Christmas Special

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The world was spinning.
The world around me blurred.
I'm somewhat vaguely aware that's someone is calling my name.
There's hands gripping my shoulders.
There's a flash of yellow.
Then there's nothing.

~5 Hours Earlier~
I rush downstairs, Mabel in tow. I don't care what anyone thinks no one is too old for Christmas! The pile of presents under the tree was met with squeals of excitement and wonder as me and Mabel run to start unwrapping the gifts the snort of my mother and soft chuckle of my father heard above the god-awful screeching if Mariah Carey. "Ugh turn that off!" I compained. That song was so so bad.
"No way hosay bro-bro!" Mabel cheered. "That song is life blood of Christmas!" "More like the death of my sanity." I say sarcastically. My mom turns the music off much to my relief and chagrin to my twin. "But moooom!" Mabel whined. "We can play it later sweetie." My mother replied with a wink.
~2 hours later~
With all presents unwrapped and all 'thank you's' and hugs given the Pines family sat in their living room watching the crappy Christmas classics from 1964. Mabel mouthed along to every word while I fiddled with my new fidget toy. Mom and Dad eat their breakfast, mine and Mabel's plates already emptied and discarded. It was so nice and peaceful. Just like how Christmas should be.  I thought.
~2 hours later~
The doorbell chimes and Mabel rushes to go answer it. Half a minute later she comes back into the living room with huge box. "It says it for Dipper, it's from Gruncle Ford." She says plopping it down. I raise an eyebrow. "Just for me?" I say unsure. "Yeah it says...hang on a sec..." Mabel starts to read out what it says on the tag:
To Dipper,

You'll hate me for this but it wanted you.
He's your problem now

Love 'Gruncle Ford'
"Why would I hate it?" I ask confused.
"Did your er...Gruncle...say he...does that mean it's alive?" My mom questions. "I would assume so..." I eye the box warily. "Maybe we should wait a bit to open it." "That sounds like a good idea." My dad says equally as wary.
~1 hour later~
With my parents out of the room and Mabel watching TV I finally gain enough courage to open the box. I being to unwrap it but before I can finish a triangle flies out. "Tadaa~" It says in a sing-song voice. "B-Bill?!" I splutter. I see Mabel pointing and making incoherent noises, obviously as shocked as I am. "That's right Pine Tree the one and...Pine Tree?" This isn't real. This isn't real. "No. No you're dead!" I shout. "You. Are. Dead." I say again as if solidifying the fact. This is NOT real. I close my eyes and stumble back. But when I open them he's still there only looking a lot more confused. No no no not real not real not real. I repeat it like a mantra in my head. This can't be happening!
The world was spinning.
The world around me blurred.
I'm somewhat vaguely aware that's someone is calling my name.
There's hands gripping my shoulders.
There's a flash of yellow.
Then there's nothing.
~20 minutes later~
I wake up roughly 20 minutes at er gasping. I look around and don't see Bill. "I-it was j-just a d-dream." I say shakily. "Nope hate to break it ya Pine Tree but this ain't no dream." Bill says appearing out of nowhere. I let out a (totally) manly yelp. "Why are you here?!" I yell. "Well you see I just missed you so much." Bill replies laughing. I push Bill away. "Enough if your sadistic bullshit!" I shout again aware there are footsteps running up the stairs. "Why are you here Bill?" I ask as my dad bursts through the door. "Mason are you okay?!" He asks worried. "Yeah I'm fine dad." I reply confused as to why he doesn't freak out at the site of Bill. "I really did miss you Pine Tree...Ford just experimented on me and that's no fun." He says quietly. "Is this a game to you?!" I shout not obviously not buying it. "Er...what?" My dad says hesitantly. For now I ignore him. "Pine Tree...Dipper...don't send me back please just let me spend time with you here." He asks look at me then back at the floor. "What are you playing at Cipher you tried to kill us remember now you want me to let you stay in our house?" I ask exasperated. "Yes?" He says expectantly. "No!" I shout angry again. "Please!" He begs. And now I'm confused. "Give me one good reason." I say suspiciously. "Because it's Christmas and you meatsacks love being kind....and because....I need you." He says. "What?" I ask in disbelief, not even aware of my dad's yelling for me while he stands in front of me. "I need you because...the Axolotol said "To atone for your sins a you must win the trust of your enemy."" He says sighing. "So I tried Ford but that didn't work, so I thought I'd try you." He looked hopeful. "Come on even old Fordsie gave it a try why can't you?" He sighed obviously annoyed. "Fine." I conceded. He'll leave soon anyway. "Yay!" He cheered. "By the way your dad is yelling for you." He says disappearing. My attention snaps back to my dad who is yelling for me. "Er...Yes?" I ask. "Who the hell were you talking to I've been standing her yelling for 5 minutes?!" He says flabagasted. "You mean you can't see him?" I asked. "See who?" He sighed worriedly. "Bill Cipher?" I say even more hesitant than before.
~Back to the present~
"And that's why they sent me here because they think I'm insane." I say finishing up my story. The therapist across from nods and writes something down. "I see and this...Bill Cipher is he here?" She asks looking around. I shake my head. "No but I can get him here." I say looking down. "Would you please?" I nod. "Hey Top Hat can you come 'ere a sec?" I call. "Top hat?" She asks writing something else down. "Oh that's what I call him because he calls me Bow Tie." I explain. "Oh there he is." I nod in his direction. "You called Pine Tree!" He says as flamboyant as ever. "Think we can prove to the therapist you're real and I'm not insane?" I ask. "I dunno Pine Tree maybe you are." He cackles. "Not helping." I scowl. "HahahahahaHAHAHA sure thing Pine Tree!" Bill grins insanely. I puff of smoke and brightlight he makes himself known to the therapist. "Ever one the dramatics." I say rolling my eyes. My therapist looks scared and slightly amazed. "Always Pine Tree, Always." He grins.
~3 hours later~
I'm back and deemed as sane though I'll have to see my therapist every 2 weeks for the next 3 months. Bill seems happy and for once so am I.
~A year later~
It's Christmas again and Bill hums happily to Mariah Carey while I glare at him. "This is the fourth time this week you damn dorito." I say unhappily. "Yeah well next time don't leave your socks out." He says snarkily. "It's my house!" My glaring intensifies. "Yeah and I'm a demon of chaos deal with it!" I laugh at that. "Demon if chias my ass more like demon of mediocre pranks." I roll mu eyes. "You're gonna pay for that one Pines." Bill says offended. "Ah but Bill I trust you way to much for you to something like that." I say smirking know he can't do a thing. "I hate you." He says flatly. "You love me!" I say over dramatically. "That's my line." He's says and we both laugh. Complete ignoring the confused and worried glances if my parents and the annoyed ones of my twin.

A/N: Hey guys sorry if you didn't like this as much since it was more platonic than fluffy and shippy so that's understandable. Anyway have merry Christmas and Happy holidays! See ya soon!


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