Where do you wanna go.

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A/N: I'm glad you all feel as enthusiastic as I do about ford dieing... if you don't mind I would like to ask you all something....would you rather this end soon in a few chapters or go on longer and have Bill and Dipper and gang go to school? Just wanted to know how you all feel about that because if they do go to school and stuff the whole Bill killing Ford thing will be prolonged and if they do go to school well I would like you to submit an OC, it can be a friend, a bully, a teacher, heck even the school nurse anything you want as long they're human and also any scenarios for that OC as well, background, how they meet dipper and bill and all that stuff so yeah. Comment or message me where you want this to go. I will tell you which route we are going down before you start submitting any OC's ok? Thanks guys!
NOW CLOSED!!!!!!!!!


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