3 months later...

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A/N: Hey guys I'm back and I'm sorry for being gone so long but it was Christmas then I had a huge writer's block and then the thing with my parents but yeah I'm back...so enjoy!

Chapter 11:

Bill's POV
"I hate him...you know that right?" I said angrily. "For the six hundredth time...yes I know you hate him" Pine Tree said clearly annoyed. "I just hate how you let him do this to you...I'm supposed to be the sadistic one yet he's the torturing you!" I sighed while I finished wrapping Dipper's leg with bandages. "Er...you had your fair share of torturing me Mr. I'm-going-to-trick-you-and-possess-you-and-make-you-stab-yourself-with-a-fork Cipher" Dipper said laughing half heartedly. "Ok so I wasn't exactly the nicest but even by my standards daily physical torture is harsh... I mean yeah sure I did want to enslave humanity but I'm a demon its what I do." I said snarkily. "Yeah yeah I know... Its was a young triangles dream and all that crap." Dipper said smiling. I gasped in mock offense. "How could you Pine Tree mocking my life-long dream!" "Life-long?" Pine Tree said obviously amused. "You know what no...we are not changing the topic you're hurt and I hate can we get back to that!" I said frustrated at myself for getting sidetracked. "You know I can't do anything about it Bow Tie even if I wanted to." Dipper said sadly. " hold still..." I said finishing wrapping the bandages around his waist and upper torso. Today's beating was harsh meaning that Ford was in a bad mood which is bad for Dipper. "I could-" But he cut me off. "No Bill!" I just sighed I wish I didn't have to see him like this... ever since that first day when they'd let me stay the beatings got worse... and then when we found out we were dating... ~Flashback~
"Hmmm Pine Tree sure is taking a while and killing squirles just ain't fun anymore...I should go check on him after all he is with old Fordsie" I floated to the shack (If you've ever watched Adventure Time then he floats the way Marceline does) with all this organic matter there was no way I could phase through shit like I used to so I used an alternative method: Blast a whole through the vending machine (which Ford promtly fixed after he found out). I floated down and into the lab only to see MY Pine Tree a bloody mess lying on the floor. I was (and still am) enraged. I would of lost it and killed the old bastard if Pine Tree hadn't called out my name. He sounded so weak and hurt and... broken... everything he's not (well I guess he is quite weak strength wise but thats by the by) so I did what any person would do in a situation where their loved one was hurt. I ignored him and continued my dangerous prowl towards Ford that was until he tried to get up but almost ended up cracking his head open in the process. I flew quickly just managing to catch him time. "Bill don't..." He said weakly like at any moment he could shatter into a millon pieces, can't standing to see him like that I scooped him up in my arms and floated out and up the stairs into the bathroom where I patched him and healed him.
~End Flashback~
That was the day I vowed to end Ford, of course Dipper was and still is against it, but that won't stop me the next time....NEXT TIME I'LL STRING HIM BY HIS INTESTINES AND DECORATE THE HOUSE WITH HIS ORGANS! (A/N: I think I'm way too into this but I'm not taking it out) "You're thinking about how you going to kill him aren't you." Dipper asked. Well it so much a question as it was a statement.
Dipper POV:
I sighed knowing what the silence ment. "Bow Tie?" Bill looked at me his face a mixture of emotions some unreadable. "I fine Pine Tree just rest ok you'll need it he seems to be in quite a bad mood today, I'll go ask fez if he has any painkillers, the old coot has to have some somewhere." "I think he has some in his room in the top cupboard." I said looking up at him. "Okay be right back~" I rolled my eyes and sighed. These past three months with Bill have been so fun but school will start soon and school plus Bill will not end well. Sighing I slowly try to sit up. Big mistake. "Ah! C-crap..." I cried out. Bill was there in an instant. "Pine Tree?!" He sounded worried. "I'm...I'm fine... I just tried to sit up." I said my voice straining. "Are you insane?!" Bill shouted. "First off you're one to talk.... secondly... I'm dating a deamon that in itself is answer." I said laughing which soon turned into a coughing fit. "Pine Tree...please... we both know that I'm the best you're ever gonna get!" Bill said while rubbing circles across my back. "You're probably right." I said smiling. "Heh I'm going to heal you now ok...you know the deal." Bill said giving a reassuring smile. "Heh nice one!" I said winking at Bill. "Dammit Dipper!" Bill said face palming. I laugh and kiss him. "You're so cute." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "That's my line" Bill said pushing me down on the bed and kissing me. "I think you enjoy healing me way too much" I said between kisses. He laughs and finshes up kissing me one last time. "Its the only way I can make sure you won't get hurt." Bill said smugly. "Somehow I doubt that." I said rolling my eyes. "Don't act like you don't enjoy it!" Bill said. I smile and laugh at his ridiculousness. Now sitting up fully I lightly punch Bill in the arm.
General POV
Hours pass and the two boys laugh and joke. "Remember that time when you pranked Wendy!" Dipper said laughing. "Oh my god! Her face was priceless!" Bill said laughing at the memory. Bill and Dipper walk downstairs to see Mabel, Wendy and Soos at the counter. "Hey guys!" Dipper said smiling. "Heya, Ice, Question Mark, Shooting Star what you all up to?" Bill said casually. "Dude you know you can call us by our names right?" Wendy said. "Meh... I find it pointless." Bill said shrugging. "So what do you guys wanna do today we've only got a week left until high school starts" Dipper said. "I dunno Soos, Mabel what do you guys wanna do?" Wendy asked. "Can we go vist Mermando?" Mabel asked excitedly. "How about... no!" Dipper said. "How about we go explore something cool I found?" Bill suggested "Does it involve death?" Dipper asked. "Possibly. I'm not entirely sure." Bill responded. "Sounds cool to me!" Wendy exclaimed stretching. "Same here!" The Pines twins said in unison. "I dunno dudes..." Soos said worried. "Come on question mark it'll be fun!" Bill pleaded. "Hmmm ok." Soos said reluctantly.
A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry about this chapter it doesn't seem very good to me. I can't believe we hit 1.1k views though! That's amazing! Again sorry for the poor quality of this chapter I'll try make the next one better!


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