Chapter 26

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"You can't tell a soul," I murmur, under Alex's soft lips.

"I know."

"If you tell anyone, we're over," I warn.

"I know," Alex repeats quietly.

"And I won', can't die."

"Wait, what?" Alex asks.

"Immortal," I whisper. "I'm immortal. I can only be killed."

Alex stares at me with a curious expression.

"Are you serious?" he asks.

I nod.

"It's scary being a Supernatural," I murmur, curling up in a little ball.

"Of course it is," Alex says gently, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Is that how you shocked me that first day?"

"You still remember?"

"Yes. I don't know why, but it felt right. It felt like I was supposed to get shocked."

"I didn't mean to do it. I a bit carried away, I guess. Sometimes, it's so hard to control what I can do. And I'm special too. The weather changes with my feelings."

"So you're literally a real Lena."

I giggle.

"Kind of, yeah."

I sigh softly.

"What am I going to do without you?" I murmur, my eyes dropping.

Before I can hear Alex answer, I fall asleep.

When I wake up, the area beside me is cold. Crap.

"Alex?" I shout.

No answer. I start to get worried.

"Alex?" I shout again.

And still no answer.

"Crap," I mutter, putting on my shirt and pants before I run out the hotel room.

I run down to the bar, and find Bella.

"Bella, have you seen Alex?" I demand.

Bella looks up at me from her food, and guilt floods her face.

"Don't feel guilty," I say. "Just don't tell another soul, okay? But have you seen Alex?"

Bella shakes her head, guilt still clear on her face.

"No. I'm sorry, Raven. I couldn't help it. I just had to tell him. I'm sorry and I know I'm such a horrible friend; please forgive me," Bella babbles.

"It's okay, okay? Everything's fine. I forgive you," I quickly say. "Can you please help me find Alex though? I feel like something's terribly wrong."

Worry and anxiety fill me up, making the clouds immediately go grey.

Bella nods, dropping her fork and standing up. We both run to the waiters and waitresses at the front of the bar and ask them if they've seen Alex.

"Yes," one beautiful brunette says.

Huh, she's so pretty; I wonder what she's doing here, as a waitress? She should be a model or something like that.

"Where?" I ask.

"He came up here, ordered a cup of coffee and left. I saw him get into a white SUV and then he quickly left the hotel. He was very, very serious this morning; not his usual self. I'm pretty sure one of my friends asked him what was wrong, and he said that something very bad had happened. Before we could ask him any more, he left. When he was gone, I saw that there was a piece of paper on the table and I picked it up. The paper only had two words on it though," the brunette tells Bella and I.

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