Finale part 3

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A/N: Guess who got lazy and forgot to update in almost a month?
You guessed it! Me!

Guess who's been prolonging the end of this fic?
You're right again! Me!
And guessed who lied about this being chapter just so you would read it?
Yep me again!

But seriously I've just about passed all my tests and stuff and I've been physically and mentally exhausted not to mention broke because Christmas. But yes.
The real finale part 3 won't be posted until after Christmas. However you will be getting a Christmas special. And possibly a Christmas eve special if I decide I cam wrote two stories in one night XD. But since school for doesn't end till Thursday and I've still got a lot to do I decided for it to be easier for me and stop leaving you all in the dark I decided to do an update. As much as you all loath them. So yeah sorry and hope you can forgive. Thanks to all the support given I never imagined that I'd have 1000 people read these let alone 28,400 people read it so thank you for indulging in my shitty fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted and I'll see you soon with the last part of the finale. EDIT: WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT ANY SPECIALS LIKE THE VALENTINE SPECIAL AND THE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ARE NOT CANNON


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