Chapter 34

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(A/N I know I haven't posted in a really long time. Sorry! Also, this will be one of the last chapters of this story. I hope you all have enjoyed it! Don't forget to follow, vote and comment your suggestions! Love you all!)

I don't have any scenes today, so I bring Hailey to the secret Supernatural place again.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I ask Hailey.

Hailey nods.

"I want to let loose again," she insists.

I laugh softly.

"Well, I'm not about to complain about that. Let's go," I answer.

When we get to the place, the moment we enter, I know something's different.

"Something's wrong," I immediately say.

I could easily tell. The 'city' was oddly quiet and, though I could tell that there were a lot of people, everyone seemed to be hidden.


I turn around.

"Layla, what's going on?" I ask.

Hailey bites her bottom lip, preparing herself mentally for what was probably coming. She could tell something was different too.

"You came at the wrong time. You have to run before they get here. Please, go. We'll hold them off but as soon as you get home, you have to literally go to the other side of the world. I'm not joking. The Others are coming for us. They've attacked L.A., Pennsylvania and New York. They're coming here next," Layla rushes to explain.

For a second, I can't think. Both of my homes are probably in ruins. Then, I snap out of my daze as Hailey speaks.

"I'm not running. Why isn't everyone else running? Because they're going to fight. Just because Raven and I are young, doesn't mean we can't fight too," Hailey says.

Layla gives Hailey a long look, then sneaks a glance at me.

"It's not about your age. It's about you power," Layla replies. "You two are--"

"We're not weak!" Hailey interrupts.

"That's not what I was going to say," Layla responds. "You two are special. And the Others go for the special ones. If we can keep you two safe, then we have a better chance of surviving this attack. In the previous attacks, it was the special ones that saved us. A lot of them are dead now and there are only about ten in each country."

I look at Hailey.

"No," I say, sharp. "We're not going. If all of you are going down for us, that's not right. It's either all of us or none of us. But at this point, I don't think we have a choice. It has to be all of us."

Hailey nods in agreement.

Layla pauses.

"I wish...I wish you two weren't so stupid," she answers, sighing. "Stay then. But you will the main target."

"It doesn't matter," Hailey responds.

"Now, listen to me. You can't disobey these orders if there are only 20 or less of us left. You have to run, no matter what. You run and you move to another continent. Antarctica is currently the safest but if you don't want to go there, you go to Australia. You stay out of sight. You have to drop your acting career, Raven. No choice. Understand?" Layla demands harshly.

Hailey and I both nod.

"If you disobey these orders, you may be why all humans and Supernaturals turn into slaves and work 24/7," Layla tells us.

Before I can say anything, Hailey speaks up.

"When are they coming?" Hailey asks, fear tainting her voice, but barely.

Layla looks at her watch and presses her index and middle finger against her ear.

"In 3...2...1!" Layla says quietly.

On the exact moment she says 1, the ceiling comes crashing down and I hear screams of the humans above as they are killed and/or thrown out of the building. And that is how chaos starts.

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