Snuggles (Jk you thought! this chapter is as angsty as the last XD)

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A/N: Hey guys! Your favourite annoyance is back! Are you prepared for fluff and good writing? If you said yes to this question then...

Chapter 17:

Bill's POV
~Timeskip to 6(66) months later~
Me and Dipper ran around chasing Mabel and Waddles snowballs in hand. "You will face my wrath!" I shouted gleefully. A blue hue encased hundreds of snowballs as they rose into the air. I smirked. "Game over." The snowballs fire at Mabel and she is pummeled by them. I laugh as she fails miserably at dodging them. I turn to Pine Tree smiling but he's not there. "Pine Tree?" I said laughing still. No answer. "Pine Tree if your planning to ambush me it'll end badly for you." I said my laughter dying down but still smiling. No answer. I looked around but still no sign of him. "Pine Tree?" My smile fading. I looked around a bit more worried now. "Pine Tree this isn't funny! Come on out now Pine Tree!" Mabel who had now recovered from the bombardment of snowballs walked over to me with Waddles. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned. "I can't find Pine Tree." I said anxiously. "You don't think...." She trails off looking down. "I hope took him a whole month to recover from the last time...." I said shuddering. That was two months ago. "Pine Tree!" I shouted wandering around the garden. "Dipper!" Mabel shouted wandering the other side of the garden. "Pine Tree where are you?! I yelled getting more worried by the second. I would not stand for a repeat of last time. "PINE TREE!" I shouted the worry and panic clear in my voice. I could already see it. Pine Tree....oh there was so much blood....I shook myself out of it. This was not then. But that didn't stop the memories from setting in.
~Flashback~~2 months ago~
"Hehe you're so cute Pine Tree." I said playfully. "Shut up Bow Tie." Dipper said pouting. "You pouting only makes you cuter." I said laughing. "Bill....." Dipper whined. "Haha so cute." A few minutes went by and there was no response from Dipper. I turned around. "No need for the silent....treat....ment." Dipper was nowhere to been seen. I searched for him for an hour but I couldn't find I was getting worried when he didn't pick up his phone after me call him the 1 billionth time. So I called Mabel and we searched and found nothing. We searched for hours and hours until I came across Dipper's hat in the middle of the woods. I went from panicked to frantic in matter of seconds. "PINE TREE! PINE TREE!" I yelled running and teleporting all over the woods. I had eventually found him on the outskirts of Gravity Falls battered and bruised and covered in blood.
~End Flashback~
We took him to the hospital and he was in there for a month. He didn't wake up for two weeks. I was distraught and didn't leave his side. He had to have surgery to remove a piece of his rib that had pierced his lung and was stuck in there. He almost died. At some point during his surgery he had stopped breathing. It had scared me. I almost lost him. It was the most awful experience if me life. From then on I've been very protective over him. He understands. He's ok with it even if he does get annoyed sometimes.
By that point I was screaming his name. Stan and even Ford had come out and helped me and Mabel look for him. Honestly we were all scared (except for Ford) that it'd be a repeat of last time. When Dipper had stopped breathing it was like I had shut down and stopped functioning all I could do was stare at the line of heart monitor. Mabel said I went into shock. He was dead for a full five minutes I'll never forget the lifeless look on his face or the way his chest failed to rise. I have almost lost him twice. I don't want to lose him again.
~20 minutes later~
I was running around the mostly desolate town (seeing as the weather and all naturally deterred people from going outside) shouting Dipper's name. "PINE TREE!" I was so worried that I didn't notice the person in front of me and I ran right into them. I turned and growled at them only to see it was Pine Tree. I immediately pulled him into a hug. "Don't you EVER do that again! I was so worried we've been searching for you for half an hour!" I said hugging him tighter. "I thought that....." I trailed off. "Even Ol' Fordsie was look for you!" "You were? I'm so sorry. Soos had text me and asked me to get a few thing while you were destroying my twin so I left a note on the table." Dipper said surprised. "You left a note?" I asked equally as shocked. "Yeah..." Dipper said hugging me back. I hugged him tighter. "Next time just tell me....I was so worried....we all were." I said finally letting him go. "OK Bill....I will." Dipper said holding my hand.

A/N: That's it! I know it's short but it's Father's Day so it's the best I can do XD Until next time!


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