Finale part 2

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A/N: Hey so it's been a while and I'm not gonna lie it seems this has become a common trend where I let a TV show take over and emotionally screw me over and ruin my life, the TV show this time been Teen Wolf. I'm on Season 4 Ep 5 so no spoilers! I decided to take a few days break from TW and relax a bit and then I remembered oh shit I have a story to write so Ta Da~~
Also for all those who upset about there not being a whole lot of Mabcifica, just because there is a finale doesn't mean it's over ;) *Foreshadowing intensifies*
ENJOY!!!!!!! (Also I was totally supposed to post this two weeks ago but then forgot)

Chapter 23:

Dipper's POV
Bill is smiling to himself. His usual insane yet charming smile. A part of me wonders why the rest of me can't bring myself to care over something so miniscule compared to the situation we're in. I think that part of me seriously needs to hike. I sigh. It not a shaky sigh or a sad sigh just an... exhausted sigh. It's alway us who get into these situations isn't it? I think to myself mentally flipping off fate or chance or whatever the fuck you want to call it. "Yeah I think fate has some sort of vendetta against us." Bill said voice lacking humor his tone just as tired as I feel. Apparently my internal thoughts weren't so interal. "You said that out loud as well." Bill says chuckling. "Bill you remember the plan right?" I ask nervously remembering how angry Bill got when I first suggested it. "Yeah Pine Tree I do." Bill says softly. "Don't worry I'll do it."
We fall back into silence it's another half hour till Bill says that he can feel Tad and Ford's presence in the forest. I nod. "WILL YOU GET OVER YOURSELF AS IF AFTER EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID THAT I'D STILL LOVE YOU?!" Bill shouted at me. I flinched his voice was louder than expected and my head still hurt. He shot me an apologetic look. "Bill I--" He cut me off as they grew closer. "DON'T EVEN TRY TO APOLOGISE!" He yells. His acting is great. I think to myself, but a part of me wonders if he is really acting. "I'm supposed to be the demon yet you're the heartless one." He spat coldly his eyes angry. He must be one hell of an actor to fake that...if it even is fake.. I hope he isn't listening to my thoughts. I glare at him, mustering all my anger towards Ford and Tad and direct at him. He returns the favor. "Well at least I have my humanity left not some charade you put up to hide how hollow you are." I try to put as much venom in it as possible as I feel Tad and Ford's eyes on us. "What's going on?" Tad asked his eyebrow twitching upwards put of amusement or annoyance I'm not sure. Both ignored Tad deciding to continue their glaring.
Tad's POV
Something doesn't seem right here...the shouting and the glaring and the comments...I best test this.
General POV
Tad walked over to Bill signalling for Ford to walk over to Dipper. Tad crouched down in front of Bill. "What are you up to Billy?" The fake innocence failing to mask the malice in his voice. "Whatever do you mean?" Bill asked acting oblivious. "Well an hour ago you'd growl at me for even looking at Dipper now you act like you hate him?" Tad sated smirking. "Piss off Tad I don't care what you do to him, while you were gone we talked and it's been pretty clear on our feelings for eachother." Bill snarled. Ford glared intensely at Dipper. "This true?" Ford asked suspiciously. "Truer than a blue moon." Dipper replied snarkily. "Test it" Tad snapped. Ford glared at Tad obviously not approving the way Tad talked to him but nodded anyway. Tad moved aside so that Bill could see Dipper. "So you don't care?" Ford asked menacingly. "What going deaf in your old age Fordsie?" Bill said smirking. "I'll say louder just for you this time...I. Don't. Care." Ford grinned. "Even when I do this?" Ford grabbed Dipper by his hair and shoved his head forward causing Dipper's head to collide with the ground. Dipper groaned. Bill just stared with a blank expression. Ford growled. "Or this?" This time Ford ran his hand down Dipper's body causing the young boy to shiver in disgust. Bill forced himself to smile. Tad walked over behind Dipper smiling sadistically.
Dipper's POV
I trembled out of fear and pain when Tad walked behind me. My head was throbbing and Ford's touch burned my skin. I felt something prod me from behind confused I went to turn around but before I could my lower half exploded with pain and despite myself I cried out. I refused the tears that threatened to fall trying to stay strong. It's not working. I can see Bill he's stoic he's got an almost bored expression on his face. I try to focus on that instead, Bill's face, his expression, the way if you looked close enough his eye twitched and his lip trembled. I focus on that instead of  what's going on behind me. The feeling of being ripped apart, the grunts and groans Tad makes and the lewd sounds that I make. I will myself to ignore it eventually it all fades into white noise.
Bill's POV
I look at Dipper his eyes bore into mine. The analyse my eyes, my face, my body before staring into me again. They're glazed and unfocused I keep up my façade, no matter how much it hurts. I really, really, want to maim and kill both of them but I can't even stand let alone kill. I just have to wait and gather my power, I waited for thousands of years I can wait a little longer right? Dipper might now have a little longer. I remind myself. It's over soon enough and Tad throws Dipper to the floor sneering. I put on an amused face and laugh when Dipper hits the floor. I see Ford glance at Tad, they seem to buying the act.
1 hour later ~(Just cause I was gone for a while doesn't mean I'm not a lazy piece of shit)~
It takes a while but I'm let out if chains. I raise an eyebrow. "You're letting me go?" I ask suspicious. "No we're testing you." Ford says grinning. I frown I don't like where this is going. "What do I have to?" I'm cautious. They obviously don't trust me and I certainly don't trust them. "Prove you actually hate Dipper....torture him...prove to us that you don't care and that you are actually the demon that I remeber." My eyes widen. "Did not expect that." "Oh come on Billy you're a mass murdering sociopath this isn't that hard~" Tad purred. I had to agree with him on that one. I stood up and glared at Dipper. "Bill W-what are you doing?" He stammers pulling on his restraints in a vain attempt to escape. "Is all the abuse affecting your hearing pinetree~~" I laughed. I stalked closer towards him with an insane look on my face and even more deranged smile. I summon a small bubble of pure madness. "Buckle up Kiddo we're in for a ride." I laugh maniacally. Dipper squirms and struggles but there's no point. "B-Bill....Bow Tie....please..." He whimpers. Blue flames dance around the pole. Not even he can tell. I think. "I'm back~!" I giggle as I aim the bubble for him.

A/N: So yeah....well I uh...I dunno about this chapter I mean it seems kinda forced to me? Eh. But hey what's done is done. Thanks for all those voting and reading and commenting it means a lot. Not sure if I've said this already but yes I am now painfully aware thanks to all my readers who commented, who are apparently part if the grammar police, that I spelt llama wrong. Am I gonna back and change it? No. Why? I'm lazy. But yes thank you anyway and hope you enjoyed.


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