A dream come true

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A/N: The pic is probably the truest thing in this series XD bluepluse for the win. Can't wait for season 3 you of Young Justice. Lately I feel like these A/N's are just promos for TV shows. Hey Dreaworks Netflix DC where's my sponsor?! 😂 I am aware that I have been tagged but I felt like I needed to update first and then have a separate post for that. Anyway enjoys!


Chapter 21:

Dipper's POV
Fire....fire everywhere....the screaming....why won't it stop? It takes me a second to realise it's me screaming.....his body crumples before me....it burns, everything burns...."No one left to protect you sapling..." That voice...that laugh..........
I wake up screaming, the foucet in my eyes has turned on and I can't stop the tears. I grab at my hair and cover my eyes. "It was just a dream....just a dream...." I try and fail to console myself. The overwhelming urge to check on him is almost too much for me. Almost. But I stay strong. Instead I make my way into Mabel's bed I feel her shift but she settles soon after. I fall back into a dream less sleep.
3 hours later
7:00 am. I rub my bleary eyes and sit up slowly making sure not to wake up Mabel and get out of bed. I go into my room and freeze. I start to back away. A single red flame burns in the middle of my room. I bump against something solid. "Hello again Dipper." I jumped scrambled back to put as much distance between us. "N-No...you're not real..." I tremble I squeeze my eyes shut but when I open them he's still there. "Come on don't treat me like a stranger... not when we're so well aquainted." He purrs and chuckles at his half-assed atempt at a pun. "Tad." I spit out. "That's my name don't wear it out." He winked as he took a step forward. "Stay back!" I yell desperately as I back away. "Come on sapling don't treat me like that...I only came here to have some fun~" In an instant he closed the distance between us pinning me against the wall. "You know you look adorable like this I wonder if Cipher has seen you like this." He ponders as one of his hands slides underneath my shirt. I shudder in disgust. "Don't touch me!" I silently pray for this to end before it begins. "What are you gonna do to stop me hm?" He grabs my hips pulling me forward and kisses me forcefully I try to push him away but he once again pushes me against the wall. Stop! Stop it! I scream in my head. He finally stops, breaking away for oxygen. I wipe my lips with the back my hand and glare at him. "What didn't you like that?" He says innocently. I need to bide my time and hopefully get to my gun. I wait. Studying him waiting for an opportunity to dash for the drawer keeping it. My door slams open and it's enough of a distraction to for to run to my drawer and grab the gun. I aim it at Tad. Looking to my left I see the cause of the distraction. Ford. "Why Dipper it seems you've met my partner....Tad." Ford exclaims clasping his hands together. "Y-you're partner?" I swallow. "Why yes you see...Tad here offered me an opportunity I could not refuse...He gets you and I get to break Bill Cipher." Ford said with an insane grin. "You won't get away with it Mabel and Gruncle Stan will wake up soon and when they do you'll be sorry!" I yell. "Ah but you see they won't...I had my good partner here put them under a sleep spell totally harmless but enough to make them sleep for a week." He chuckles darkly. My eyes widen. "Now boy put the gun down." He tone turning sinister. My hand trembles but I don't put it down. "Put. It. Down." He clicks his fingers and I'm suddenly being held by the scruff of my shirt by Tad. "Now." Ford glares at me. I drop the gun. "Good." Ford purrs smiling. Tad puts me back down and cups my cheeks. "See was that so hard?" I turn my head away from him not wanting to look at him.
General POV
Ford growls. "It looks like someone needs to learn some manners." He clicks his fingers. Tad chains Dipper the the wall. He smirks. "Did you honestly think I was gone...A demon never breaks a promise sapling~" Tad strokes the side of Dipper's face with the back of his hand his voice laced with amusement. "Now now Tad let's not get too carried away we've still got to get Cipher here and we wouldn't want to give the game away already now would we?" Ford says softly walking over to Tad and Dipper. "If you would." He asks but his eyes betray his true intentions. Ford has no intention of letting me go. Dipper thinks sweat dropping.
Dipper's Thoughts
This is different to how it normally goes. Normally he'd just start shouting and beating me. I guess since Tad is and he has an agenda he won't....
General POV
Ford howls with laughter as he sneers at Dipper. "You look pathetic." He states. Tad clicks his fingers and suddenly they're in Falls Forest. Dipper finds himself chained to the forest floor with Tad and Ford standing over him. "Call him here." Tad growls. "I-I Don't know what you're talking about." He weakly protests. "You know exactly who we're talking about boy!" "Call. Him. Here" Ford shouts slapping him. "I don't know who you're talking about." Dipper tries again. Tad summons a knife and trails it slowly over Dipper's cheek leaving a thin trail of blood. "You sure about that?" Dipper nods not trusting his voice. Ford sighs "Electrocute him...we'll make him do it." Tad complies cicking his fingers. Electricity surges through Dipper causing him to writh in pain and over stimulation. Dipper barley manages to bite back his scream as his body jolts and strains against the chains on his ankles and writs. It only lasted 30 seconds but it felt like an hour to Dipper. "If you don't call him here then we'll increase the volts and the length of time till you squeal." Ford says darkly. "I suggest you tell us...you mortals don't mix well with electricity." Tad warns. Dipper still shakes his head. Tad clicks his fingers once again and Dipper is electrified he jolts more violently this time unable to keep back the scream. Tad laughs while Ford smirks. It stops once again by which point Dipper is heaving desperately taking in oxygen. "I will ask you once more...call him here." Ford says dangerously. Dipper, seeing no other choice, nods.
Dipper's POV
Bill? Bill I need you. I need you right now. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please. Bill?.
Bill's POV
"Bill?" "Bill I need you." "I need you right now." "I'm sorry." "I'm so so sorry." "Please." "Bill?" His voice echos around the dreamscape. Dipper....he he needs me....he wants me....he's sorry. Dipper?! Dipper you have nothing to be sorry for are you alright?! I'm sorry Dipper! I really am.
Dipper's POV
Oh God he replied he sounds worried and relived. No no no. I can't let him come. They'll break him. "What's taking so long?!" Ford shouts. Bill. Bill listen to me whatever you do don't come they're gonna hurt you. They're gonna-
Bill's POV
"Bill." Dipper's tone has changed he sounds serious is he okay?! "Bill listen to me whatever you do don't come they're gonna hurt you. They're gonna-" Pain...white hot pain fills my head as Dipper gets cut off. No! They're hurting my Pine Tree! I won't let them! He's mine!
General POV
The screams of Dipper echoed around the woods. This time the shocks went on for 2 minutes the voltage increased.
Bill Ran. He had telported to the shack thinking Dipper was there, only to find Fez and Shooting Star asleep and IQ and Pine Tree gone... that's when he heard the screams. The ground tears and breaks beneath him as he runs towards the sounds; anger taking over every fiber of his body. And that's how he came upon the scene. Dipper writhing and lashing out again the chains in pain while Tad laughed and Ford watched. "Get away from him." Bill growled turning red. "Ahh Cipher so glad you could join us." Ford said as he clasped his hands together. Bill lunged for him only to be pulled back mid air, hitting the ground before he could reach him. He turned around to see he was in glowing red chains identical to the ones on Dipper, who by now was panting and struggling to breathe. "Let me go!" He shouted. "But Billy dear the funs just beginning~" Tad said patting Bill's head. "I'm gonna make sure you see and suffer every second if this." Ford growled. Tad clicked his fingers and Dipper was chained to a pole in front of Bill. Dipper struggled against the chains despite it being pointless. "Bill I'm sorry....I didn't want to call you here cause I knew you'd suffer but they made me I'm so sorry." Dipper apologised tears running down his face. "Don't be Pine Tree....I get to see you again it doesn't matter if they hurt me." Bill said softly. "Ah but you see its not gonna be you we're hurting." Ford chuckled darkly. Bill paled. "No....don't you dare hurt him!" He shouted desperately struggling against his restraints. "Bill.... It'll be okay, I'll be okay, it'll--" Tad cuts him off by forcefully kissing him. Dipper (once again) tried to push him away but couldn't. Tad grabbed the boy's clothed groin and squeezed it causing Dipper to gasp. Taking advantage of this he slid his tounge into the unwilling boys mouth forcing the kiss deeper. "Stop it!" Bill shouted blue flames surrounding him. "Don't touch him!" "Let him go!" He howled a few tears escaping his eyes. Dipper's own tears ran freely down his cheeks as Tad continued to kiss him. Tad's hands slid up Dipper's shirt but Dipper could do nothing to stop it. Tad pulled away for air, his hands still roaming Dipper's chest. Tad smirks before bringing himself closer to him and starts sucking on his neck. Dipper tries to hold back a moan. "S-Stop ahh... please..." Dipper begs. Tad bites down on Dipper's neck drawing blood. He licks it away before he starts to suck other parts of neck and jaw leaving hickeys all over Dipper. Dipper trying and failing to supress his lewd moans, hating every second of it and the way his body reacted. "Stop this!" Bill yelled flames burning higher. "Don't you dare touch my mate!" "Stop; leave him alone!"He growls his desperate pulls becoming frantic tugs his face no longer pale from dread but flushed with anger.
During all of this Ford stood there watching. Smiling. Knowing.

A/N: And that's it guys! Quick thing regarding OC'S I guess I should of said this earlier but I've been getting suggestions for OC'S since I had that update on it but I want you all to know that those are now closed I will not be taking or using anymore.  Thank you and sorry for any confusion hope you all enjoyed!


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