Finale part 1

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A/N: Sup. So yeah. You read the title. This shits coming to a close. Have fun. SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I HAD REWRITE IT SO MANY TIMES!


Chapter 22:

Bill's POV
1 hour later
I stare the floor the grass and flames blurring as the tears obscure my vision. I can't bare to look anywhere else, I can't bare to see Dipper in his current state. Naked...bruised and hurts to think about. Tad is talking I don't pay attention to his words until suddenly my chains are snapped back and I'm forced to look up. "What do you want?" I growl. I spit in his face. Tad doesn't look amused. "I'm surprised at you let me take him so easily." Tad puurs I lunge for him only to have my chains stop me. "Let me go and you'll see the full extent of my anger." I say in a low, calm voice. "But have YOU kill everything is never fun." Ford perks up now standing as apposed to leaning against a tree. "You sick bastard how could you let him do that to your nephew?!" I yell. "Easily." Ford replies. Instead of lunging at Ford, This time I let my flames do the harm causing Ford to jump back. Tad kicks me in the stomach but it was totally worth it. "Seems like you still have some spirit left in you...let's change that" Ford glares daggers at me his voice coated with venom. I growl at him baring my fangs.
3 hours later
Dipper is awake again still chained to the pole while I'm chained to the floor. Ford and Tad left half an hour ago but they'll be back. "Dipper..." I call out he's been ignoring me since they left. "Bill..." Wow he actually replied. Shocker. "Hey..." I say hesitantly. "Bill I..." Dippers trails off. "Yes?" I tilt my head to the side. I honestly didn't expect to get this far...with him hating me and all. "I'm sorry." Well I didn't expect that. "This is all my fault...If I had been stronger you'd never be in this situation." Oh... "Dipper it's okay you being put through pain I'm glad you did...It ment I got to see you again." I said giving a small unconvincing smile. "About that..." He starts. Here we go I think internally cringing. "I sorry about what I said....about what I did... you didn't deserve that I have no excuse for my behaviour it was've been nothing but a great supportive, slightly physcotic, boyfriend and that more than could've ever asked for or deserved...I am so so sorry...I don't expect forgiveness or want you to give it to me...that would be unfair and quite frankly I have no right to it but I just want you to know I'm sorry..." Dipper sighs looking away from me. "'re already--" But he cuts me off with a desperate look on his face. "Please...Please don't say I'm wouldn't be right...just get angry at me something....maybe if you do Ford and Tad would leave you alone and I can get what I deserve." Dipper says dejectedly. "Dipper you do NOT deserve what they have done and will do you to you just because you made a mistake!" Bill shouted. "But--" I cut him off angrily. "Dipper Tad raped you!" I shouted. Dipper flinched. "You in no way deserve that!" I glare angrily though my anger isn't directed at him. "Could...Could at least pretend like you hate me and that I deserve it...if they think they can't break you like that maybe they'll leave you alone?" I can tell Dipper is trying hard to think if solution however bad it is. "And what about you?" The concern evident in my voice. "I can go through it...and if I can't?" Dipper stops and looks me dead in the eye. "Then I want you to erase all memory of it whether that's through the gun or your power ok?" He looks so serious, so ready, like he's already planned it all out. "I-OK I'll do it...just...remain strong ok?" I reluctantly agree to the plan. He nods. We stay silent after that; it's not an awkward silence just a comfortable one but we try to maintain a level of tension in the air after all we don't know when Tad and Ford will come back. If the situation wasn't so dire I would probably have a hard time controlling myself around a naked Dipper I think to myself. I laugh dryly, the sound void of any humour and filled with bitterness. What a time to be thinking like that eh? You sure pick your moments Cipher. And I can't help but agree with myself. Although after this...I'm not sure I'll be able to act on it not when the memories of this time would still exist. Although maybe I can use the gun on myself... I shake my head now is not the time Bill! I vaguely remember that Dipper is still in fact here and probably thinking I'm insane for laughing like that for no reason. I look up. Scratch that DEFINITELY thinks I'm insane. He isn't wrong though I remind myself and that thought gets me smiling.

A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry it's so short. And I know I took forever I'm sorry. And yes those of you angry at Dipper he has, is, and will, getting some form of punishment. There'll most likely be around 3 or 4 parts to the finale and MAYBE an epilogue. But that's a big maybe. Hope you enjoyed reading!


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