Chapter 29

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As soon as we get back to the hotel in California, the director starts shouting and scolding Alex and I. But to be honest, I can't really blame him since we're already behind on the acting but that doesn't prevent me from getting all steamed up.

"Shut up, will you?" I snap venomously. "What would you do if you thought the love of your life was gone and dying?"

There's an awkward silence.

"You love Alex," the director finally states.

"No," I answer calmly. "There was someone else, back in L.A., and I was really worried about him and one of my very good friends. It had nothing to do with Alex."

I can feel Alex's pain hitting me because of my words, but I brush it off. I can't deal with him now.

The director sighs.

"I guess I have kinda been overworking you guys," he confesses. "But being a director is so stressful."

The director rubs his forehead with index and middle finger.

"You guys get a day off today, okay? But be prepared to work extra hard tomorrow," the director eventually tells us.

"Of course," I say quickly.

The director walks away, muttering something to himself.

"I guess we have a day off," I say happily, turning towards Hailey and Alex.

But Alex isn't there.

"Oh, don't worry about Alex," Hailey says, patting my back. "I saw him go back to his hotel room. He must need some sleep."

I nod.

"What do you want to do?" I ask

"Well, I heard there's this new bakery that opened up downtown and I heard it's been getting thousands of costumers in the last few days. Maybe we should go check it out!" Hailey replies brightly.

"Yeah, sure!" I agree.

We order a cab and then we ask the driver to drive us to the bakery.

"It is a wonderful bakery," the driver tells us. "It's new but everybody already loves it. I've been there at least twice a day, every day, since it opened. Get the cinnamon buns; those are delicious. But the chocolate doughnuts are amazing too. Don't forget to get some banana bread too; theirs is the best I've ever had. Or if you just want a drink, order their lemonade, preferably the raspberry lemonade; it's fresh, refreshing and absolutely incredible. They also have coffee and if you ask them to add five sugars and three creams, whip cream and cinnamon, you will be shocked. I know it sounds weird but it tastes the best. The bakery's quite big and the chairs are very elegant. They have at least five counters so that many people can order at once so even if there's a long line, you'll get your stuff quick."

By then, we've reached the bakery.

"Have fun, ladies!" the driver says, waving. "Don't forget about my suggestions!"

I smile sweetly.

"Thank you ever so much," I respond, giving him a large tip.

Hailey and I walk into the bakery, and find it not very busy. Probably since everyone's at work at this time.

"Next!" a young man calls from the counter.

Hailey and I walk up to it.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask kindly.

"Good, you?" he answers.

"I'm doing very well; thank you for asking. Can we have two lemonades, one plain and one raspberry? And can we have on slice of banana bread, two cinnamon buns, one vanilla doughnut...uh...what else, Hailey?" I say, admiring the baked goodies on display.

"That's it," Hailey replies.

"Okay then. That's it," I tell the man.

"That will be $12.30, ma'am," the man answers.

I give him $20 but refuse to take the change. After we get our things, Hailey and I sit down and start to eat and gossip like old times. Suddenly, my phone rings.

"Tart texted me," I tell Hailey, opening up my phone.

"What did you say?" Hailey asks, sipping her lemonade.

"Hi, Raven. Sorry I'm replying so late but today has been such a busy day in New York. You heard about Blake, right? Well, now they can't find another trace of him so they think he might be kidnapped instead of killed right away. Please don't panic. I heard what happened to you when you first received the news. I'm so sorry. Everybody's been trying to find anything they can about Blake but nothing, so far. I hope you're doing well in California. Lots of love, Tart," I read aloud.

I look at Hailey.

"Someone's gonna hurt themselves trying to find Blake," I say quietly.

"What can we do about it?" Hailey asks, sighing. "We have no power. We can't tell them what you did; that could destroy the Supernatural species and possibly the human one too."

I sip my lemonade and take a bite out of my banana bread.

"I know. But I don't want anyone getting hurt trying to find someone who's way out of their reach," I answer.

Hailey bites her cinnamon bun.

"Me neither," she replies. "But we have to just let it happen."

Then my phone rings again.

"It's Blake," I whisper, eyes wide. "He sent me an email."

Hailey purses her lips, her eyes darkening but she doesn't stop me when I open the email.

Dear Raven,

I would like to thank you for sending me to Canada. You saved my life, and that is something I can never repay. I understand now why you picked Alex over me but it still hurts sometimes but it's all good. Live your life like you want to, Raven. I want you to be happy because no matter what happens, I will always love you. I hope that you are content with what your life has grown to be. I love you, forever and always.


Blake <3

I don't breathe. I don't speak. Neither does Hailey, because she knows I need silence.

"What does it say?" Hailey eventually whispers softly.

I give Hailey my phone, and take small sips out of my lemonade. Hailey gives me back my phone in a minute or so but doesn't say anything.

"Do I answer?" I whisper, tears stinging my eyes.

"Yes," Hailey immediately says. "Show him you care about him."

My dearest Blake,

I'm sorry for hurting you but I'm glad that you are now in Canada and safe from anyone's harm. Canada is a safe country that I believe will keep you safe from anybody that will be hunting you in the U.S.A. I love you forever and always too, and I hope that you really do feel the same. I'm terribly sorry for my mistakes and what I've done to you but, I'm sorry, I don't regret a thing I've done. It' s what got me here and what got me stronger and stronger. I love you, forever and always.

xoxo, Raven

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