The mask is off

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A/N: Hey so I added a few things to Bill's cannon Lore those being:
• He was cursed by a witch and was given a heart.
•Changes colour when angry or sad/depressed.
•Can see the scars etc even when he covers them with magic.
Healing can be done by making a deal or by some sort of physical contact.
Ok well enjoy the chapter~

Chapter 15

Bill's POV
I sighed. "Come on Pine Tree what's taking you so long?" I stroked the hair away from his forehead. "Wake up soon ok?" I sounded pathetic but on the inside I was in full panic mode with my thanatophobia kicking in full force. I heard the giggling and the sound of the door being closed. "Shit..."
Mabel POV
"Come on Fi let's head to homeroom might as well we've got nothing better to do." I said dragging Pacifica with me. "Don't lie you just want a window seat so you can day dream." Pacifica said laughing. "...S-Shut up!" I said embarrassed. She knows me so well... I thought. She laughed. "I've got French first period what about you?" She asked niw walking beside me. "Art." I replied. "Do you think I can draw waddles a picture?!" I said excited. "Heh of course." She said laughing. "I hope I'm some classes with Candy or Grenda." I said hopefully. "You're bound to be in one class with them!" Pacifica said reassuringly. "What about you?" I asked turing to face her. "What do you mean?" (*insert Justin beiber pun here*) Pacifica sounded confused. "Well don't you hope to see any of your friends?" I responded. "I don't have any, those girls I hung out with weren't so much friends as they were gold diggers they hung out with me because I had money and when I ran away from home and lived with grandma they left me because I didn't have the money I used to." She said wistfully. "Pacifica...." I trailed off. "Well you don't need to worry cause I'll never leave you and neither will Candy or Grenda!" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her closer. "Mabel that's really sweet of you but I don't expect your friends to be my friends." Pacifica said nervously. I guess I got to excited again. " Its okay I'm sure they'll love you!" I said as I pulled her into our homeroom classroom. I ran and grabbed a seat at the front of the class window seat of course. I was already zoned out and daydreaming by the time Pacifica sat down.
~Timeskip: Lunch~
General POV
Mabel and her friends sat down. "Trust me guys you'll love her." Mabel said excitedly. "Look Mabel if you're dating her that means she got to be awesome!" Grenda said. "Yeah!" Candy shouted enthusiastically. "Oh there she is now!" Mabel shouted and pointed. "Where I don't see her." Candy said looking in that direction. "Fi over here!" Mabel shouted. Pacifica walked over. "What do you want Pacifica this seat's taken we're waiting for Mabel's friend Fi so scram. Grenda said coldly. Pacifica looked a little hurt but which caught Grenda and Candy by surprise but she quickly masked it. "Actually I'm-" Pacifica started but Mabel cut her off. "Grenda don't be so rude!" "Mabel why are defending her, she the enemy remember, the perfect make-up bitchy rich enemy!" Grenda shouted. Pacifica looked like she was going to cry. "Grenda!" Mabel shouted. "She's right Mabel..." Candy said quietly. Pacifica walked away. Mabel shook her head and ran after Pacifica. "What just happened?" Grenda asked to no one in particular. "I don't know..." Candy replied.
~5 mins later~
"Bel it's fine we don't have to do this." Pacifica protester as Mabel dragged her over to the table where her friends were sitting. "No they're going to apologise!" Mabel said determined. "Girls!" Mabel shouted angrily. "Mabel?" Candy said confused. "Apologise now!" Mabel shouted. "What why?!" Grenda shouted back. "Because you really upset her and that's not cool I promised her that we'd except her so that's what we're gonna do!" Mabel answered angrily. "Whatever....I'm sorry...I'm guess.... (you're still a bitch though)." Grenda apologised mumbling the last part. "Yeah sorry Pacifica." Candy said quietly. "I-It's fine....I'm didn't expect you to like me anyway." Pacifica said dejectedly. "Fi I told you they'll get used to it." Mabel said comfortingly while rubbing Pacifica's arm. "'re daring Pacifica?!" Grenda yelled. "Duh." Mabel replied. "Are you crazy you're all rainbows and unicorns and awesome and she's....she's all make-up and money." Candy said surprised. "She also kind, nice, sweet awesome and caring& she's changed a lot during the time we've been together she even shared something with Dipper." Mabel said smiling. "Heh thanks Bel but it's okay I'll go." Pacifica said walking away for the second time. "Pacifica wait!" Grenda shouted. She turned around. "Yes?" "If Mabel says you're cool, then you're cool with us." Grenda said smiling. "Let's start again shall we?" Candy said offering her hand. Mabel smiled.
~Timeskip to present~
Bill's POV
"Shit..." I said worriedly. "Hey Pine Tree now would be a really good time to wake up!" I said shaking him. I could hear them coming up the stairs. "Pine Tree!" I said shaking him harder but it was no use they were already inside the room. "Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed. "Ohmigod is he okay?!" Pacifica said shocked. "Bill what..." Mabel started. "Look Mabel-" she cut him off. "What did you do?!" Mabel shouted. "Wait you think I did this?!" I shouted back. "Bill his covered in bruises and burn marks, what am I supposed to think demon?!"Mabel shouted. "That's messed up Bill...even for you." Pacifica said shaking her head. "I didn't do this!" I shouted hurt and angry. "The who did?!" Mabel shouted back. "Ford.....Oh shit." I covered my mouth. I can't believe I let it slip. "Gruncle Ford did this....Bullshit!" Mabel shouted. "How dare you blame my Gruncle!" "Ng..." Dipper started to wake up. I rushed to his side. "Pine Tree?!" "B-Bill?" He slurred. Mabel shoved me to the floor and Pacifica stood in front of Mabel protectively. "W-wha....what are you guys doing?!" Dipper shouted his words still slightly slurred. He held his head and groaned. "Protecting you!" Mabel said. "Get out of this house demon!" Pacifica shouted. "G-guys stop." Dipper said still holding his head. I teleported to his side. "Tell me what hurts." I said softly. "Get away from him, Dipper run before he hurts you again!" Mabel shouted as she tried to reach me. "I told you I didn't do this!" I shouted back at her. "And I'm supposed to believe Gruncle Ford did it?!" Mabel shouted. "Stop lying Bill!" Pacifica yelled. "Y-you told them..." Bill said looking at me panicked. "I didn't mean to they were accusing me of hurting you and it just slipped out." I explained. Dipper started to panic. "Hey hey hey its okay he doesn't know." I said trying to calm him down. "Wait... what's going on....who doesn't know what?" Mabel said now confused. "Should I tell them or do you want to?" I asked. "I-I don't k-know if I c-can." Dipper stammered. I nodded and became serious. "Your oh so beloved Gruncle Ford has been..." I trailed off too angry to say it. I punched a hole in the wall making the two girls jump. "Has been abusing Dipper." I said through gritted teeth. "W-what..."

A/N: Well that's it hope you enjoyed.


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