad you're okay!" Stan said as chocked on his sobs. "How did you survive I-I saw you fall down a waterfall!" Ford said in shock. "Well you see..." Mabel trailed off nudging Dipper. "Huh what...ohhh!" Dipper exclaimed. "Right...well I had drowned and...and he saved me." Dipper said nervously. "Who?" Ford and Stan said in unison. "We have to thank them!" Stan said. "Well, well, well...never thought there'd be a day where I'd be thanked by Fez and IQ!" Said a cocky voice, you could practically hear the smirk."Bill...Show yourself!" Ford shouted his voice laced with venonm "Bill what happed to the whole 'hiding your identity thing'!" Dipper said exasperated while Mabel faceplamed. Bill and Pacifica stepped into Stan and Ford line of sight. "Pacifica?" Stan said confused. "What are you doing here?" Ford asked. "I...er...had found these three in the woods this moring and told them you guys were...worried about them...heh...yeah...right guys." Pacifica said sweat dropping. "No y-" Bill was cut by a stern glare from Dipper. "I mean righhht!" Bill said anxiously. "Wait who are you?" Ford asked suspiciously. "You really don't recognise me Fordsie...I'm disappointed I thought you were smarter." Bill said his ever present smirk on his lips. "B-Bill!" Ford and Stan said once agin in union. "How...how..." Ford mubbled. "Simple really I drew power from the kid every time he entered the mindscape." Bill said nonchalantly. "You did what?!" Dipper shouted. "Heh oh yeahhh did I forget to tell you that?" Bill said rubbing the back of his head. "It seems like you did." Dipper said through grittef teeth. What the hell Bill seriously! Dipper screamed in his head. Bill gripped his head and glared at Dipper. Ow! Shut it that hurts! Why do you care anyway its not like it affected you in any way! Bill shouted back. While Dipper just rolled his eyes. You could've just asked... Dipper thoughg sadly thinking Bill didn't trust him enough to ask. Things were different then you still hated me... Bill gazed towards the floor. "Erm is their something going on here that we don't know about?" Stan said gruffly. "Welp now I feel bad." Dipper said. "What..nevermind." Stan said. "Bill you have 10 seconds to explain what the hell you think in what world it acceptable for you to do that to my nephew!" Ford shouted. Bill's hair covered his eyes as his face darkened. You are quite a convincing actor Ford but I see right through you... I know what you did to Dipper...and I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM ANYMORE! Bill shouted as he took a step closer to Dipper. Ford stood there frozen (Stan-ding Frozen!) in shock and fear. Bill suddenly smiled cheerfully and said "In my world!" "Why I autta-" Ford was cut off by Dipper. "So you know since he saved me we kinda owe him so....maybe we could let him say...at the shack?" Dipper said nervously. "We don't owe him anything!" Ford shouted. "Gruncle Ford please!" Mabel said giving her best puppy eyes. "N-NO.... ...... ...... .....sigh....fine." Said Gruncle Ford as he relented. "Yay!" Mabel and Dipper shouted. "Do all you twins do that its creepy." Bill laughed. "Why don't you all come on in...that includes you Pacifica." Stan said as he led everyone inside.
"Hey guys I'm just going to take Dipper down to the lab after all he did just fall down a water fall." Ford said dragging Dipper with him.
~Down in the lab~
"How dare you come back!" Ford shouted as he threw Dipper across the room. "You're supposed to be dead!" He screamed as hit him repeatedly. "I thought I had finally erased you...after mistakes are ment to be erased THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO COME BACK!" Ford yelled as he continued to beat Dipper. "I'm sorry...I tried to stay dead...but I couldn't!" Dipper said crying. He yelped as he felt his wrist fracture. "SHUT IT!" Ford yelled. "Shit don't talk and that's what you are!" Ford reached for his dagger and sliced the boys arms, causing Dipper to scream in pain. He trailed the dagger across his arm leaving a gnash across it and a stream of blood in its wake. Such torture continued for an hour until Dipper was just about to pass out from blood loss and injury. "Welcom home you little fuck." Ford sneered as Dipper lost consciousness.
A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed sorry it took so long but the holidays are a distracting time. I know I said I'll release a Christmas chap but for this fic it simply won't fit with tye timeline and so I will try my best to upload instead a one shot of your desire you can choose what show/anime and what pairing if any and what theme (comedy angst etc) you have one day I'll try release on Christmas day or boxing day because thats how much I love you guys! Also sorry this chapters pretty bad.


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