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A/N: There wil be very mild swearing in this chapter.
Chapter 2:

Dipper POV
"Ugh" I groaned as I sat up."What IS this place." I got up and looked around but there was no point of exploring because for as far as the eye could see lay barron fields that spred out in every direction. It was strange though, this place was obviously abandoned yet the grass looked healthy and well maintained, as I inspected further I could see a bright blue light in the distance. I might as well go see what is producing that light, after all it might be a way out of this strange place. I thought as I ventured towards it; as I got closer I found that it was actually a bright blue flame. Something about this seems familiar. I thought as I cautiously stretched out my hand to touch it...
"It should be familiar, I'd be offended if you forgot about me already Pine Tree~!" An annoyingly familiar voice sang out. "Bill!?" I cried as I saw the demon in all his triangle glory, I jumped back startled and fell into the fire. "AHHHH" I cried in pain as the flame engulf me.
"Pine Tree!" Bill yelled as he pushed me out the fire, but as I looked into his eye something was off...was Bill concerned about my safety? He can't be! Right? This is Bill we're talking about, is he really concerned about me?!
Bill POV:
Saying Pine Tree was confused would be an understatement his thoughts were all over the place there were too many I couldn't keep up, he needs to calm down before-
The whole place started to shake. "Shit!" I yelled as the places imbalance threw me to the side. "PINE TREE YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN YOUR CAUSING A-" I had started to shout but I was cut off by a scream.
General POV
"AHHHH" Dipper screamed the ground beneath him had started to crack causing the ground to either fall or rise up. His leg was stuck between two pieces of the jagged earth.
Bill who had heard the scream looked up to see Dipper, who looked like he was in excruciating pain. He charged towards him blasted the rocks into oblivion. With his leg now free Dipper dragged himself towards Bill who grabbed Dipper and placed him in a tree, which wasn't there before, and started to heal his leg. "Pi-Dipper you need to calm down, your confusion and fear is causing this place to become inblanced, please Dipper try to calm yourself down!" Bill said he spoke with  urgency but he also spoke softly to the scared boy. Dipper started to breath heavily and quickly on the verge of panic attack. Bill saw this and started to akwardly try and comfort Dipper; "Come on Pine Tree breathe, breathe with me in-out-in-out!" Bill whispered in Dipper's ear.
Dipper POV
I heard bill amidst the darkness and followed the sound of his voice our breathing becoming synchronised and slowly I started to relax coming closer to the light until it surrounded me. Suddenly as I looked around I saw that whatever this place was had gone back to normal, I also saw Bill still had his arm awkwardly wrapped aroynd me but for the moment I won't complain because for now I feel safe. I started to drift off not caring if I was sleeping in the arms of a demon.
General POV
Dipper gasped his whole face twisted in agony as he came crashing back into reality. It took him a lot of effort but he managed to pull himself off the ground, he winced at every breath he took. Yep definitely broken ribs. Dipper thought he looked around but Ford was nowhere to be found so using the wall for support he dragged himself towards the door.
As luck would have it no one was around so as Dipper struggled to pull himself upstairs and into the shower nobody could question him. Dipper finally got into the shower where he proceeded to wash all the blood off him and stiched up his head wound. Normally it would be hard to stich up your own head wound and not mess up but Dipper had to stich up his wounds so often he was practically a master at it. He had scars all over his body, some old some new, but no matter the difference in size, shape or place he got them all from Ford that was the connection between them all.
Dipper POV
I knew I couldn't do anything about the broken ribs other that work out how many were broken, it seems Ford had broken three ribs this time. Although it was painful to do so, I got changed into my PJ's and crawled into my bed where, long overdue, sleep consumed me.
Mabel POV
I skipped happily towards the shack with Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford in tow. Dipper had fallen to sleep in the lab so he couldn't come with us, it was a shame but we didn't have the heart to wake him but boy did he miss out I can't wait to tell the news he's going to be so happy!
Gruncke Stan POV
As we entered the shack I saw the lab door was open meaning Dipper was probably up. I walked up the stairs and went into the Dipper and Mable's room, the kid was sleeping, the poor guy must be so tired but this couldn't wait, I nudged the kid slightly arousing him from sleep. "Hey kiddo got some news for ya." I said. "Huh, wha- oh Gruncle Stan whats up?" He asked sleepily, man really must be tired. " Well me, your sister and Ford got a call from your parents today, they...they said that due to certain...uh circumstances they won't be able to look after you and Mable anymore." "Wha- what do you mean!?" he exclaimed his voice sounded rather raspy but then again he did just wake up. "Let me finish speaking kid before you start jumping to conclusions yeesh!" " As I was saying... they can't take care of you anymore and they put you and Mable up for adoption and guess who just adopted you!" I said proudly. "You didn't!" Dipper said shocked beyond belief. "Yep your ol' Gruncle Stan and Ford adopted you." I boasted. "This...this is so cool your the best gruncle EVER!!!" Dipper cried as he hugged me. wait a sec is Dipper wincing. "Kid you ok you look like your in pain?" I asked concerned for my nefew/son. "Uh y-yeah just a bit of stomach ache nothing serious." He replied. "Okay as long as your fine." I said but I wasn't convinced. As I got up and left the room I heard Dipper sigh. I hope he's ok, heh I really must be going soft. I thought as I walked away.
A/N: Hey guys that's the end of this chapter nice and long for ya. I know Bill is really OCC (out of character gor thise not use to fanfiction terms) but thats on purposw it will be explained in the next chapter. That's all for now!


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