Mabel's Secret

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Chapter 7:

Dipper POV
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked timidly. I know its super early; heck I don't know how I even feel, everything's a confusing mess inside my head but I at least know someone doesn't kiss you like that unless they really like you.
"Are you asking me to participate in the human ritual called 'dating' cause if so then...yes." Bill said, the look he wore told me he was proud that he knew what dating was. With the pure look of  innocence on his face honestly it was adorable, I couldn't help myself. "Ha...hahahah Bill oh-oh my god that was just too cute and hilarious!" I said laughing tears streaming down my face. "Ha...OH MY GOD....hahahaha...I-I can't breathe...hahahaha...can't breathe." I said laughing.
Bill Thoughts
Pine Tree is crying in the floor is he ok...did I say something wrong? I couldn't of been wrong about the whole 'dating' thing I researched it after all it is one of the many human customs. Wait did he say he can't that why he's crying...IS HE SUFFOCATING?!
Dipper POV
I was rolling around on the floor in a laughing fit. My laughing was suddenly silenced as something jabbed at my neck. I turned round to see a worried Bill. "What...are you doing?" I asked slightly confused. "Y-You said you couldn't breathe!" He replied. "Huh...oh my god...hahahahah!" This started my laughing fit up again. "Oh my god Bill!" I said after calming down. "You are just too hilarious!" I exclaimed lightly jabbing him in the side. He flinched and a quiet alomst inaudible giggle came out. Almost inaudible. I stared at Bill accusingly. "Are you tickilish?" I asked carefully. "N-No!" He said looking away hoping I wouldn't see his blush. "Oh my god you are!" I shouted as I tackled him submitting him to ticklie torture. His pleas for help were only met by mock evil laughter.
Mabel POV
It had been almost 6 hours since Gruncle Ford had come home but I still couldn't believe it. Dipper was dead. It just didn't sound didn't feel right. I should feel like a piece of my existent was ripped from me yet it doesn't. I'm shook with grief yet it feels like he's still here. Gruncle Ford said thats natural when someone's grieving but I don't know. Beep. I'm ripped out of my thoughts by my phone. Its a text from her. She wants to meet me in the woods. I replied and dried my tears. I walked down stairs for the first time in hours. It was ten o'clock. I could hear Gruncle Stan and Ford arguing...about Dipper. I walked out and was hit by the cool air, the same air that had failed to reach Dipper. I shook myself out of such depressing thoughts and walked to our usual meeting spot. It was quite the trek but I made it. I normally love the woods but right now I hate them. Dipper loved these woods so much, more than I do it was his favourite place to be and thing he loved stole him from me. "Mabel?" Her sweet concerned voice rang in my ears. I spun around to be greeted with the sight of her. Pacifica.
General POV
The aftermath of the tickle war resulted in two topless and tired thirteen year olds laying on the sofa. The brunette lay there with his arm drapped over the side of the sofa while the blonde lay on top of him his arms wrapped around the smaller of the two his head on the brunettes chest. "Dipper?" Bill muttered sleepily. "Yea?" Dipper yawned. "I was thinking about what you said earlier and what you said made me realise something." Bill said looking up at Dipper. "Hm oh what'd you realise?" Dipper asked half asleep. Bill kissed him on the lips and said with a smirk, "I love you Pine Tree." Dipper blushed madly. "I-I l-love you t-too Bow Tie." Dipper stuttered embarrassed. "Prove it." Bill said still smirking. He yawned still looking at Dipper. Dipper took the opportunity to kiss Bill. "That satisfy you Bow Tie." Dipper said although half awake he still manged to get snarky comment in. Bill just smirked even more. "How 'bout we get some rest Bow Tie." Dipper said barley awake. "Second best idea you've had all day." Bill mumbled as he snuggled closer to Dipper. "Huh...what was the first?" Dipper muttered. "Making me your boyfriend." Bill mumbled as he places his head in the crook of the others neck. Nothing else was said as the boys drifted off in each other's arms.
Mabel POV
"Hey Fi." I said forcing a simle. (By the way the nickname is pronounced f-ee) "Bel are you ok?" Pacifica asked concerned. "Huh yea...I'm...I'm-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I broke down crying. "Mabel!" Pacifica's blury figure ran over to me. "Ohmigosh are you ok!" She said worridly. "Its...its Dipper!" I shout. "He went out...G-Gruncle Ford and D-D-Dipper went out into the woods...only Dipper never came back...Ford said he had fallen down the waterfall and had most likely drowned!" I wailed. "Mabel..." Pacifica said softly. Ever since the whole demon ghost woodsman thing me and Pacifica became closer and closer until we were the best of friends although we don't show it in public because of our families. Only Dipper knows...knew about me and Pacifica. After Weirdmagdon she pulled me over and asked me out I had said yes because I knew deep down that is what I had wanted. "I'm so so sorry...I should've been there for you." She sighs apologetically.
~Time Skip~
Pacifica took my hand as we walked through the woods, although the situation we were in was despressing I still blushed. We haven't even kissed yet but then again we have only been dating for four days. We walked hand in hand, we were almost at The Falls the only waterfall in Gravity Falls, the one Dipper had fell down, when I spotted a light in the distance just east of The Falls. "Hey Fi look a light...looks like one from a lantern." I said as I pointed in the direction of the ominous light. "Lets check it, you said it yourself Ford didn't have time to check for...his body maybe someone helped him." Pacifica said determined. "Maybe..." I wasn't so sure but I had to stay postive and hopeful. "Lets go!" I said. As we walked towards the light. As we got closer I could see it was a log cabin it looked relatively new but it had...some kinda aura around it that made it feel acient.
We stepped on the porch and Pacifica knockes tentivly on the door but no one answered. "Should we go in?" Pacifica asked nervously. "Dipper might be in there you said it yourself we have to go in there!" I said full of hope and determination. Pacifica nods in agreement and tries the handle...its open. We slowly creep in and try to look around but its pitch black, however we do here snoring from not too far away. We're looking for a light switch when suddenly I hear a 'CRASH' from behind me. "Fi shhh!" I whisper yell. "Sorry!" She whisper yells backs. All of the sudden the rooms is illuminated by dim blue lights and the next thing I know me and Pacifica are slammed against the wall held up by our necks. I can't get a good look at the guy but from what I can tell he's half asleep. "Who are you and what are you doing here!" The guy shouts his words slurred by sleep.
Dipper POV
I stirred in my sleep as soon as the warmth, otherwise know as my boyfriend Bill Cipher, left me. I sat up groggily to see the room illuminated but blue flames. "Ugh" I groaned then yawned. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard shouting. I recognised the voice as Bill and tried to get off the sofa and towards the red form of my currently pissed sofa partener. "What's going on?" I mumbled I had barley taken a step towards Bill when I fell to the ground writhing in agony. I screamed.
Bill POV
I was just about to start interrogating and torturing if need be the intruders when I heard a scream. Pine Trees scream. A flash of worry must of shown on my face because the intruders looked confused. I encase the two intruders in a bubble and rushed over to my Pine Tree. Too bad I didn't get a good look at them what if they were demons trying to hurt Pine Tree! I Immediately brush that thought away and as I reach Pine Tree. "Are you okay whats wrong!" I say panick lacing my voice. "Heh I guess the aftermath of being attacked by bear, being caught up in an earthquake, falling down a waterfall and drowning is finally catching up on me." He says his voice raspy and his laugh strained. "Hang on a sec I'll heal you!" I say enveloping both my hands in bright blue flames. "No no just let heal in my own time, we don't know the side affects it could have on mortals." He says in frail voice. "O-ok just...just promise me you won't die ok!" I say urgently. "Heh I promise...Bow Tie." Dipper says just before he passes out.
A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed I added some fluff to get away from the serious topic just for a bit and Mabcifica everyone!!!! Now a few people have commented saying they want Ford to die. If you want this too please tell me. I'm going to hold a vote here are the options:

1)Ford dies
2) Ford dies at the hand of Bill
3) Ford doesn't due but there is a epic brawl instead.
Please put dwon your vote withe number 1/2/3/4 deadline for votes is going to be 19th of November you have ten days!!!


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