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A/N: Ok so cannon Lore here we go.

Cannon Lore for Dipper:
•Before Bill came along he would cover up the scars with make up and any cuts and bruises he got that his family would see he would lie about.

•Because of the abuse he feels like a mistake and that he deserves it all.

•When he sleeps he goes into his mindscape.

• Somewhat immune to Bill's mind fuckery.

• Struggles with emotions and his sisters optimisation.

•Would die for his family.

• The deal he made with Bill is void because Bill no longer needs help with emotions.

• Has Aquaphobia which he required from drowning.

• Has Nyctophobia and Claustrophobia from being left alone locked in dark hole for two days.

•Is in love with Bill although he's not entirely sure why.

• Can be extremely sucidal at time and has attempted suicide twice.

• Ford started abusing Dipper two days after he emerged from the portal.

•Is gay.

•Has been dating Bill for about 6 months

•Has Agateophobia because he's dating a demon

Cannon Lore for Bill
• Can feel every emotion known to man.

•While he claims to omnipotent he really isn't.

• In his spare time he either kills animals or goes and tortures people's dreams.

•Hangs out with Dipper in Dipper's mindscape.

•Has Thanatophobia.

•Hates Ford and plans to kill him.

•His powers in his human form are limited to teleportation, speed, telepathy, mind entering and jumping, strenght, fire and summoning.

•Is Pansexual.

•Owns a pet hellhound named Pluto.

•Pluto is a reference to Black butler's demon dog Pluto who sadly died.

•Secretly wishes that he could just live in the mindscape with Dipper.

•Would die for Dipper.

•Has been dating Dipper for 6 months.

•His attraction to Dipper isn't new.

•Sometimes wishes he dead so that he wouldn't have to feel any more.

•He was cursed by a witch and was given a heart.

•Changes colour when angry or sad/depressed.

•Can see the scars etc even when he covers them with magic.

•Healing can be done by making a deal or by some sort of physical contact.

Common Lore for Mabel
•Has been dating Pacifica for 7 months.

•Loves Disney.

•Is Bi

•Still hates Bill but puts on a front for Dipper.

•Feels like she's losing more of Dipper to Bill.

•Prefers to surround herself with Pacifica.

•Has come out to Gruncles.

•Has Coulrophobia.

•Is actually quite smart bit hides it for fear of making her brother feel insignificant.

•Has her own Mindscape.

Common Lore for Pacifica
• Currently lives with her gran.

•Ran away from home.

•Still hates Bill and openly expresses it.

•Hates to see people crying because she doesn't know how to handle it.

•Has Isolophobia.

•Enjoys being with Mabel.

•Hates her parents.

•Actually loves video games.

Common Lore for Ford.
• Is insane.

•Loves Mabel but hates Dipper.

•Snaps all to easily.

•Has tried to kill Dipper multiple times.

•Has recently made a dreadful night come true.

•He plans to do something horrible to Dipper in the forseeable future.

•Is working on a way to kill Bill and possibly Dipper.

•Has done something terrible.

•Has tried to commit suicide once.

•Has no none Phobias.

•Will stop at nothing to see Dipper and Bill suffer.

•Lied to Dipper and Mabel about their parents.

Common Lore for Stan
•Has been to jail multiple times.

•Suspects something is going on with Dipper.

•Is an alcoholic.

•Has Capiophobia.

•Is allergic to peanut butter.

•Is dating Lazy Susan.

•Views Soos as a son of sorts.

•Lied to Dipper and Mabel about their parents.

•Secretly plays with waddles.

A/N: That's all folks. Hope you liked the double upload.

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