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A/N: Hey guys! So before this starts I would like to give a shout out to the following accounts for either one or all of these three things.
1. Showing constant support.
2. Those who have been since I first uploaded.
3. Participated in votes and suggested good ideas.
I know that I won't be able to get everyone down so if you are one the people who have done the following and I haven't mentioned just know I am grateful to you all. I'm also grateful to all those who have read and continued to read this fic.

You are all amazing!
Edit: I would like to give a personal thanks to masteroftheworld5678 for their support and kind words I really appreciate it and I'm touched you think so highly of the fic.
Ok now to the story.

Chapter 19

2 months later... (I'm sorry for all the time skips but to keep the story going I need to do them)

General POV
Three boys walked out of the woods laughing. "Dude did you see that gnomes face as punched him bro?" A dark haired kid asked. "Haha you think that was a feat did you see when I burned two alive then sent one if my chaos clouds after another?" The blond said laughing sadistically. "You should've of seen the face of Shmebulark and Gary when I fired that gun man!" The brunette smiled as he brandished the C-X revolver. "I can't thank you enough for the gift Bow Tie." He said as he put the revolver back inside his jacket pocket. "Hey no problem Pine Tree glad to you starting to put it to some's a shame that we weren't prepared I think Al would've loved to see you in your gear." Bill replied smiling fondly. "Gear?" Al asked clearly confused. "In the night I go monster hunting and mystery solving...during the time I've been doing so I've gathered a lot of gear." Dipper explained. "Dude you're a monster hunter?!" Al cried. "Yeah he's pretty good one at that." Bill cut in. "Bill I've only been doing it for a year." Dipper sighed. "Yeah and in the year you've made quite the name for yourself." Bill pointed out. "That's because of the Journals." "Dipper you're already using you're own Journals as well as the other three." Bill exasperated. "Fine fine." Dipper said reluctantly so Bill would drop the subject. "Bro you are so cool I don't understand why you let all these people walk all over you." Almor said sadly. "Yeah because shooting them or stabbing them or just fighting them would be sooo much better." Dipper said sarcasm  dripping from his voice. "In some cases it would be." Bill growled. "Calm down." Dipper sighed. "Well guys this is my stop sure you don't wanna come round D, Cipher?" Almor asked. "Nah gotta meet Ford when I get home." Dipper said casually but the sadness in his voice was evident. "Good luck bro...See ya later dudes!" Almor waved them down the road then went in his house. The other two continued to walk in silence Dipper to afraid of Bill's anger to talk and Bill to angry to talk. Dipper broke the silence. "Bill...I know this last year Ford's got worse but please let me handle this...I know we'll disagree not matter what but I deserve what's been given ok?" Dipper pleaded desperately hoping Bill would calm down. He's getting worse...harder to control his emotions...harder to handle...his rage is too much...he's almost killed so many people this year... Dipper thought. "No not ok Pine Tree!" Bill shouted making Dipper flinch. "It will never be ok as long as he is alive!" "Bill stop!" Dipper yelled. "No!" Bill continued. "It have sat back for a year watching you get hurt, patching you up; you almost didn't come back twice, Dipper you've stopped breathing twice and that's two times too many!" Bill yelled. Dipper winced at the shouting shaking slightly. " I'm scared that I'm gonna lose you...worse yet you contiue to go mystery solving and monster hunting and on all these adventures and thing it scares me that you're being so dangerous!" "I thought you didn't mind the whole myster solving and monster hunting thing." Dipper whispered shaking still. "I didn't until it got serious Dipper the amount of times you've come home unscathed is too rare!" Bill still didn't notice Dipper shaking. "Bill mystery solving and monster hunting are the only relief I get!" Dipper shouted shakily. "The only time I don't have to worry about Ford the only time I don't have to worry about school the only time I get away from everything that is you!"
Bill's POV
I froze. The few people that were out on the dirt path were staring at us. "B-Bill I didn't-" I cut him off. "Get away from me?" I'm confused. I thought he wanted to be with me. "I shouldn't of said that...look Bill it's not that I don't like it's just I never am able to escape you..." Dipper said trembling. Has he always been trembling or just now I don't remember. "You...y-you don't want to be with....m-me?" I asked puzzled. "No no it's not's just can be too much and sometimes I can't handle you and I... sometimes don't....don't wanna be around you be-" Dipper tried to explain but it wasn't helping.  "So you mean...I spend A YEAR LOOKING AFTER YOU, HELPING YOU, LOVING YOU, AND NOW YOU TELL ME THAT YOU DON'T WANNA BE AROUND ME?!" Before I'm even aware of it I turn red and I'm towering over dipper. A small part of me registers the fact the Dipper is now trembling and crying on the floor but a large part of me is too angry to care. "I...I's g-get me into....t-trouble with sob F-Ford and...s-sometimes y-you're lack of c-con..sob control scares m-me....I-I only don't wanna....b-be sob around you w-when y-you're angry at Ford o-or when y-you're angry at me..." Dipper sobs. "SO NOW FORD BEING PLEASED AND PRAISED IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR RELATIONSHIP?!" I shouted angry and despaired. "Yes...I m-mean no... I sob don't t-tell me y-you l-love me th-then shout at me and s-scare me....then you t-tell me y-you're s-s-sorry sob then you do i-it again!" Dipper shouts still sobbing. "Sometimes...I w-wonder if you l-love me and m-mystery solving and monster h-hunting is a way to sob get away from... all.... of those t-thoughts....get away f-from you and you're...i-inconsistness sob!" He shouts now distraught. Blinded by rage and sorrow I shoot a ball of fire at him and it hits. Immediately I stop and deflate and go back to normal horrified with what I've done. "P-Pine Tree I didn't-" But he cut me off. "Y-you...shot me?" He sounded so hurt so afraid of...of me. "Pine Tree I didn't mean to I swear, I got angry and I lost control and...." I slowly trailed of realising that this was exactly what Pine Tree was talking about. "Ford was right...not even a demon could love....only use me...." He stared at the ground trembling and crying and it was all my fault. I take a step forward and he flinches. I stop. "I do love you Pine Tree." I say weakly. "You have a funny way of showing it." He spat his voice cold filled with a mixture of fear and hatred I've never heard before. "I guess I was really don't love me...." He said. "I don't love you?! What about're the one who wants to get away from me the one who's having doubts." I shout then sigh. "Pine Tree....Dipper.." I start. "Don't Bill." He says quietly. "Dipper please...don't do this..." I plead. "I'm sorry Bill but this...obviously isn't just leave me alone." Dipper says limping away. "Dipper please don't leave me!" I sound pathetic but right now I don't care. "Enough's over...we are over... so stop hurts too much." He says turning to face me tears running down his face. "Please..." I whimper even though it's futile. He shakes his head and limps away. When he's out of sight I fall to my knees crying. In a burst of flames I disappear and I'm back in the Mindscape. Why....why couldn't I hold onto him for longer...why couldn't I stop him from leaving me....why? I feel the ground breaking and I can see the surroundings go up in flames but I don't do anything to try and control my emotions instead I let them run rampage and destroy my surroundings. It is all my fault.

A/N: Hey guys that's all. Yes hate me. I know I'm awful. I'm not sorry. Do you want Ford to die or not. Cause if so this needs to happen. Ha well have fun being depressed and if you're not well then good for you!

~ST99 (I'm not sorry)

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