What is love?(baby don't hurt me)

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Chapter 5:

Bill's thoughts
I can't wait for Pine Tree to see my new form! Now we'll be able to 'hang out' in reality and not just the Mindscape! I thought excitedly, it's really hard to believe that the kid (unknowingly) gave me enough power to not only come back into the physical realm but also enough for me support my human form. It doesn't cause him any harm or hindrance since it doesn't keep producing power but instead it kinda just gives me boost, its definitely a weird thing... buuuut I love weird. Hmmm Pine Tree seems to fall asleep a lot during the afternoon infact he's always falling asleep in the day...suspicious but understable after all he told me he does spend a lot of 'time' in the lab doing whatever with o'l sixer but maybe I looking too much into it, I don't know, ever since I got these 'emotions' I just can't stop thinking about Pine Tree. I just...worry? My thoughts escape me I've been sitting here for hours, I think I have at least; I don't have a concept of time sooo...yea. Seesh what's taking Pine Tree this looong I'm bored ugh! I sighed bored and frustrated out of my mind. Then all of a sudden I feel him slipping into unconsciousness. Finally! I exclaim jumping up to greet him. I freeze...somethings wrong...this isn't normal...he's not slipping into unconsciousness...no its something deeper. He's not slipping he's falling! He's falling past the Mindscape but how is this possible your subconscious doesn't do that unless... Oh god no! I need to check on him screw the suprise!
Bill POV
It took me ten minutes to enough power for this form I'm in now. I'm finally in Gravity Falls! I run around frantically searching for traces of Dipper but all the traces I find lead to dead ends. I'm about to give up when I find a strong trace leading to the woods near the Mystery Shack, being careful to not be seen I run down into the woods. The matter in this body is too big to teleport so I resort to enhancing my speed. In a few seconds I'm at the bottom of waterfall fearing the worst; my fears are confirmed when I see Pine Tree's battered hat in the water. Without a second thought I jump in using all the strength this body posseses to drag Dipper out of the water. "Oh god nonono, he's not breathing, humans should be breathing, WHY ISN'T HE BREATHING! I shouted unaware of the tears pouring freely down my face. "Pine Tree come on p-please don't do t-this!" I whimper. "DIPPER!" I shout my tears wetting his pale face. "I've got to t-try something...erm I don't k-know...wait CPR Dipper told me y-you do that when someone's not breathing." I ramble going over the steps in my mind. "R-right chest compressions...1...2...3...4" I keep going till I get to thirty then I glance at his plae blue lips and without hesitation put my lips over his parted mouth and breathe. I repeat the steps again and again shouting thing like 'Come on Dipper' 'Breathe please just breathe' 'Don't die on me Dipper' and so on. I don't give up, I won't give up, I will NOT let MY Pine Tree die! But he's not mine is he, so why do you keep calling him yours? My brain shouts back but right now I don't care. I hear coughing and I see Dipper spluttering and coughing out water "Oh thank god I thought a lost you!" I said trembling with relife and worry. I watch him study my face trying to figure out who I am. "Don't ever leave me again Pine Tree!" I said fiercely hugging him like my life depended on it. "Bill?!" He wheezed out. I wince at his raspy voice. "Yes Pine Tree its me I'm here, you're ok, you're alive." I said still hugging him reassuring myself more than anything. He hugs me back and suddenly I'm filled with the warmest feeling in my chest. Huh what...what's this feeling? I silently question. "Uhh Bill?" Dipper asks his voice soundung a tad bit stronger. "Yes?" I reply looking at him. "W-Why are you shirtless?" I vaguely remember hearing the question but my mind was occupied with the colour of his face. His cheeks had red hue...was he angry? I peer closer and his face gets more red, I see his lips moving but my ears don't register the words I'm mesmerised but this strange hue on his face that seems to be deepening and spreading. "Bill!" I faintly hear. "Bill!" Its louder this time. "BILL!" I snap back into reality to see our faces mere inches apart. I jump back startled. "Bill are you ok?" Dipper asked worried but that red hue still didn't leave his face. I tap into his thoughts to see what he's thinking. OH MY GOD, what just happened?! WAS HE TRYING TO KISS ME! Omg was he? He wasn't right?
But what if was.
But what if he wasn't.
Does he like me?
Does he hate me?
Why was he-
I have to stop this. "Pine Tree relax  your gonna give yourslef a migraine!" I laughed. "I'm fine ok, you asked me why I wasn't wearing a shirt right?" I asked him. "Y-yea." He said nervously. "Dipper you just drowned!" I cried. "I...I had to save you, there was no way in hell I was gonna let you die, I had to take off my shirt so it wouldn't drag us down!" I said my eyes and hair turing a glassy blue. "H-Hey its ok, I'm ok." He said comforting me. I rested my head on his shoulder crying. I looked down the back of his shirt was ripped...there was a bunch of nasty looking scars and a blood soaked bandage. I pushed him away angrily. "B-Bill?" He asked confused. "Pine Tree I'm going to ask you once. Where. Did. You. Get. Those. Scars?" I asked seething. "I-I got them from...from my adventures." He said nervously adverting his eyes. "Don't lie to me Pine Tree!" I shouted ripping off his shirt. I gasped in horror his entire back, torso, arms and neck were covered in various scars cuts and bruises some of them recent. "Pine Tree..." I said sadly. "Who...who did this to you?" I asked trembling from anger. "Bill please!" Dipper begs but I don't listen. I grab his shorts and rip them off rubbing water on his legs. I was right he was hiding his scars with make up. "Oh god P-Pine Tree!" I cry. "Please tell me who did this to you!" I'm sobbing uncontrollably now at the sight of all these scars cuts and bruises I notice his ankle is swollen probably broken. "Can we talk about this later?" Dipper pleaded. "Ok." I sighed. I snap my fingers I'm now wearing a white shirt with a yellow jumper over it that has an eye in the middle of it, black jeans and a pair of trainers, while Dipper is wearing a deep blue vest with a white pine tree in the middle (A/N the inverse colours of his hat) red shorts and a pair of trainers and his signature hat, I covered up his scars with magic so only I can see them. "Uhh hey Bow Tie you might wanna change!" Dipper said. "Bow Tie?" I question. "Well you call me Pine Tree so I'm calling you Bow Tie." He said laughing. His laugh completely shattering the sombre mood. "Sure thing Pine Tree~" I said laughing as well. "So you want me to change?" I asked. " Yea into something like this." He thought of an outfit knowing I could read his mind. "You learn fast Pine Tree." I snapped my fingers and was now wearing a yellow vest with a black bow tie at the top of the shirt, black shorts and a pair of trainers and a pair of black triangle sunglasses. "Heh it suits you." Dipper said awkwardly the red hue returning I'll have to ask him about that later. "Come on Pine Tree!" I said happily picking him up from the floor and carrying him bridal style away from the waterfall.
A/N: Hey guys I'm feeling super generous (mainly because I haven't updated in three days) so here is chapter 6. Oh and thank you for all the views and votes it means a lot!

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