Chapter 14:

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At first Ty and I just stare at him wide eyed, as neither of us really knows to react or what to say in response to the bombshell that has just been dropped. In any case it hits me that now that Sam's hopes have been rekindled, if we don't find her or are unable to get her out even if we do, then I am worried that it will break the last of Sam's spirit to the point of no return.

Pushing away the negative thoughts, I grin optimistically at the two boys, "Well. I suppose in that case we'd better get a move on. After all didn't those men just say that basically we have until this afternoon to set them free?"

Ty frowns, "But that's not-"

I roll my eyes, "Spoilsport. Obviously it's not actually what they said. But if they're going to get 'rid' of our friends this afternoon, if you do the maths it means we have until then to get them out."

Feeling confident enough that no-one is around anymore we creep out of the shed we'd been hiding in, instead stealthily sneaking over to the other shed to find out what's inside. Ty and Sam both have their weapons at the ready covering my back in case someone comes along unexpectedly. As I press an ear to the corrugated iron to try listen to see if I can hear anyone, I am unable to stop my hopes from rising. But when there's nothing that indicates that there may be a sign of life behind the walls they fall again just as quickly, leaving me to swallow the bitter taste of disappointment.

The look on my face proves to be enough for the boys to feel the same way as I do. However knowing we're now under the pressure of the clock, there's no time to waste so slowly we inch our way around the shed in an attempt to try to find the door. But it proves to be a fruitless search, because while we do finally find one, there's a high tech electronic key pad attached to the handle which after a quick check, proves to be firmly locked.

"What do you think is in there? Ty whispers.

I shrug but then look at him curiously as his face suddenly lights up as an idea hits him, "You know what we could do to find out?" He grins mischievously, "If I pop back to the shed we were just in and grab one of the pieces of tech in those crates. I'm pretty sure that would be able to decode a simple pin like that quite quickly."

Sam nods, "Good idea mate. I'll cover you." Before he turns back to me saying, "Wait here Remi. We'll be right back okay?"

With that they turn around and jog off, leaving me to grind my teeth in frustration as I want to chide them for being so careless with their steps. When they get back I'm also going to point out to them that their obvious tag-teaming to make sure I stay 'safe' is not only completely unnecessary, but also that it got old the first time they did it and now it's just getting on my nerves. But seeing as I don't want to cause an argument while time is of the essence and the slightest noise could give us away, I make my way back to the far side of the shed and sit down instead. Sighing heavily as I unhook the rifle from my shoulder I then take it into my hands to inspect it and noticing that the cartridge isn't completely full, I begin reloading some bullets into the magazine while waiting anxiously for Sam and Ty to return. Anything to make the time pass faster than just staring at the watch on my wrist, watching the small revolving hands go round and round.

Call it Murphy's Law if you will, but suddenly to my absolute horror, loud angry and distinctive shouts can clearly be heard coming from the direction the boys had just left in. Shit. Cursing their stupid thick skulls not being careful enough under my breath, I jump to my feet pressing my back against the wall to stay out of sight as I shuffle forwards. All the while clipping the bow still lying on the ground where I had placed it, back onto my back with my quiver so that I now have both hands free to use the rifle.

Daring to peek out from behind the shed to risk a little glimpse of what is going on my heart sinks when I see the scene playing out in front of me. As not only are Ty and Sam struggling to hold their own against six armed guards close to the shed door, but they also seem to be on the receiving end a lot of kicks and punches, definitely taking more blows than they're inflicting in return and I can't help but wince.

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