Chapter Nine

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"Raven!" I hear someone shriek.

"Great," I mutter.

"You know who that is," Hailey says, rolling her eyes.

Tart, eyes blazing like mad fire, comes running at me.

"Is it true?" Tart asks.

"What?" I answer.

"There's a rumor going around."

"About what?" Hailey snaps.

"About you. And Blake," Tart responds.

I cross my arms over my chest.

"And? What about me and Blake?

Tart rolls her blue eyes, as if she expects me to know what the heck she's talking about. Maybe I do but hey, who doesn't tease their friends?

"That you two were making out in his house last night."

I almost choke on the Starbucks I bought.

"Have you been stalking me?" I scream.

"Not me!" Tart says innocently, raising her arms like someone surrendering to the police.

"Well then who?" I shout.

Tart points across the school field to one of the most popular boys in the school named Gavin. He has lush, blonde locks, bright green eyes, a dazzling smile and muscular arms. He's an athletic one for sure and he's the heartthrob of the school, other than Blake.

"Him?" I demand.

One of Blake's best buddies, he is. But he wouldn't stalk me, would he?

"Really?" I ask sharply.

Tart nods.

"He's the one that told me. I asked him how he knew and he said he was watching you last night," Tart explains, putting air quotations on the words 'watching you'.

"He's about to say goodbye to his brilliant life," I snarl.

I walk up to him, who's is all alone for once.

"Gavin," I say politely, nodding.

He turns to look at me, with a smirk on his face. He knows my voice. He knew it was me.

"Raven," he purrs.

"We need to talk," I answer.

"About dating?" Gavin smirks, raising his left eyebrow.

"No," I snap. "About the little rumors you're spreading about me and Blake."

"Ah, yes," Gavin responds, his smirk off his face for once.

"And may I ask why you are spreading these rumors?" I ask.

Gavin honestly annoys me out of my mind. He has the most seductive smile ever-to every girl in the school but me. He's always trying to impress me, which is so annoying. Especially if Tart is around.

"Because I need you to start dating me," Gavin replies, smirking again.

I've had all I could take. I slap Gavin across the face. Half of Gavin's face turns pale (the side I didn't hit) and the other side turns purple/blue (the side I did hit). I totally forgot about all my Supernatural powers. No wonder his face is purple.

"Never think ever again that I'm ever going to move my lips, or even my body, within a meter of yours," I growl.

I walk away, sipping my Starbucks like nothing happened. But I can hear a thump as Gavin crumples to the ground in pain.

When I get back to my friends, Hailey laughs pleasantly.

"That's what he gets," she says, giggling.

She slaps me on the back, in a congratulating way, but she hits more of my backpack than actually me.

Tart, on the other hand, looks terrified.

"What did you do to him?" she whispers, horrified.

"I slapped him," I reply, matter-of-factly.

"Wanna go kiss his boo-boo alright?" Hailey asks, puckering up her lips.

I laugh at Tart's wide eyes.

"He'll be fine," Hailey says, laughing as she stops puckering up her lips. "But girl, you're going to get in trouble."

I can see Blake, grinning out of the corner of my eye and I immediately know where he was. He saw, and he went.

"I won't worry that much about that," I answer, grinning.

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