The Return Of Almor Schelziser

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A/N: Hey guys so I decided to something less intense if you don't remember Almor read let's do a bunch of things to inconvenience Bill and dipper it'll explain everything. And also everything that happens, happens in between school Dipper and the others do still go and school is still a thing its just really hard for me to actually right a school arc in this type of fic since not much would happen. XD have fun and enjoy~

Chapter 18:

General POV
Dipper walked home from school alone today. Stupid Mabel and her stupid sleepovers. He thought. She was supposed to help me today. He trudged back the silence putting him on edge reminding him of all the times he felt and heard nothing because he was unconscious. Just as he thought this he felt something grab his arm and he whimpered. He turned around to see Almor Schelziser looking pissed. "Alm-" A fist to the face cut Dipper off. Dipper stumbled back from surprise, not the fact that Almor punched him; he was expecting that. No from the fact he felt nothing. Almor was confused from the shock on Dipper's face. "What did you seriously not expect that...Mason" Almor sneered. Dipper cringed at the name. Dipper took a step forward. "I don't feel anything Almor. So do your worst cause I can guarantee I've had 1000 times worse." Dipper said confidently glaring at Almor. "Pssh yeah right. Look at Mason tryna act all tough like hell you've gone through worse." Almor laughed. Dipper took a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." "Doing what Pines?" Almor jeered. "This....Do you want proof? Proof if what I've been through?!" Dipper shouted. Amused Almor nodded. What's he gonna do? He has no proof. Almor thought. Bill....I need you. Dipper thought desperately. I'm here Pine Tree. A voice echoed in his head. "Well come on then where's this proof." Bill please....I need you. Dipper pleaded again. Bill appeared. "What's wrong are you hurt?! Did Ford try-" Bill looked at his surroundings. "What-" Bill was cut off by an awkward cough. Bill turned around. "What the hell man?! Where the hell did he come from you've got to be kidding me shit face this is your proof?!" Almor shouted amused and confused. Bill growled. "Oh I problem..." Bill said as he walked forwards. " No Bow Tie!" Dipper shouted. Bill turned back around confused. "I want....I want to show he can just leave me alone and realise what I've been through." Dipper said hesitantly. "Are you insane you wouldn't even show Mabel?!" Bill said shocked. Dipper nodded. "Can you guys stop talking in riddles before I punch the shit outta ya!" Almor shouted angrily. "Almor....just know this is real and this is serious....ok?" Dipper said as he tentively took of he shirt. "Woah dude what do think you're doing?!" Almor asked backing up. As Dipper took off he shirt Bill let the spell ware off and Dipper's scars, cuts, bruises and wounds showed. Almor stopped moving and gawked. "D-dude what the fuck happened?!" Almor was stricken with guilt, confusion and fear. Just what exactly happened to this kid? Almor thought. Dipper trembled. "More than you'll ever know." Bill replied. Dipper but back on his shirt and the scars disappeared. "That's just in my torso I have a ton more on my back and legs and on my head although my hair covers those scars pretty well." "I-I.....M-Mason....what the hell? Who the hell..." Almor stuttered.
Dipper's POV
I sighed. I looked and saw snow start to fall. "How 'bout we take this someplace else before it really starts to snow." Bill said. I nodded and looked at Almor. "Look I don't trust you and you don't trust us but if you want answers you'll have to come." I said seriously. Almor nodded. "I-I'll come." Bill took my hand and roughly grabbed Almor's arm. "This is gonna feel weird kid." Bill warned Almor. "What?" He was obviously bewildered and shook. Suddenly the world started to warp around us and in a split second we found ourselves in the log cabin Bill had made for me and him after he first found me. "We're back here." I said looking around the place smiling. "Yeah." Bill replied. Almor took a seat on blue couch. The blue couch awoke and it's bright yellow eyes opened and his large mouth morphed into a grin. "Now now Gerth behave." Bill said sternly and I laughed sitting down on a couch made from human skin. Once you get used to it it's actually pretty comfortable. I looked to see Almor petrified and frozen in his place. "Almor don't worry the couch probably won't kill ya." I said. "How..."  He trailed off. "How can act so normal? Cause I'm used to it. Look if your gonna understand we have to start from the beginning." I said my demeanour going from happy to serious in an instant. Almor simply nodded. "Everything Pine Tree says is a hundred percent true and if ya don't belive me then I'll show you it." Bill chipped in and I nodded in confirmation. "Shall we begin?" I said.
~One long explanation about Bill, Weirdmagddon, Ford and they're relationship later~
"Wait so let me get this're not and neither is the Bill dude and you and the Bill dude are dating....Bill dude is a dream demon and tried to destroy the world but you stopped him and basically erased your great uncle Stan's mid to kill him but it didn't work....and he came back..... but because of witch now had feelings and feels bad....sometimes...and your great uncle Ford is abusing you and has been for over a year and you've been adopted along with you sis and are now under the custody of Gruncle Ford and Stan?" Almor asked. "Yes. Exactly." Bill said. "Well when you put it like that it sounds made up." I said nervously. "Hell yea it does! But it's so unbelievable that I don't think anyone could've made this up....I mean....Weirdmagddon...bubbles of madness....and pug and a grappling hook?" Almor laughed awkwardly. " sitting on couch that is alive in a room that's on fire sat across the roof from to teenager sitting on a couch made of skin who just teleported you here and you're saying it's unbelievable?" Bill rolled his eyes. "Bill dude has point." Almor said looking around. "Has this room always been in fire?" He asked. I just shrugged. "'s chaos who knows." I said. "Look now I've told you all this will you leave and Mabel alone?" I asked hopefully. "Y-yeah dude....I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that...and then I gave shit for something so stupid I'm so sorry...." Almor said ashamed. "Look kid I still wanna kill ya bit now I can't cause you said sorry so I think we're all good here." Bill stoop up and grabbed Almor by the coller of his shirt and look him dead in the eye. "If you tell anyone you will become a new decoration for my wall got it?" Bill threatened. "Bow Tie drop him" I said sighing. Almor nodded quickly and Bill dropped him. "Good now see ya around kid...." Almor vanished I assume that Bill teleported him somewhere. I stood up. "You okay?" I put a hand on his shoulder. "" He asked lovingly. " Stressed but relived." I replied. "Good. Now how about we have a bit of time to ourselves." Bill said pulling me closer. "I think I like the sound of that." I smirked and kissed him.

A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure if it was up to standard since I'm so tired (I woke up at 5:15 am no joke and writing this at 11:30pm) So yeah sorry if it's crappy. Hope ya'll like it and have a good sleep!


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