School? More like prison!

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A/N: DA DA DA IT'S THE MOTHER FUCKING ST99! BILLDIP! BILLDIP! Welp that's that. Shall we continue?

Chapter 13:

Dipper POV:
The walk or should I say hike to school is one that proves to be very tedious. I mean like seriously who places a school on top of a frickin' (practically) vertical hill! What were they thinking? Oh forcing children and teenagers to come to a prison where they are judged and scrutinised every day isn't bad enough why don't we put it on top of a giant ass hill to make getting there even worse! I seriously hate whoever did that! Maybe Bill could smite them or turn them to stone....nah. "Oh come on please!" Bill pleaded. "What did I say about reading my mind in public!" I hissed in his ear as two older looking students walk pass. "Sorry..." He whispered. "Sigh It's fine..." I said. "So er when do we get to this quote on quote "prison on top of a practically vertical hill?" Bill asked. "When we get there." I replied bored of hearing Bill ask when would we get there a trillion times. "Ugh but this boring! I could...." Bill said smirking. "Bill..." I said in a low voice. "Teleport us there..." Bill said "Yes please!!" Pacifica shouted in relief . "Please do that!" "Haha what'd you say Pine Tree, Shooting Star? Lama here agrees." Bill said now beaming triumphantly. "If you do that I will give you all of gummy worms! Please, please, please I don't think I can take this anymore!" Mabel shouted gaining a few stares. "Pine Tree?" Bill asked though he didn't really need to since I knew he was reading my mind. "Heck yes! Screw this hill!" I shouted. "Do it please Bow Tie!" Bill just burst out laughing. "You got it!" He said smiling. By now we had about maybe five or six people watching to see what was going on. Me, Mabel and Pacifica all stood closer to Bill. "Let's hope you all get your limbs in the right place!" Bill laughed sadistically. "Don't you dare! You get us there perfectly fine and at the end of the day you get us home perfectly fine and I'll let have you 'fun'" I said knowing that he'd accept the terms. "Heh now your speaking my language!" He said smiling. He snapped his fingers and in a flash of blue we were in front of the school. "How'd you know where the school was?" Pacifica asked. "Read Pine Tree's mind and got the location, easy stuff really." Bill said as we walked through the corridors to get to reception. "You mean you could've done that the whole time?!" Mabel said. Bill nodded earing him a punch on the arm. "That's for making me walk up a practically vertical hill!" I said angrily but my small smile did not escape Bill's eye. We arrived at reception and grabbed our timetables. Upon request Bill has been put on every class I have so that he'd have at least one fimiliar face but it's mainly so I keep an eye on him and keep him under control. "I'll see you girls at Break?" I asked. "Probably." Pacifica said giving a small glance at Mabel indicating clearly to me that she wanted to spend the day with Mabel. "Fine just don't let me catch you." I said walking away with Bill leaving a happy Pacifica and a very confused Mabel in reception.
~Timeskip to homeroom (is that what Americans call it?) Cause I'm lazy~
General POV:
Bill and Dipper walked into a mainly empty classroom. Bill teleporting them to the front gate shaved off about half an hour of walking time. Being so early ment two things: 1) Bill and Dipper had more time to waste 2) They got to choose where they sat. Choosing where you sit- Dipper had once explained to Bill- is important because that is where you sit for the entire semester. (Again is that what Americans call it? In Britain we call it terms) Dipper being the socially awkward introvert he is sat at the back of the class. Bill being the extravagant, extroverted amazing han- Ok I'm not saying all this! "Ugh fine!" Bill said? Thought? As he angrily glared at the narrator through the 4th wall. Bill being the extravagant, extroverted, demon he is...also sat at the back because he wanted to be by Dipper. They talked for ages about things any normal being would talk about but in their minds they we having a completely different conversation. Remember what do you do if you get angry? Is what Dipper thought, what came out of his mouth was: "Do you remember last summer in Manhattan?" Count to three in whatever language I feel like and if that doesn't work swear in whatever language I feel like as long as I don't go red. Is what Bill replied in his mind but what he said out loud was: "Yeah that place was awesome! Your dad was hilarious!" Their conversations went like that for a while until people started filing in, group after group; which is when they stopped and watched all the students pile in, Bill reading their minds and Dipper reading his. Damn Mrs.Johnson is hot! One kid who had Black hair and a piercing on his left ear. You mortals and your attractions never cease to amuse me first a bitter energy boost type thing called coffee and now this. Bill thought confused and bemused at the same time. Mrs.Johnson ia like twenty five!  What the hell! Dipper thought disgusted. And you wonder why hate humanity? Bill replied. For once I agree with you. Dipper said looking at the person who just walked into the classroom. A female with blue hair and blue eyes to match. She wore her hair in twin pony tails and had many ruber bracelets on her writs, she just screamed weeabo. Looking away and back at Bill he saw him frowning and in deep thought. "What's wrong?" Dipper asked out loud. "Huh.....Oh it's just what if.....what if I'm put into a situation where I have know in front of a crowd?" (#Foreshadowing #YouHaveToWaitAFewChapters #ThatWasTooLongOfAHashtag) Bill said looking around worriedly, it was the first time Dipper had seen him be so scared of using his powers. "Then you use them....if it comes to that there's not much else you can do." Dipper replied. He was talking to Bill when; "Heads up!" The next thing Dipper new was that there was a football (An American football for all us British folks) in his face. "You dude you ok?" A beefy kid who looked around sixteen said coming over. "Huh yeah I'm fine" Dipper said nonchalantly completely unaffected by the hot even though it was hard one. "You sure dude that was a pretty hard throw the last time Blansky threw a ball that hard he broke some guys nose." The beefy kid said looking a little concerned. Bill went over and stood behind Dipper. "Blansky huh I-" "Bill! Remember!" Dipper said cutting Bill off. "Sorry about him, yeah I'm fine I've handled worse." Dipper said passing the beefy kid his ball back. "Yo your tank dude! See ya 'round!" The kid said as he ran back to his friends. Dipper turned around to see Bill. " Nye, Mbini, Ntathu" Bill said calming down. "You ok now?" Dipper said waiting paiently. "Jo jsem- Yeah I'm fine" Bill said sitting back down. *RING DING RING DONG* The Bell rang as the teacher walked into the room and started to lecture the class about the school's rules. Ey Este va a ser un largo día. Bill thought as he tuned out the teacher.
A/N: Hey so I know this was a bad chapter but I really can't be bothered to make it any better as I've got school in the morning and I have to choose my GCSE options tomorrow -_- Kill me. Spanish translation: Ey this is gonna be a long day.


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