Bill's explanation

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Chapter 3:

Bill's POV
I started to relax more and more as the kid slept. I mean don't get me wrong it's still a wierd feeling, not to mention super awkward since I'm a triangle and all, but I found myself not caring about that at all and just relaxed until Pine Tree left the Mindscape.
I decided to go terrorise someone else's dream while I waited for Pine Tree to return. This damn curse will be the death of me. I thought as I made my way into someone's dream. "Now let's make this place a living hell!" I said, laughing.
Dipper's POV
I couldn't believe it: we're getting adopted by Gruncle Stan this was going to be great but then I remembered that also means Gruncle Ford would have full custody over me. It was like the best dream and my worst nightmare in one. I get to stay in Gravity Falls with Gruncle Stan and Mable but I also have to live with Gruncle Ford and his abuse and no one would be able to stop him. I didn't know whether to jump in joy or cry myself to sleep. I found the latter more preferable and in the last moment before I drifted off I found myself wondering I wonder if I'll see Bill.
General POV
Dipper once again woke up in the Mindscape only to be greeted by a demon he didn't know. "The name's Tad, Tad Strange. " The purple square named Tad announced. "Well hello stranger I'm Dipper." Dipper replied although he was extremely wary of him he couldn't help but make a pun. "Did you seriously just- oh my god you did- seriously this is what I'm dealing with, dear god!" Tad exclaimed. Dipper made a run for it while Tad was distracted. "So kid-" Tad had started only to find Dipper running in the distance, Tad rolled his eyes and sighed, so this is how it's going to be! He thought angrily. He teleported in front of the boy red flames encasing the demon's body. "You had to make this difficult for yourself didn't you kid, you could of complied and had an easy death!" Tad shouted as threw several fireballs at Dipper without enough time to doge; Dipper got severely burned and brusied as the fireballs flung through a couple of trees. Tad didn't stop there though he continued to threw fireballs at Dipper laughing manically as he brought the boy closer and closer death, the boys screams and pleas for help were like music to his ears.
Bill's POV
I returned to the Mindscape singing my favourite song:
We'll meet again~
Don't know where don't know when~
Oh I know we'll meet again some sunny day~
I was humming the rest of the song when I heard a scream. "AHHHH NO STOP PLEASE NO NO AHHH HELP!" The scream was undeniably Pine Tree's. I teleported to where the screams seemed to be coming from worry overriding my anger. Ugh there I go again with these stupid emotions!  I thought, angry at myself. Another scream echoed through the Mindscape although this one was more strained and raspy: "PLEASE PLEASE STOP NO NO STOP PLEASE AHHHH!" I snapped out of my self loathing and rushed over to see Pine Tree covered in blood and burns the pure look of fear and agony was enought to make me snap and send me over the edge; my body doubled in size and became a deep shade of red.
General POV
Bill floated in front of Dipper getting into a defensive stance as he saw Tad throwing several red fireballs which he countered with his own blue ones. "What are you doing here Tad and what business do you have with my Pine Tree! " Bill screeched emphasising on that fact that Pine Tree was his. "Your Pine Tree, ha hardley you have not marked him and he has not accepted you so right now he's free game and the game we're playing is Death!" Tad laughed as he watched Bill's expression morph into something unreadable. Bill's eyes suddenly narrowed, a low threating growl emitted from his throat as he stalked towards Tad as lion would to his prey. Bill slowly drew his hand out in front of him and fired of a blue beam directly at Tad. Tad screamed as the beam hit him a bright light engulfing him as he vanished into thin air.
Bill's POV
"He was a fool thinking he could beat me!" I mocked. "B-Bill?" Dipper whispered his voice barely audible. "Oh, oh my god D-Dipper, oh my god hang on ok, just stay with me!" I pleaded as I rushed over to his side, "B-Bill I'm so t-tired..." Dipper wheezed as hid eyes began to close. "No!" I said panicking. "Nononono don't sleep, y-you can't go to sleep not yet not here, come on stay with me if you fall asleep now you'll n-never wake up!" "Bill I dying?" The kid asked his now bloodied face looking straight at me. " your going to be fine, I'm going to heal you, you''ll be fine." I replied shakily. "You just have to trust me ok, Pine Tree I-I need you to make a deal with me ok?" I spoke rapidly sweat running down my face/body "Bill?" He sounded nervous. "I-I ok the deal is: I heal you and you help me, I'll explain later b-but you need to make this deal; do you trust me?" I explained he needed to understand otherwise he...he will die. "Bill I-I have no other choice I guess I'll have to trust you, its a deal." He shakily stuck his hand out and encased it blue flames the seconf he did.
~Time skip to after Dipper recovered (I got lazy)~
Dipper's POV
I groaned as I sat up. I looked around to find I was still in...where ever this place is. "P-Pine Tree?" As soon as I heard Bill I pretend to be asleep. "Oh y-your still asleep sob w-well please wake up soon sob"  He was crying. Actually crying. "Bill why are you crying?" I asked cautiously. "Huh oh Pine Tree your awake!" Bill said happily. Geez biploar much, since when did Bill cry anyway actually since when did Bill feel anything anway since when did- my thoughts were cut off by Bill laughing. "Well for your information kid I am not biploar and if your little game of 'since when did Bill' is over allow me to explain. "Since my half of the deal has been completed you need to hold your end of the deal, look Pine Tree sigh it took quite a while for me to reconstruct myself here: The Mindscape. After I came back I was met by some old hag, who said she had been watching me and was disgusted with the things I had done, naturally I took that as a compliment but she ment it as an insult after I had thanked her for the 'compliment' she fliped and called me a sick heartless fucker, that's in her words not mine, and I of course was confused I mean didn't she know I had no heart, like I literally had no heart." I'd started to explain. "She somehow read my thoughts or something 'cause next thing I knew she was chanting some ancient spell or something and the damn hag gave me heart, I mean a real heart...inside of me...making me feel...emotions, of course with all these overwhelming emotions I broke down and cried for the first time...ever and well sigh Pine Tree your part of the deal is to help and I need you to help with these emotions I can't deal with them I need you to help me so what do ya say Pine Tree can you help me?" I squeaked out the last part.
A/N: sorry if this chapter was crap I wrote the first part in the morning and the rest in the evening so I'm like super tired since I had started writing this when I had woke up (6am in the bloody morning) so I apologise if you want me to rewrite please tell because I'll do it I'll rewrite it and if so please give me any ideas on what you want to see!


Bloodied hands and brusied bodies (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now