Valentines Day Special

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A/N: This isn't cannon to the main series it's just a bit of fun

Dippers POV

"Help..." I whisper hopelessly. No one's gonna hear me its 5pm after school no one's coming to look for me. Mabel's at Candy's place with Grenda    (Is that spelt right?) Wendy is somewhere not caring about me and Gruncle Stand and Ford are probably having dinner right now thinking that I'm at a friends. I bang on the locker door trying to let out some of my frustrations but the result ends in just bruising my already hurt hands. I sigh and slide down the wall and sit on the floor hugging my knees to my chest, my claustrophobia already kicking in. I hate Valentines Day all it's good for is reminding me how lonely I am and how cruel people are these days. Though I've got to admit while they are cruel, they being the bullies, they aren't very original...locking me in a locker. I now notice that I'm trembling and my breath is getting harder to control. So how about while I have my breakdown we go back to when this all started.

~ Earlier that day~

" Hey dipper you excited for today?!" Mabel said skipping next to me as we head to school. "No....should I be excited?" I ask giving her a suspicious look. "Did you really forget what day it is?" Mabel said stopping her skipping to turn around and look at me. "Well I guess I must of because I have no idea what your talking about." I say now looking at her annoyed. "Its Valentines Day!" She said exasperated. I just stare with 'fuck my life I'm in deep shit' written all over my face. "What?" Mabel said looking at me quizzically. I just shake my head and keep walking. of course she'd be oblivious to my hatred towards Valentines Day, i mean she's the one who gets all the gifts and cards, I'm the one who gets nothing and gets endlessly bullied. 

~End of the day~

During the day Mabel got a ton of cards and gifts while all I got, like I predicted, was a black eye ripped jeans a muddy shirt and about a hundred or so cuts and bruises. I start to get my stuff out of my locker only to be picked up by the back of my shirt and thrown roughly into my locker. I look up to see the locker door be slammed in my face. I call out for help until my voice is horse and throw myself against the locker until my body feels battered.


So that's how I got into this mess. Now I'm stuck in my locker having a panic attack with tears streaming down my face wondering why life is cruel.  I can feel myself start to lose consciousness and as I do I hear someone calling my name but it's so far away that I can't hold onto it and I fall into a world of inky blackness.


Reality didn't so much hit me as it did run me over with a bus. I shot up to find myself in a unfamiliar room on a unfamiliar sofa. "W-Where the hell am I?" I say looking around in confusion. "Your finally awake Pine Tree" Says Bill as he steps into my line of vision. "Bill?....what are you doing here? Where is here?" I say extremely confused. "This is my house...and I found you in your locker having a panic attack and hyperventilating so I got you out of there as quick as I could and took you to here." Bill said looking me up and down. "Er Bill?" I ask nervously not liking the look on his face. "Where did you get those injuries from? And don't lie because I can read your mind!" Bill says seriously and slightly pissed. "I....Er...get bullied....and Er today is Valentines Day and so I got bullied...." I say though I start to trail off because of how pissed Bill is looking. "Do you need me to get rid of the problem? Permanently." Bill says through clenched teeth. "Bill! No!" I said horrified. Bill just stares at me. "Why do you care so much anyway?" I ask slightly confused. "Why wouldn't I care? After all they hurt my Pine Tree!" Bill said angrily. "Your Pine Tree?! Last time I checked I don't belong to you!" I said a little bit crueler than I had intended to. "OK...well what human custom allows me to claim you as mine?" Bill asked, a hurt expression on his face but it is gone as quickly as it arrived. "Well there' or marriage or....wait a second why am I telling you this?!" I shout stopping myself. "Dating? What's that? Is that some sort of human ritual that bonds to people?" Bill asks clearly enjoying this. "Well yes in a way but you've got to ask first it's like a relationship you have with someone that allows you to be theirs..." I say not realising what I just told Bill. "OK so Pine Tree will you do the human ritual known as dating with me?" He asks. I stare at him dumbfounded. "You wanna go out...with me?!" I exclaim. "Yes." Bill replies. "I....Er....OK....sure....I'll date you..." I said blushing like a mad man. "Oooo! I've always wanted to do this!" Bill says as he grabs me and puts his hands around my waist. "Wait Bill what are you-" But I can't even finish my sentence because the next thing I know he's kissing. Bill is kissing me. BILL IS KISSING ME. And I kiss back. All the while I can't help but think to myslef; Maybe Valentines Day isn't so bad after all....

A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentines Day! I managed to ask out my crush today and now she's my girlfriend! Comment (if you want) if you got anything or did anything for Valentines Day or if you ate Ben and Jerry's ice cream and listen to Adele and be a cliché teenager thinking about how lonely you are. And before you say that was my plan for today until my crush said yes to being my girlfriend!


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