Chapter One

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"Hey," I say casually, plopping down under a tree across from him.

We're in the middle of the woods, where no one will be able to hear us.

"Hi, Raven," the boy answers.

"I'm still very confused," I respond, crossing my arms over my chest. "What is this 'supernaturel world' thing about? I thought these stuff is only real in books!"

"Like every other human," the boy answers.

"What?" I ask.

"Like every other human, you thought that," the boy quickly explains.

"Um...okay?" I say questionly.

"Do you even know what you are?" the boy asks.

"That's the only reason why I'm here, genius," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"You're a Supernatural," the boy states.

"I know that!" I shout. "But what does being a Supernatural even mean? And how do you know you haven't found the wrong person?"

The boy remains calm, but obviously a little irritated.

"Because I've seen you do things," the boy answers simply.

"So you've been stalking me?" I scream.

The boy chuckles, and shakes his head.

"Did I ever say that?" he asks.

"The only time I ever do things I was confused that I could do is at home, locked up in my bedroom. If you weren't stalking me, how would you know?" I demand, frustrated.

Some Supernatural. Hasn't got the brains of one, for sure. The looks he has though. And the super sight, super hearing, super everything. Except the super brains.

"Ever wondered why you could do things that others can't do?" the boy asks.

"I literally just said that I did," I snap.

"Okay, okay. Calm down," the boy says, laughing.

"Just get to the point!" I exclaim.

"The point is that you have to be careful. Because if you aren't, you're gonna reveal the Supernatural world to the humans and that's something very dangerous," the boy explains. "The reason we are here is to help the humans, but they can not know that it is Supernaturals helping."

"Why do humans need help?" I ask, looking into those dark navy blue eyes.

"Because they can't do things properly. Guess who invented electricity," the boy answers.

"Benjamin Franklin," I respond, rolling my eyes.

"And who helped him?"

"I have no idea. And it's not like I care anyway."

"A Supernaturel. But he was gone before anyone knew it."

"Okay then. A Supernatural helped Benjamin Franklin invent electricity. What else do I need to know that's super useful?" I ask, sarcasm drowning my words.

"Patience, Raven. We will get there. Supernaturals also are smarter, faster and better than humans," the boy says.

"Right. Like I didn't already know that. Comics come in handy sometimes, you know. Just get to the point. What else can I do?" I demand.

"Manipulate animals, the four elements and nature. Not the weather, except for the most powerful Supernaturels. You are one of those. The weather changes with your emotions. Ever wondered why it downpoured when your cat died?" the boy asks me.

Something clicks in my brain. When did my cat die? 15 years ago.

"That was when I was four!" I scream. "Have you been stalking me for my entire life?"

I am really mad. Honestly, who does this guy think he is? I know he's a Supernatural but he doesn't have to right to stalk me for my entire life until I'm old enough to understand that I'm a Supernatural!

The boy winces.

"I had to." is all he says.

"I'm done. I'm done with this Supernaturel thing. All I'm gonna do is just ignore it. All I want to be is someone normal, okay?" I scream, standing up.

"It's not that easy."

"I don't care!" I shriek. "I didn't ask for any of this! Why me? Why does it have to be me, the Supernatural?"

I turn around and start to walk back home.

"I wanted to ignore it too, you know."

This stops me.  I look back at the boy, eyes pained.

"I didn't want to believe it either. I just wanted to be a normal boy too. But that's not how it works. You can't just ignore your powers. How can you ignore a thunderstorm every time you get upset, huh?" the boy demands.

My insides get shaky, my eyes widen, and I hear a crash of thunder. I run back to my house, terrified for what I am. If I can make it storm every time I get upset and I can make animals do what I command, what am I?

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