Chapter 18

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When I wake up, I'm happy. I'm relieved. I'm back to Raven.

When we start acting again, my heart feels lighter. The director seems really impressed, considering how I was yesterday.

"Okay, that's a wrap of that scene. We're moving on!" the director says.

Alex gives a small whoop, making me grin.

After another day of acting, Alex invites me over to his hotel room and tells me to dress nicely.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see," he replies, smiling.

I sigh and, at night, meet him at his hotel room.

"Where are we going?" I whine.

"Oh, come on. Don't be a baby," Alex teases.

I roll my eyes.

Alex drives us to a fancy restaurant.

"Is this a date?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

Alex chuckles.

"I know you have a boyfriend," he answers, smiling.

Alex leads me into the restaurant. He brings me over to another room without any waiter seating us. Just as he's about to open the door, Alex tells me to cover my eyes.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's a surprise," Alex says, grinning.

I put my hands over my eyes and I hear Alex open the door as he leads me in. Then I feel his soft breath against my ear.

"Open your eyes, Raven," he whispers.

I open my eyes and scream, crumpling to the floor in joy. I start to cry, tears of happiness running down my face.

"Mom, Dad, Tart," I whisper, as they run up to me and hug me.

 "Raven, Raven, Raven," Tart whispers, crying too.

My dad lets me go first, beaming wildly. My mom lets me go too, her eyes sparkling. Tart stays connected to me though, hugging me tight.

"I missed you guys so much!" I exclaim, as Tart lets me go finally. "How did you get here?"

"Someone helped us," my mom answers, looking at Alex.

His eyes are shimmering, happy to see me happy. I run up to him and hug him.

"Thank you," I murmur, burying my face in his chest.

"Anything for you, Raven," he replies softly.

"This is...I can't...this is so amazing. I haven't seen them in like, five years. You're the best," I say, smiling. "Thank you."

I let him go and turn to Tart.

"How's New York?" I ask lightly.

"Good," Tart responds simply.

I can feel her staring at me, but I ignore it. Obviously she would be suspicious about why I still look the same as when I left NYC.

"Rave, we got you something," my mom says, to break the awkward silence.

"You shouldn't have," I immediately say.

"You don't even know what it is," Tart teases, breaking her stare.

I roll my eyes.

"For all you know, it could be a pencil," my dad adds, chuckling.

I roll my eyes again.

"What is it?" I ask.

My mom pulls out a small parcel from her purse.

"Is it a pencil?" I joke, because the size of the parcel would just fit a pencil.

My dad laughs.

"No," he replies.

I open the parcel, and find a small velvet box. I open the box, and inside is a necklace with the silhouette of a raven.

"It's made of diamond," my dad says.

I trace the raven softly, the cold stone tingling my finger.

"Thank you," I murmur. "How much was it?"

"It doesn't matter," Tart replies, shaking her head. 

I put it on, the cool diamond touching my chest.

"Are you staying?" I ask.

Tart shakes her head; my mom and dad nod.

"I can't," Tart answers. "I'm staying for only two days, then I have to go back to NYC. I have to work."

"I never got to ask you," I say. "What do you do for a living?"

"Design modelling clothes."

"No wonder I thought I knew one of the people..." I mutter to myself.

"We're staying for a week," my mom pipes in.

"Nice," I say. "You'll love it here. It's nice and warm and the people are so kind. I made lots of new friends too. The cast is so sweet and supportive."

I look up at Alex and see him smile. I give him a grateful smile in return.

"Happy birthday, babe."

My eyes widen as I turn to Alex.

"How do you know?" I ask, shocked.

Alex shrugs smoothly.

"I thought everybody forgot about it! Oh my God! Thank you!" I exclaim, running up to Alex and hugging him tight. "Thank you."

I don't even acknowledge he called me 'babe' or ask myself a second time how he knows my birthday.

"Did you really think we'd forget, Rave?" Tart asks, amused. "We would never forget your birthday. Did you really think that I would miss work too, just to come see you when I could easily come around Christmas?"

I pull apart from Alex and smile and Tart.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday," I say, frowning. "It was last week, wasn't it?"

"You already have. You brought me here."

"Alex did that."

"All I've ever wanted was to see you again. That's enough for my birthday."

I sigh contently.

"Thank you. All of you. I can't...I don't have anything to say. This...thank you. All of you. You guys are the best," I say.

Never would I have expected a boy I barely know to pay over $10 000 for my birthday. Or for Tart to use up her vacation days on me. Or for my parents to buy me a diamond necklace for my birthday. This has been the most incredible day of my life.

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