Chapter 14

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~Five years later~

I am supposed to be 25. I have an acting career stretched out in front of me. Blake and I are engaged. Hailey has moved out of Blake and my house and now lives in her own apartment, but it's still on the same street as our house. Hailey has her own restaurant. Blake is an author and lawyer. Life is good. Almost, if I can ignore the pain of never seeing my family and friends again. I've made new friends, of course, but they seems weirdly distant from me.

I take a deep breath. Here I go. Another audition for another big movie. If I make it, this will be my seventh movie.

My first movies were a series about Supernaturals and stuff. There were five movies.

I walk into the room, head held high. There are many smiling faces sitting at a long table with papers and pens.

"Good morning!" a young woman says cheerfully.

"Good morning," I say politely, smiling. "How are you today?"

"Very well. And you?" the woman answers.

"Good, thank you," I respond.

"Now, what's your name?" a man asks.

"Raven Natural," I reply.

"Who are you auditioning for?"

"Lena Duchannes," I answer.

Lena is the girl lead, and a girl with bizarre powers. Her kind are Casters. Her family was cursed by a powerful book and on their 16th birthday, all of them go Light or Dark. They don't get a choice. Lena, however, has a horrible twist on her Claiming (what they call when they go either Light or Dark). She gets to choose, the only one in her family being able to, but if she goes Light, all of her Dark family members die. But if she goes Dark, all her Light family members die.

"How old are you?"


Easy to lie about my age.

"Very well. You may start."

I take a deep breath. I've memorized my lines. It's easy for a Supernatural.

After 10 minutes, I finish my audition. The judges look very pleased.

"Thank you. You may go," the woman says, nodding at the man.

I leave the room, my head light.

A few days later, I get a call.

"Raven here, how may I help you?" I ask.

"Hi Raven. I'm here to tell you about your audition," the voice says.

I smile. I've been rejected quite a few times, so I don't really care if I don't get this place in the movie or not.

"Ah, yes. How did I do?" I ask.

"We are pleased to tell you that you have gotten the part," the voice says, and I can literally hear he/she smiling as they say it.

"Thank you!" I exclaim.

"How fast can you make it to California?" the voice asks.

" fast do I have to get there?" I answer.

"In at maximum a week."

"Okay then. I guess I can arrive in two days," I reply.

"Fantastic! Thank you! And I will see you in a few days. Also, there's will be a taxi to pick you up," the voice tells me.

"Thank you. Bye! And, do I have to bring anything?"

"Anything you want that can entertain you during your downtime."

"Okay. Thanks. Bye!" I say.

I hang up.

"Blake!" I exclaim.

"Yes?" Blake asks, walking in.

"I got the job!"



"That's great. Where are you going?"

"California. I'll be leaving in two days."

"Sure. Go pack your bag. I'll get your plane ticket," Blake answers.

"Thank you," I say, kissing Blake on the cheek.

I go up to my room and look around. I get out two suitcases from the closet in the hallway and start packing my clothes. Mostly shorts and t-shirts. And I'll be getting costumes anyway. I also pack my MacBook Air, a couple books including the five books I'm making a movie for, my iPad and my MP3 player. I always bring my phone and wallet everywhere anyway so I don't need to pack those.

"See you in like, a year," I say, at the airport.

"That's the consequence of being an actress," Blake answers, chuckling. "Can't wait to see your movie, Raven. Call me when you get to California, okay?"

"You sound like my mom," I respond, laughing. "But okay. Love you."

Blake kisses me.

"Have fun. Stay safe. Love you," he answers.

I smile and go pass where Blake can't go.

When I get on the plane, I take a look at what has been my home for almost six years now. But for three years of those six, I was away, acting. And now I will be away from almost another four although I will be coming home every now and then.

I arrive at California around 2 in the afternoon. My taxi drives me to the hotel where all the actors will be staying.

"Hi. Raven, right?" I hear someone ask.

I turn around.

"Hi. Yeah. And you are?" I reply.

The girl laughs. She seems to be around 25 or so.

"Bella," she answers. "You're going to be Lena, right?"

I nod.


"I'm going to be Ridley."

"Easy to see you as her."

Bella smiles.

"Hey, girls."

A strong, muscular boy walks up to us.

"Hi. Raven," I say, sticking out my hand and the boy shakes it.

Then he shakes Bella's.

"Bella," she says.

"I'm Alex. I'll be playing Ethan."

I scan him up and down. Seems to be very proud of his muscles.

"Good for you," I say slowly. "I'm Lena."

Alex smiles, but doesn't say anything about my body.

"And you will be?" he asks Bella.

"Ridley," she responds, sighing.

"Good for you. Have you gotten your room yet, Raven? What about you, Belles?" Alex asks.

"First of all, it's Bella. Second of all, no, I haven't gotten my room yet but I don't need you helping me," Bella snaps.

"No, I haven't gotten my room either," I add.

"Well then I'll gladly help you. As for you, Belles, I guess it's your choice whether you want me to help or not," Alex says.

After I get settled in my room, I go back to the lobby. Only some cast members are there, as there shouldn't be anyone on vacation right now. I go around, introducing myself. Someone that catches my attention is the little girl that's playing Riley, one of the little girl cousin's of Lena. She's so cute and she does seem to be good at acting. John's actor also seems to be good, and he's really funny too. As for Macon, his actor is older but he's still very sharp and aware of everything going on around him. Then, as I meet all the actors and actresses for the first movie, I know this is going to be a very fun few years with these amazing people.

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