Hell on earth...

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A/N: Damn I've been one lazy shit! I'm sorry for not updating! There's no excuse I've just been lazy asshole who couldn't be bothered to do anything other than binge watch kids TV shows and hang out with friends. There will be pictures in this one to help you visualise certain things. But hey I'm back and I'm writing hopefully this is better than the last update...

Chapter 12:

Bill's POV:

"Pine Tree it's too early!" I whined rolling over ignoring Dippers attempts to get me out of bed. "Too early? You don't even sleep!" Dipper said exasperated. "Ugh fine I'm a lazy piece of shit you happy now?!" I said sitting up. "Yes....NOW GET UP WE HAVE SCHOOL!" Dipper shouted. "Okay okay jeez kid..." I sighed. "I thought you hated school anyway." "Just because I do, in fact, hate school doesn't mean I can not go Bow Tie." Dipper said with a slightly annoyed look on his face. "You know....I could always burn it down!" I said gleefully. "Bill..." Dipper said dangerously, giving me his I-fucking-dare-you-to look. "But Pine Tree you've barley allowed me any fun!" I said, knowing it was pointless, but also knowing it would annoy him. "Bill your idea of fun is mass murder and torture." Dipper sighed rolling his eyes. "And your idea of fun is tryna find weird and sometimes mythical things and almost get yourself killed in the process." I said crossing my arms with a you-got-nothing-on-me look on my face. "My idea doesn't involve a lot of gore and death." Dipper said stubbornly. "Pine Tree your ideas very  much do involve gore and death because most of them are crazy and illogical." I said trying not to smirk this is just too much fun. "Says the dream demon if chaos!" Dipper said knowing he had me there. "Touché..." I surrender. "Now how about we get ready and go to school huh? Mabel has been calling us for the last five minutes." Dipper said now pissed off at my unwillingness to do anything. "Oh you heard that? I just thought you couldn't hear her." Bill said nonchalantly. "I'm not deaf Bow Tie!" Dipper shouted but he was laughing. "Heh guess not welp kid let's get going..." I said snapping my fingers changing us both into the "mandatory" school uniform.

" I said snapping my fingers changing us both into the "mandatory" school uniform

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"One don't call me kid." Dipper said annoyed but then his face became dark and he averted his eyes. "Two my scars, cuts and bruises...." I growled as he said this but I immediately stopped and felt bad when I saw the shame and hatred on his face. Shame and hatred directed at himself. "sigh Ok..." I snap my fingers and I cover up his...issues. "Thanks Bow Tie..." Dippers said smiling half-heartedly though he wouldn't look me in the eye. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey don't worry Pine Tree they don't make you any less attractive than you already are....they're nothing to be ashamed of they're proof that you've survived- that your surviving this." I said softly. He finally looked me in the eye. "Thanks Bow Tie...come on let's go..."  We both walked down the stairs Dipper grabbed his backpack which then made me realise my lack of one so with a snap of my fingers I gave myself a backpack. It looked like a curled up bat. "Who knew this thing would've come in handy after all" I said in mock amazement.

"Woah! Cool backpack!" Mabel said running up to me and Dipper

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"Woah! Cool backpack!" Mabel said running up to me and Dipper. "Thanks shooting star." I said smiling. The backpack in question blinked and it's snarling mouth turned into a grin. "Thanks shooting star!" The backpack mimicked in a raspy voice. "Dude what in the name of jellybeans!" Mabel gasped. "Heh hey batpack I'm gonna be using you around humans so no talking or movement or anything like that until we get back here...also no sucking out people souls ok?" I said sternly. "Fiiiiine! But you owe me some Moon Drop Tea!" Replied the raspy voice of batpack. (If anyone gets the moon drop tea reference I love you!) "Fine fine it's a deal." I said shaking my head. "Did you just say sucking out people's soul? Bow Tie! That's dangerous!" Dipper shouted. "I know that's why I told him not to do it." I exclaimed. Dipper just sighed and decided not to say anything more. I decided to read his thoughts because why not. What was I expecting something normal? This Bill we're talking about! Bill a dream demon of chaos. Bill a dream demon of chaos that also happens to be my boyfriend. Wait.... my..... demon....boyfriend.... shit! Being gay is frowned upon already and I get bullied enough for it.... but now I have a boyfriend....who's a demon....who's also a complete idiot... "Hey I am no idiot!" I shouted. "Bill stop mind reading!" He shouted back. *DING DING!* "Oh Pacifica is here!" Mabel said rushing off to open the door. "Jeez you two are so loud." Pacifica said as she walked into the living room. "And you're a pain in the ass." I said. "Bill be nice!" Dipper said although I could tell he was trying not to laugh. Ever since Pacifica found out me and Dipper are dating she's been nothing short of a bitch saying that Dipper deserves so much better than me. Well I mean she's not wrong but I won't let her have the satisfaction of knowing she's right. "How are you Lama." I said doing a mock bow and being sarcastically polite. "Well this will be the first time I'm going to a public school so quite nervous." Pacifica said truthfully. Well I wasn't expecting that. "Heh looks we're the same then...although I don't know why I need to go to "school" when I'm a demon." I said to Pacifica though I was really taking a dig at Dipper and Mabel. "Bill we went over this!" Mabel said sighing. "I know I know!" I said in defeat. "Well shall we get going?" Pacifica said. "Sure....Oh wait!" I said remembering something. "O can't wait to freak the stupid flesh bags out of their minds ohhh this gonna be so fun!" I said gleefully. "Hey how come you get all the fun?" The batpack whined. "Because I'm a person you're a bag" I said leaving no room for argument. "Bill I thought we explained this to you remember you have to act human." Mabel said. "Wait what?!" I said angry and surprised. "Is there something wrong with that?" She asked. I just stared at her for a minute before exploding at her. "Well duhof course it's a problem! I'm a demon Shooting Star! I can't act human! I've only been "human" for three months! I don't know how to act human!" I was breathing heavily. "Hey hey hey Bow Tie calm down..." Dipper said rushing over to me."Remember the last time we talked about this after you went into the town and caused chaos?" I just nodded. "And what did I say then?" He asked, gently putting his hand on my cheek. "That you'd help me through it and teach me..." I said leaning into his touch, relaxing slightly. "And have I been helping and teaching you?" He said softly, I nodded again. "So there's nothing to worry about...even if you can't "act" human as flawlessly as you'd like to, as long as you remember basic things and don't go all demon on anyone or use your powers it's fine... besides we're all gonna be there and you can hang out with us!" He said smiling. "Heh you're right....sorry emotions can be so overwhelming sometimes." I said sheepishly. "You're telling me!" He laughed. Why is it that he can calm me down and make me feel good in a second with just a laugh or smile? This is so....strange.... I LOVE IT! I thought to myself as I took Dipper's hand and walked him to the porch. "You girls coming?" I said, turning around. "Yep!" Mabel shouted cheerfully as she and Pacifica walked hand in hand through the door closing it behind them. "Let's go!" Pacifica said in a cheery but nervous voice. "Let's." I agreed.
A/N: Hey guys so this chapter might of been shit and I'm sorry if it was! Please don't kill me! Upon request this series is gonna last a lot longer than originally planned so er yeah that. I just wanna say thanks for all the comments, votes and views it means a lot! See ya later!


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